Advanced Placement Calculus AB Syllabus

St.FrancisHigh School

Instructor: Mr. King

Contact Information

Phone: 414-747-3665



Course Description

This course covers all topics included in the Calculus AB topic outline as it appears in the AP® Calculus Course Description, including limits and continuity, derivatives, applications of derivatives, integration, applications of integration, integration by parts, differential equations, Newton’s method, and L’Hôpital’s Rule. Additional calculus topics will be introduced after the AP Exam.

The objective of this course is to give students the understanding of calculus concepts, related mathematical skills and appropriate technology necessary for success on the Advanced Placement Exam and in subsequent college mathematics courses.


Calculus – Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic - 3rd Edition, by Finney, Demand, Waits, Kennedy


TI-89 – Handed out like a textbook to all students. Must be returned at end of year in good working condition. Student supplies 4-AA batteries and replaces as needed.

Course/Unit Outline


Chapters 2-5: Limits, Derivatives, Applications of Derivatives, Definite Integrals

3rd Quarter

Chapters 6-8: Differential Equations, Applications of Definite Integrals, Sequences, L’Hôpital’s Rule

4th Quarter

AP Exam Review, AP Exam, Advanced AP topics – Infinite Series, Vectors, Polar Functions.

AP Exam AB Exam Format

  • Exam is Thursday, May 5 2016. The cost of the Exam is $92. If you take the AP Exam, then you are automatically exempt from the 2nd semester exam. *There are no other exam exemptions allowed - that includes first semester.


  • Part A (no Calculator) – 28 questions in 55 minutes
  • Part B (Calculator) – 17 questions in 50 minutes


  • Part A (Calculator) – 2 problems in 30 minutes
  • Part B(no Calculator) – 4 problems in 60 minutes

General Expectations

Students enrolled in classes at St. Francis High School are expected to:

Come to class on time and prepared to engage in the learning process

Complete all assignments to the best of their ability

Treat everyone with dignity and respect at all times

Ask for help or clarification when needed

*All other rules and regulations noted in the SFHS Student Agenda apply.

Required Materials and Supplies

  • LARGE Notebook and folder OR 3-ring binder
  • Textbook – bring daily
  • Your Agenda – you will not be allowed to leave class without it
  • Pencils – you MUST do math in pencil


Homework is NOT graded. It is expected for you to do homework. This is an advanced class and daily homework completion is important to practice what we do in class.

Grading Scale

  • Tests - 100 points at end of every unit.
  • Quizzes –50 points. Typically at the end of each week, but day can be changed to fit curriculum. Will be announced.
  • Problem Sets consist of sample AP questions –these are graded. The points determined by size of assignment.
  • Semester Exam - 20% of semester grade
  • Total points you earn are divided by the total points possible for the quarter.
  • Grading scale as defined by St. Francis High School.

Semester Grade Weight

1st Quarter, 40% / 2nd Quarter,40% / Semester Exam, 20%

Late Work Policy

  • You are expected to do all assigned work, do it to the best of your ability, and do it ontime.
  • Homework is due the day following the day it is assigned, unless otherwise indicated.
  • All tests and quizzes must be made up within three (3) days of returning from anabsence.
  • Problem Set due dates will be given when handed out. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Absence & Tardiness Policy

(Refer to the your Student Agenda for more information)

Generally, if you are absent (not truant), on the day an assignment is given, you will have one extra day to complete the assignment. If you are absent the day an assignment isdue, you will turn in the assignment the day you return.

NOTE: When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed andwhat you need to make up that work. This includes getting handouts, copying notes froma classmate, and rescheduling tests and quizzes.

Extra Credit

There are minimal extra credit opportunities offeredthroughout the year.

Other Expectations

  • Vulgar and inappropriate language and behavior will not be tolerated.
  • ALWAYS ask for help during class when needed - this is expected and encouraged - All questions are good questions.
  • Locker use during classtime is prohibited.
  • Bathroom pass can only be used in an EMERGENCY.
  • Plagiarism of assignments will be dealt with appropriately.

Mr. King’s Schedule - Sem 1

1st - Cisco Networking Academy 1 (Cisco 1) & Cisco Networking Academy 2 (Cisco 2)

2nd - AP Computer Science A & Advanced Topics in Computer Science

3rd– Intro Computer Science



5th -Intro Computer Science

6th–AP Calculus

7th - PREP

Mr. King’s Schedule - Sem 2

1st - Cisco Networking Academy 1 (Cisco 1) & Cisco Networking Academy 2 (Cisco 2)

2nd - AP Computer Science A & Advanced Topics in Computer Science


4th–AP Calculus

5th - Pre-Calculus


6th–Intro Computer Science

7th - Intro Computer Science