Friday Folder Letter

Dear Parents/Guardian,April 4, 2014

Tuesday was an exciting day in language arts. We received our Holocaust reading novels. We began reading feverishly that very day. On Wednesday, our much anticipated book club rotations began in a successful fashion. Students have been working as a group, participating in two of four different rotations each day. The rotations revolve around reading with lenses, vocabulary work, non-fiction comprehension, and book discussions. Three days in, the students have shown themselves to be deeply involved and dedicated to the tasks they need to complete.

Since students need extra practice with locating simple subjects and simple predicates in a sentence and identifying simple and compound sentences, the grammar quiz has been postponed until after break. This will allow students time to continue to practice these concepts.

The students tested out something new this week in science. As a way of reviewing for their upcoming adaptations quiz, each student developed a revision slideshow. The students were given a study guide and asked to create a presentation that would help others (and themselves) study for the upcoming quiz. It was fun to watch them apply their own creative ideas to help present the information we have covered in the past three weeks.

The students have been active participants during our unit onslavery. The students are asking great questions while

learning about the dilemmas faced by Africans during enslavement: trading slaves for guns, surviving the Middle

Passage, and living as a slave in the colonies. Next week, we will be reading historical fiction picture books to gather more

information on this topic.The quiz will be taken before break. The students received a study guide today. Please be aware that we have not discussed everything that is on the review. I wanted all students the opportunity to begin studying what was discussed in class.

I was impressed when each student became the teacher and created a review along with an answer key for a classmate to complete. We started our unit on Measurement and Data today. The students learned about what the difference is between a bar graph and a circle graph. There are great, safe sites that are listed on our district to practice basic facts.

Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at and .


Important Papers Sent Home / Upcoming Events
* Chocolate Milk Essay Unit
* Map Project Rubric
* Billboard Rubric / 4/7 Adaptations Quiz (Blampey)
4/10 Slavery Quiz (Blampey)
4/11 Slavery Quiz (Casal)
Graphing Quiz
3rd Marking Period Ends
4/14 School is Open
4th Marking Period Begins
4/15 - 4/20 Spring Break
4/21 School is Open
4/24 Team Meeting

Mrs. Casal and Mr. Blampey

Coming Up