SO RULES TEMPLATE – Instructions (rev. 10/20/15) old 2/21/15
Process for revising or taking an event from a Concept to a Pilot to a Trial to an Event
1. Review the Event History Chart and current list of events to determine if an event has already been tried
2. Committees, Supervisors and Regional or State organizations generate new conceptual ideas/events
3. Use the Rules Template below to format the event and headings
*Number of students, Eye Protection, Impound, Approximate Time
*Event Parameters & Safety Requirements
*The Competition
*Scoring Resources
4. Pilot the proposed event at an invitational, regional or state tournament
5. After successfully piloting, encourage other regional or state organizations to run the Pilot event
6. After successful trials in more than one or two other regions or states, recommend the event to the committee for the best placement of the Trial Event on one of the six Event Chart timelines
7. Committee Chair submits recommendation to the Board for consideration and approval
Rules are limited to TWO final pages using these specifications. Many events are limited to ONE page.
- First find the most recent Rule to edit.
- Un-bold recent text and bold new text.
- Follow the outline format below as closely as possible.
- Always use strikethrough for deletions. DO NOT Delete anything! (We do this afterwards.)
- Separate items so they can easily be identified by line number.
- Use increase indent or Tab to move to another level - a. or i.
- Use decrease indent or Delete to remove number or to revert to previous level.
- Do not add extra spaces (use single space)
- Do not add paragraph returns for EACH sentence (let computer wrap around) unless you want start a new “1.a.i.”
- Do not add numbers or letters (let computer add them using the format set below)
- Do not use spaces to adjust text, center text, create columns, or move text!
- This template uses the following settings: (you should not have to adjust if you use a current copy of the rules or use the template below.)
o Font -Times New Roman
o Font size - 12 pt
o left/right justified
o Line Spacing - Single
o Bullets and Outline - Numbering Format “1.a.i.” (Detailed directions for setting up the number formatting “1.a.i.” are on the last page, if needed.)
o Margins should be set at - Top: .7”, Bottom: .6”, Left: .6”, Right: .6”
If you are editing an Old Event or starting a New Event from scratch: Copy old rules or type new rules into the following Template
- Editing an Old Event
o select all info for each section
o copy and paste into the Template at the appropriate section
o delete blue written instructions
o start typing any changes following the instructions above (don’t forget to use strikethrough instead of Delete)
- Writing a New Event
o delete blue written instructions
o start typing
If you need help contact Gerard () or CeAnn ()
TITLE (date revised)
1. DESCRIPTION: One sentence describing the event.
A TEAM OF UP TO: (usually 2) EYE PROTECTION: (if required choose A, B or C or None see IMPOUND: Yes or No (if there is a device or items that require impound/collection) APPROXIMATE TIME: 50 minutes
2. EVENT PARAMETERS: (Hopefully in just one or two sentences a & b.)
a. What students must/may bring (Note: we all agreed: Use Must (for will and shall or should not) and use May (for can and could or should), note we have to be careful when using "must" because that risks DQs or ranked below if they don’t, if a penalty is not designated. As does the use of “students "may" bring only”, bringing anything elserisks DQs or ranked below if a penalty is not designated, especially if the item is "discovered" after the event starts and not confiscated before the start of the event. NOTE use of MUST applies to what students must bring, do NOT need to use MUST for every other paragraph. i.-iv best in one or two sentences
i. Resources allowed, if any, such as notes, tabs, & field guides
ii. Other materials allowed, e.g., Calculators, Pencils, tools, etc.
iii. Safety items, e.g., clothing, type of goggles now above unless other guidance is needed
b. What supervisors provide
3. CONSTRUCTION PARAMETERS: (Only for events that need Device specifications)
a. Parameters/guidelines for construction
b. Impound instructions (where applicable)
4. THE COMPETITION: (If all of 3 is deleted, this automatically becomes 3.)
a. How event will be administered
b. Content areas covered
c. Detailed description of sequence of the event (primarily construction type events)
i. Set up logistics
ii. Beginning and ending of timing
d. Other competition specific instructions
5. SAMPLE TASKS/STATIONS/QUESTIONS: A list of possible questions, tasks, stations and/or examples that will help to demonstrate how the event may be run.
a. How the event will be scored including formula if applicable
b. Penalties
c. Tiers if applicable
i. First Tier
ii. Second Tier
iii. Third Tier
d. Ties will be broken by what method (list more than one method). (Note: a scoring example is optional)
Recommended Resources: Place all on except SO store items and Sponsor
Note 1. If this is a new Event, list author’s name & email on the bottom of the page
Note 2. All National Science Education Standards are now placed on
Detailed Directions for setting up the SO Rules Outline Template/Format in Word
If you must recreate the template in Word follow this format:
Under Format > Bullets and Numbering > Outline Number >
> Click on the choice that is closest to 1.a.i.
> Click on Customize > make the following adjustments at each Level when incorrect
1. Level 1
a. Number Format 1.
b. Number Style 1,2,3…
c. Start at: 1
d. Number position left
e. Aligned at: 0”
f. Text position
i. Tab space after .2”
ii. Indent at .2”
2. Level 2
a. Number Format a.
b. Number Style a,b,c…
c. Start at: a
d. Number position left
e. Aligned at: .2”
f. Test position
i. Tab space after .4”
ii. Indent at .4”
3. Level 3
a. Number Format i.
b. Number Style i,ii,iii…
c. Start at: i
d. Number position left
e. Aligned at: .4”
f. Test position
i. Tab space after .6”
ii. Indent at .6”
4. Level 4
a. Number Format (1)
b. Number Style (1),(2),(3)…
c. Start at: (1)
d. Number position left
e. Aligned at: .6”
f. Test position
i. Tab space after .8”
ii. Indent at .8”