Bio A Chapter 1 Test review *


1.  What is the goal of science and the scientific method? To learn about the world around us

2.  Information gathered from observing a child grow over his elementary school years results in


3.  What is the difference between an inference and an observation?

An observation is based on senses only and an inference is an observation plus experience

4.  What is the difference between a theory and a hypothesis?

A hypothesis is an educated guess, and a theory is a hypothesis that has been tested many times.

5. You suggest that the presence of light could accelerate the growth a potato. This is a(an) hypothesis

6. Why do we use a control group or a controlled experiment? To show the variable we are testing for, not other variables that may affect our experiment.

7. Hypotheses may arise from__logical inferences, prior knowledge, creative imagination_

8. In science, a hypothesis must follow the following criteria:

(is useful only if) it can be tested and it can be proven incorrect

9. What is considered science: testing, hypothesizing, conducting experiments, all of the above.

10. In Redi’s experiment on spontaneous generation, what was his controlled variable

everything except the gauze covering

11. A controlled experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test one/more than one variable (circle one)

12.  The ability to ______repeat______the same results is an important part of any experiment.

13.  Biology is the study of____the living world______

14.  Which characteristic(s) of living things best explains why leaves fall off trees in the autumn?

Living things respond to their environment

15. What is the “biosphere”?

the land, water and air on earth

16. The following safety procedures are important

a. safety goggles when working with chemicals or flames

b. hair tied back when working with flames

c. fire extinguishers available.

d. all of the above, in all science labs

20.  Information gathered from observing a potato that grows 3 cm over a two-week period results in ______data_.If using numbers, it is quantitative, if using qualities or descriptions, it is qualitative

21. Which of the following is NOT a way that scientists generate hypotheses? (please circle)

a. / using informed, creative imagination
b. / using logical inference
c. / using prior knowledge
d. / using a feeling about what should occur

22. Describing the colors on a rainbow trout’s back would be an example of what type of data?

a. / quantitative / c. / qualitative
b. / control / d. / variable

23. What is the difference between responding and manipulated variables and where are they on a graph?

Responding responds to the manipulated variable, manipulated is changed deliberately by the scientist, Indep on X axis, Responding on Y axis.

24. Is “The butterfly is a monarch” is an example of an inference or just an observation?____inference______

25. There were 16 spots of mold on the bread is an example of _quantitative_data.

26. In using a microscope, you find that the onion cell’s nucleus is brown. What kind of data is this?


27. What is the metric system? Why is it used in Science? An international system of measurement that uses powers of ten

28. What is bioethics and why is it controversial? (p. 22) ethics of matters about living things, based on peoples feelings and opinions

29. Please describe the control in the following experiment:

You and your lab group set up two slices of bread on petri dishes and give each 12 mL of water. One Petri dish you put in the dark, and one you put on the lab table. You monitor them for ten days and count the number of mold spots on them

It is the one treated with everything except for what you are testing for (light or dark). It is the one on lab table.

30. What is the independent variable in this experiment? (See #29) darkness

31. What is the responding variable? (See #29) whether mold grows

32. How is metabolism different from homeostasis? Metabolism is an organisms chemical reactions, homeostasis, is an organisms ability to maintain a somewhat consistent internal conditions