Learning through Evaluation

with Accountability and Planning

National Office Review tool for the LEAP

Programme management report

Version 3

Programme Information
National Office
Programme name
Programme number
Start date of programme
Reporting Period
Support Office name

1Review of programme report

1.1Does the report use the latest LEAP templates, or correct donor templates?

/ Yes / No

1.2Is the report complete  have all sections been filled in with adequate information?

/ Yes / No

1.3Are the goals, outcomes, outputs and activities consistent with the latest approved programme design?

/ Yes / No

1.4Programme progress:

How well does the report show progress made towards the programme goal during the reporting period.
Are there any issues of programme progress that need to be followed up?
For mid-year and annual reports:
  • Is there a clear indication of how the programme is contributing towards improved child well-being during this reporting period?
  • Is there evidence that girls & boys are contributing to decisions and taking action on issues that affect their lives.
  • Is there a clear explanation of how the project outputs achieved during this period have helped the programme to progress towards its goal?
For annual reports only, these factors are not included in mid-year reports:
  • Does the report contain a clear illustration or example of how the programme is progressing towards its goal?
  • Is there clear evidence that the programme is focusing on the most vulnerable communities and children?
  • Is there clear evidence that the programme is working effectively with partners?

1.5Reflection and Learning (annual and mid-year):

How well does the report show that the programme is learning from its experience?
Are there any issues arising from programme learning that need to be followed up?
  • Are lessons and issues documented and used to improve programme performance
  • Is there evidence of innovation
  • Are communities and partners involved in learning
/ Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
A.Comments and suggestions on Section 1 from reviewer:
B.Actionsagreed to close this set of comments
(these must be negotiated and agreed between the programme and the reviewer):

2Review of project reports

Please complete one review for each project in the programme.
Copy and paste this table for each project.
Project Profile:
Project Name:
Project Number:

2.1Project Progress:

How well does the report describe progress that is being made towards achieving the project goal?
  • Is the report consistent with the outcomes and outputs stated in the agreed logframe?
  • Are standardised indicators being used?
  • Are baseline values entered into the ITT?
  • How well does the report link the achievement of project outputs to the achievement of project outcomes and goals?
  • How well is the project progressing towards the output and outcome targets in the ITT?
  • Are variances in performance clearly and accurately identified and described?
/ Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.

2.2Sustainability (annual only)

  • Is there clear evidence that the project is improving the sustainability of outcomes?
  • Is there evidence that the local community, partners and other stakeholders are actively participating in the planning, implementation and monitoring of the project?
  • Is the project strengthening community and local stakeholders capacity to engage in advocacy with government and other duty bearers?
/ Click to rate.

2.3Financial report:

Please review the logframe financial report and give any comments in the box below.
  • Is the financial report consistent with the ITT and narrative report
  • Is the budget amount mentioned in the financial report consistent with the national office approved revised current year budget?
  • Is the variance explanation clear and
  • Are all variances over 10% identified and adequately explained
  • If there are any major financial issues, are these adequately explained and has a follow-up action plan been put in place to address this?
/ Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
Click to rate.
A.Comments and suggestions on Section 2 from reviewer:
C.Actionsagreed to close this set of comments
(these must be negotiated and agreed between the programme and the reviewer):

Review tool for the LEAP programme management reportpage 1