Guide and application form

For use in Northern Ireland

Completing this form

Before you send us your application form make sure you have:

  • completed the eligibility checklist tool on our website
  • answered every question
  • read your application through
  • attached a copy of a recent bank statement. This should be for the account you want us to pay your grant in to, which must be in the name of your organisation and must also show your sort code and account number, and
  • sign the form in the Declaration and signatories section.

Email your completed formand bank statement to tting the name of your organisation from question 1 into the email subject line.

If you can’t email your signed application, please post it to:

Big Lottery Fund

1 Cromac Quay

Ormeau Road



Make sure you keep a copy of your application form as you may need to refer to it again if we award you a grant.

If you want to find out more get in touch with our Outreach team on 028 9055 1455 or check out the website at



The aim of this programme is to:

  • Celebrate your community through bringing people together

To achieve this we want you to work with local people in your area to deliver a project that celebrates local or national events, people or places that are meaningful to your community. By project we mean the event or activities that you intend to run. To encourage as many people to come together as possible the project needs to be open and accessible to all the community. You can find examples of thetypesof projects we will fundon our web page

To help you deliver a successful project, and for us to achieve our aim of bringing communities together, we want to fund projects that are:

People led - which means the people within your communitywill be meaningfully involved in the development, design and delivery of the project.


You can apply to Celebrate if you are a voluntary and community organisation, a school ora statutory organisation that has a UK bank or building society account in the name of your organisation and produces appropriate financial reports.You should only be completing this form if you've read the Key information for applicantsand completed the Eligibility checklist on our web page

What can we spend the money on?

We’ll pay for:

  • Project costs of between £500 and £5,000 for projects lasting up to one year.

There are some things that we can’t pay for, for example, items or activities you have already paid for before you get a decision, activities outside the UK, certain items which only benefit an individual, alcohol, second hand vehicles and general running costs including repairs and maintenance. We also can’t pay for projects better suited to other lottery funders. Take a look at our Key information for applicantsand check with us if you’re unsure.

How do you make your decision?

Celebrate is a competitive programme and we expect to receive more applications than we are able to fund. We will look at:

  • how the project will bring people in the community together to celebrate
  • how you areable todemonstrate it is people led and it is something your community wants.

We will give higherpriority to applicationsfrom:

  • organisations with a low income.

Celebrate opened for applications on 6 July 2016 and the deadline for applications is noon, Friday 21 October 2016. Applications will be assessed and awarded on a first come, first served basis.

We will usually tell you our decision no more than eight weeksafter receiving your application. We may contact you to discuss your project if we need more information.

What happens if you fund my project?

We may ask to see receipts, photos and records of expenditure to check you’ve spent the grant as described in the application, so make sure you keep hold of them. We may also call you or visitto see how the project's progressing.If there are any changes to the project, the people responsible for the grant or your organisation, please let us know as soon as possible by giving us a call on 028 9055 1455.

Once you have completed your project you may find you have some funding left over. Please call us to discuss next steps.

Your organisation and contact details

This section must be completed in full.
1. What is the full legal name of your organisation, as shown on your governing document?
2. What is the main or registered address for your organisation?

Enter your organisation’s address including full postcode.

Organisation website (if applicable)
Twitter address (if applicable)
Facebook address (if applicable)

3. What type of organisation are you?

Select the most appropriate option and give any reference numbers you have.

Organisation type / Tick as required / Reference number
Statutory organisation
Charity registered with the appropriate charity regulator
Company registered with Companies House
Recognised by HM Revenue and Customs in Northern Ireland as charitable for tax purposes
Unregistered community organisation/club/society
Other (please specify)

4. What was your organisation’s income in the last financial year?

If it’s a new organisationwrite £0

5. What does your organisation do?

Tell us what your organisation does including when it was established and the type of activities delivered.

Write up to 50 words.

