DMO financial summary

The total net resourcing available to the DMO in 2014–15, as published in the Portfolio Budget Statements 2015–16, was $12,890m. This comprised:

  • payment from Defence: $11,712.2millon
  • special account opening balance: $297.1million
  • appropriation receipts: $879.7million
  • non-appropriation receipts: $0.9million.

During the course of a financial year, the DMO budget may vary for a number of reasons, such as changes in demand by Defence, foreign exchange fluctuations or reprogramming of cash flow to meet contractual obligations.

Table 6.1 reflects the financial resource position taking all of these factors into consideration as at 30 June 2015. Reported appropriation revenue in the financial statements is $879.6million. The 2014–15 total actual resourcing was higher than the estimate above largely due to an increase in non-appropriation receipts of $338.3millionand appropriation receipts from other agencies (Defence) of $159.4million. This is offset by a prior period adjustment decreasing the opening balance of the special account by $55.3million, resulting in total resourcing of $13,332.2million.

The DMO made payments of $13,116.0million in 2014–15, resulting in a special account closing balance of $216.2million as at 30 June 2015. The special account balance remains within the Official Public Account, providing the flexibility to meet cash flow requirements across financial years to align with capability delivery across DMO programmes.

Special accounts

The Defence Materiel Special Account is the main operating account from which most business activities are conducted.

All sources of revenue, including direct appropriation, related party appropriation (revenue from Defence) and other non-appropriation sources of revenue are recorded in the special account. These amounts remain in the special account even if not fully used in the budget year. They are held as an appropriation receivable in the Official Public Account and are available to meet future expenditure requirements and liabilities when they fall due.

Web table 6.1 Actual special accountscash flows and balances

Operating performance

The DMO budgeted for a break-even result in the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2014–15. This reflects the model under which the DMO is funded for the activity it performs.

Web table 6.2Statement of Comprehensive Income for the period ended 30 June 2015

Explanations for major variations—income statement

The DMO achieved an operating surplus of $83million. This is less than 0.7percent of total budgeted expenses. The main reasons for this surplus were lower than budgeted civilian workforce numbers and lower than expected per capita costs.

Financial position

Web table 6.3 Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2015

Explanation for major variations—balance sheet

The variations between the revised budget and the actual result for 2014–15 in the balance sheet mainly reflect:

  • anincrease in assets of $1,371 million, mainly representing anincrease in other non-financial assets
  • a increase in liabilities of $1,235million, mainly representing a increase in unearned income
  • an increase in equity representing the operating surplus.

Cash flow

Web table 6.4 Cash Flow Statement for the period ended 30 June 2015

The variations in the cash flow statement are consistent with the variations in the income statement and balance sheet. As at 30 June 2015, the DMO had a cash-at-bank balance of $32.6million.

Administered schedules

Web table 6.5 Income and expenses administered on behalf of the Government for the period ended 30 June 2015

Web table 6.6 Assets and liabilities administered on behalf of the Government as at 30 June 2015

Web table 6.7 Administered cash flows for the period ended 30 June 2015