The Catholic Church has been threatened with an influx of new Scientific Ideas

The Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Discovery have eroded the influence of the church

The ideas of the Bible are under attack by these radical new Scientists

The Church is dedicated to fighting these rebellious ideas, persecuting these heretics, and preserving the idea of a GEOCENTRIC UNIVERSE

Meanwhile, the Catholic Church has placed Galileo on trial for disproving the geocentric theory Scientific Rebels are trying to rescue Galileo from a death sentence

In addition, the other members of the Scientific Community are being put on trial as well

Armed with the idea of HELIOCENTRIC UNIVERSE and other theories, each Scientist must defend themselves or face death and excommunication.


Working in your small groups, students will be assigned one of the 3 roles and responsibilities. Students will be graded on their fulfillment of responsibilities and performance. (40 point grade)


-Hear and Summarize both arguments

-Create 2 questions that you will ask each witness

-Rule on the winner of debate and explain your justification

-Remember your are impartial - only follow the facts

-Catholic Church Prosecutor

-Research your opposing scientist to learn about their achievements

-Learn about the Church’s point of view and use it to attack the scientist

-Create an opening statement during your presentation to the judge

-Create questions to ask your scientist to discredit them

-Scientist of the Scientific Revolution (Galileo, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Francis Bacon, Rene Descartes, Robert Boyle, Isaac Newton)

-Research the contributions for your assigned scientists (inventions, theories, etc.)

-Research how the Catholic Church might try to attack you and your ideas

-Create an opening statement that will be presented to the judge

-Prepare to be grilled by the church and defend yourself

Each group will contain a judge, church official and scientist. Groups will take turns presenting the arguments and judges will rule on them. Everyone in the group will submit research notes to Mr. T following your debate (Put them in your history folder in drive labeled “Trial Research”) Look at this as a competition against your classmates. This will happen until all groups have gone. As debates are going on students will fill out graphic organizer on Scientists and impact.

Day 1 - Introduce Project, Assign Roles, Begin Research

Day 2 - Continue research and complete your job

-Judge - Construct 2 questions to ask scientist and and church

-Catholic Church - Create opening statements and questions

-Scientist - Create opening statement, Prepare to defend yourself


Period 4 - Groups and Roles

Judge / Scientist / Church Official
Angela / Doug (Galileo) / Raaed
Dani / Kurt (Copernicus) and Shrey (Kepler) / Shailee and Blake
Julie / Alex (Bacon) and Grant (Descartes) / Ilana
Jess B / Oscar (Newton) and Brynn (Boyle) / Sinduja and Brittany

Period 6 - Groups

Judge / Scientist / Church Official
Skyler / Hendrik (Galileo) / Sang and Erica
Alyssa / Addie (Copernicus) / Rodna
Sean / Noah (Kepler) / Verina
Jess M / Carly (Bacon) and Mia (Descartes) / Celia and Josh
Emma / Zain (Newton) / Sai
Lindsay / Lexi (Boyle) / Jackie