Your contacts

We need the date of birth and home address for all of your contacts. This includes a previous address if they’ve not lived at their current address for three years.
We use this to carry out some basic identity checks as part of our standard fraud prevention process, so please check that the information provided is correct. All organisations, including schools and statutory organisations, need to provide this.
Our identity check may appear on a credit report, but it’s not a credit check and can only be seen by the person we’re checking, so their credit rating won’t be affected. You can find out more in our Guide to risk analysis, available at

6. Main contact

Who should we contact if we have questions about your application?
They must be someone who is involved withyour organisation.
Title / Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss
Date of birth
/ Day / Month / Year
Job title or position
Main contact home address and full postcode
Have they lived at this address for the last three years?
Yes / No - you must give previous home address
Main contact previous home address and full postcode
Contact telephone number
Email (for correspondence)
If they have any particular communication needs, tell us what they are
What address should we use for any correspondence?
Write ‘organisation’ if this is the same as the organisation’s registered address in question 2.

7. Legally responsible contact

Who in your organisation will be legally responsible for the funding?
The contact must be over 18 years old and can’t be the same person as themain contact.
  • For companies this should be a director or the company secretary.
  • For all other types of organisations this should be the chair, vice chair or treasurer.
  • For schools this should be the Principal, Vice Principal or Chair of the Board of Governors
They must sign the declaration at the end of this form.
Title / Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss
Date of birth
/ Day / Month / Year
Position in organisation
Legally responsible contact home address and full postcode
Have they lived at this address for the last three years?
Yes / No - you must give previous home address
Legally responsible contact previous home address and full postcode
Contact telephone number
Email (for correspondence)
If they have any particular communication needs, tell us what they are

Your project

8. What would you like to call your project?

Give your project a short title, something we can use in publicity if you are successful.

Write up to 70 characters (including spaces).

9. When are you planning to start and finish your project?

Your start date should be at least eight weeks after the date you send us your application.

Start date
Finish date

10. Project summary
Tell us what your project will do, including where it will take place, who will benefit from itand how it will bring people together.

Write up to 500 words

11. Tell us how your project isPeople led
Explain how you've involved people from your community in identifying what to celebrate and the development and design of the project.

Write up to 500 words

12. How much funding do you want from us?

  • Check which costs you can apply for in Key information for applicants
  • Be as detailed as you can, using clear headings followed by a short description (for example: ‘Furniture – 5 tables and 30 chairs’).

Item or activity / How much do you need from Celebrate?
Total / £

13. Who will benefit from your project?

Your answers help us understand who benefits from our funding but we don’t use them to decide if we will fund your project.

Is your activity targeted at a specific group of people?YesNo

  • If yes, please provide further details below about who your activity is targeted at
  • If no, you don’t need to complete the rest of section 13

Will your activity be targeted at people with a disability?YesNo

Will your activity be targeted at people identifying as Lesbian or Gay or Bisexual?

Yes No

If your activity is targeted at people from a particular ethnic background? Please tell us which:

Scottish/English/Welsh/Northern Irish/UK
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other white background / Asian, Asian UK
Any other Asian background
Black/African/ Caribbean/ Black UK
Any other Black/African/Caribbean background / Other ethnic group
Any other
Mixed/Multiple ethnic background (people whose parents are of a different ethnic background to each other)
If your activity targets people of a particular gender please indicate which:
Will your activity target people identifying with a gender differing to that assigned at birth?
If your activity targets people from a particular age group please indicate which of the following:
0-5 years
6-12 years / 13-25 years
26-64 years / 65+ years
If your activity targets people of a particular religion or belief please indicate which:
Buddhist Christian / Hindu Jewish / Muslim No religion / Sikh Other

14. Which community do the people who will benefit from your project belong to?

Both Catholic and Protestant

Mainly Catholic (more than 60 per cent)

Mainly Protestant (more than 60 per cent)

Neither Catholic nor Protestant

Grant agreement

Terms and conditions definitions:

We”, “us”, “our” –means the organisation awarded the grant

“You” or “your” – means the Big Lottery Fund

“Grant” – the money awarded to us to fulfil the project purpose agreed with you

“Vulnerable People” or “Vulnerable Person” – means children, young people, vulnerable adults

