Etiquette for Technology

Cell Phones

Almost everyone has a cell phone and during today’s times, it’s almost impossible to go without one. However, during the school hours, the cell phones have to be put aside and school must be our focus. In order to attain this, there are some rules that should be followed.

The rules are:

·  Do not come into class while you are talking on the cell phone.

·  Phone calls must be complete before entering the classroom.

·  No text messaging during class.

·  Cell phones must be turned off during class.

·  Cell phones must be put away during class.

·  If I see or hear a cell phone, I will take the phone until the end of the period.

Internet (Net-etiquette)

Throughout the class, there will be assignments and projects that will require you to use the Internet. The Internet allows access to huge amounts of good information as well as bad information. In order to engage in proper use of the Internet and to steer clear of bad information, several rules need to be taken into consideration.

The rules are:

·  Only use the Internet when the time is allotted.

·  Do not give out personal information.

·  Use the internet for educational use only.

·  Use your password and log-in only.

·  Log off each time you use the computer.

·  Do not chat online.

·  Do not visit My space and related sites during work time.


This is a wonderful way to communicate, but can also take up a lot of study time. In order to ensure proper use of time and e-mail, the following rules should be followed.

The rules are:

·  E-mail should not be used during work time.

·  If you need to use e-mail for an assignment or project, let the teacher know.

·  If e-mail is required for a project, the teacher will allow it during the time it is assigned.

·  Read e-mail before you send it.

·  Double check who you are sending the email to.

Audio/Video/DVD Equipment

These different pieces of equipment may enhance the classroom and provide a better learning environment. However, just as with all technology equipment, it must be used in an efficient and proper manner.

The rules are:

·  Most equipment will be located in the classroom.

·  If the equipment is not in the classroom, the teacher will assign someone to go get it if needed.

·  Equipment should not be used without teacher supervision.

·  All equipment should be turned off and unplugged after use.

·  All equipment should be taken back to its “home” location.