1. Terms and conditions of Grant

  1. By accepting the Grant we agree to:

a)hold the Grant on trust and spend it to fulfil the project purpose agreed with you;

b)provide you with the information that you require about the progress of our project and its impact;

c)Provide you with evidence of expenditure such as original receipts and bank statements and keep accurate and comprehensive records relating to our project for a term of 7 years from the end of the project;

d)where necessary allow reasonable access to the premises our Grant records are held to you or the Comptroller and Auditor General;

e)acknowledge Lottery funding using the common lottery branding in the manner set out in your guidelines;

f)return any part of the Grant that is not used for our project or constitutes unlawful state aid;

g)have an appropriate written policy in place to safeguard Vulnerable People and obtain written agreement from the legal carer or guardian to work with them. We will carry out background checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service of all employees, volunteers, trustees or contractors who will have significant direct contact with Vulnerable People;

h)meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and obtain the consent of beneficiaries for us and you to receive their personal information and contact them; and

i)you publicising and sharing information about our project and grant you a royalty free licence to reproduce the project information we supply to you;

  1. You may terminate the Grant or demand repayment of all or any of the Grant if we:

a)have or are likely to enter into administration, liquidation, receivership or dissolution;

b)provide you with false or misleading information or act dishonestly;

c)fail to comply with one or more of the terms and conditions outlined in 1 above, or in your view we are unlikely to fulfil the purpose for which the Grant was made or there is a change of purposes to the one originally intended; and

d)we are under investigation by another regulatory body or you consider public funds are at risk;

  1. We acknowledge:

a)This Grant is for our use only and we accept you have no liability for any consequences that may arise either directly or indirectly from the project to us or third parties save to the extent required by law;

b)You will not increase the Grant if we spend more than the agreed budget and you can only guarantee the Grant as long as funds from the National Lottery are available and you continue to operate;

c)The terms and conditions shall remain in force for one year following the payment of the Grant or until the project has been completed, whichever is earlier. Clauses 1. c), d), e), i) 2 and 3. c) shall survive the expiration of these terms and conditions;

d)You may require us to pay you a share of the proceeds from the disposal of assets (including their transfer to the private sector) purchased or enhanced with lottery funding; and

e)You may vary the terms and conditions of grant by written agreement with us.

Declaration and signatories

Tick the boxes to confirm you agree that:
This application has been authorised by the governing body of your organisation (the board or committee that runs your organisation),you are authorised on behalf of your organisation to accept a grant offer and that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions contained in this application form.
We can use the information you have provided for the purposes described under our Data protection policy.
If information about this application is requested under the Freedom of Information Act we will release it in line with our Freedom of Information policy.
You have sent us a copy of a recent bank statement for the account you want us to pay your grant into.
You will retain records relating to your project for 7 years from the end of the project and will provide evidence of expenditure such as original receipts, if requested.
Please note: If you provide false or inaccurate information in your application or at any point in the life of any funding we award you and fraud is identified, we will provide details to fraud prevention agencies to prevent fraud and money laundering. If you are a company this will include the names of the Company Directors at the time of the fraud. You must undertake to inform all Directors, Trustees and Committee members of this notice.
You can obtain further details explaining how the information held by fraud prevention agencies may be used from Customer Services, by emailing or by telephoning our advice line on 028 9055 1455 or by writing to: Customer Services, Big Lottery Fund, 2 St James’ Gate, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4BE.

Make sure you’ve answered all of the questions in the form before sending it to us. If your application is incomplete we’ll need to get in touch with you and it will take longer to process.

Legally responsible contact
This must be the person named in question 7 / Company contact (for companies only)
This must be a company director or the company secretary and different to the legally responsible contact named in question 7
Position in organisation


If you are planning to email us your application, please make sure that all signatures are scanned copies of real signatures. You can either insert a scanned copy or a photograph of your signature into the signatory box. We can’t accept a typed name.
Signed / Legally responsible contact signature: / Company contact signature: