Site - Workplace inspection checklist

Workplace inspections should be conducted by a team including the area manager/supervisor and a member of staff. A safety representative for the work group should be included where practicable.

/ Area inspected / Division / Branch / Date of inspection
Person leading inspection / Contact number / Other team members
1. HOUSEKEEPING / - Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
1.1 Amenities (toilets/ change rooms) are clean and provide adequate soap and hand drying facilities?
1.2 Floors are clean, clear and not slippery?
1.3 Meal/ break rooms or kitchen and all facilities are clean and working?
1.4 Fresh drinking water is available?
1.5 Floor coverings are free from slip/trip hazards?
1.6Air conditioning and heatingis adequate?
1.7 Noise levels are kept at an acceptable level for the workplace and tasks?
1.8 Bins are emptied on a regular basis?
1.9 Safety signs are adequate and used appropriately?
1.10 Electrical leads and network cables are kept neatly off the floor?
1.11 Cabinet tops are free from clutter and heavy items?
1.12 Filing cabinets/ desk drawers are closed when not in use?
1.13 Desk chairs and furniture are in good condition, undamaged and kept out of pathways through the office?
1.14 Workers can get close to the workstation without impediment?
1.15 Work surfaces (desks and benches) are set to an appropriate height?
2. LIGHTING / - Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
2.1 Lighting is adequate in work areas?
2.2 Emergency lighting system is available and has been checked?
2.3 Lights are working and in good working order repair (not flickering)?
2.4 Glare and reflection is controlled to acceptable levels?
3.ELECTRICAL / - Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
3.1 Plugs, sockets, switches and leads in good condition and not overloaded?
3.2 All electrical appliances (Heaters, fans, lamps) are approved for use and in good working condition?
3.3 Electrical equipment is tagged and tested where required?
3.4 Electrical equipment is kept away from water or chemicals?
3.5 Electrical leads are protected from damage from plant or equipment with moving parts?
3.6 Temporary/makeshift leads, adaptors or power boards are not being used and piggybacking of appliance is not occurring?
3.7LOTO (Lock out/ tag out (LOTO) procedures are in place for faulty and service work on electrical equipment?
3.8 Portable power tools are in good condition?
3.9 Inspection and service records are kept relating to all inspections carried out on for electrical equipment as required?
3.10 No frayed, damaged or strained leads?
3.11 Portable Residual Current Devices’s (RCD) are tested monthly?
4. STAIRS, STEPS, LANDING AND WALKWAYS / - Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
4.1 Adequate lighting?
4.2 Access, egress and pathways are clear of obstructions?
4.3 Handrails are in good condition?
4.4 Footpaths in good condition (Without cracks, dips, holes)?
4.5Stairs and anti-slip plates/ tread/ tactile/ paint is in good condition (secure, not worn or broken)?
4.6Floor ramps are secure and highlighted?
4.7 Restricted areas are enclosed/barricaded and sign posted to prevent public access?
5. EMERGENCY PROCESSES AND CONTROLS / -Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
5.1 Emergency exits and equipment is unobstructed?
5.2 Emergency exits are clear, functional and clearly marked by illuminated emergency exit signs?
5.3 Emergency Control Organisation personnel contact details are clearly displayed (Wardens, First Aid Officers)?
5.4 Evacuation plansare clearly displayed around the work area?
5.5Noise is kept to a level that does not interfere with emergency signals?
5.6 Emergency exit doors are closed but not locked and able to be opened from the inside?
5.7 Evacuation assembly points are designated and communicated (Evacuation plans)?
5.8 Fire control panels are serviced monthly and not displaying errors?
5.9An emergency drill has been coordinated within the previous 12 months?
5.10 First aid officers and facilities (First aid kits/ rooms) are available and accessible?
5.11 First aid kits and rooms are clean and properly stocked?
5.12 First aid registers are kept and up to date?
5.13 Safety showers and eye wash facilities are available and functional?
5.14 Fire equipment is serviced and tagged every 6 months?
5.15Extinguishers are available for the potential hazards in the area?
5.16Extinguishers are free of obstructions, immediately identifiable and available for potential fires in the area ?
5.17 Overhead sprinklers/ detectors are clear of obstructions?
6. HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS & SUBSTANCES / - Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
6.1 All hazardous chemicals are clearly labelled?
6.2 All hazardous chemicals are stored correctly(containment, security separation and segregation)?
6.3 Emergency/first aid/ spill response equipment is readily available?(Emergency shower, eyewash, extinguishers, spill kits)
6.4 Asbestos and Asbestos Containing Material(ACM) is clearly labelled and in good condition?
6.5 An asbestos register is available on site?
6.6 A Hazardous Chemical Manifest or Hazardous Chemical Register is current, readily available and accessible? (ChemAlert)
6.7 Gas cylindersare stored correctly(inspected, labelled, upright, restrained, valves protected, impact protected, away from direct sunlight, away from entry points into buildings, clearly sign posted, segregated, separated)?
6.8 Store areas are security restricted?
6.9Toxics and scheduled poisons are kept in locked storage cabinets?
6.10 Current (≤5 years) Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are readily available and accessiblefor all hazardous chemicals used, handled and stored?
6.11 Placarding and safety signage is visiblewhere required?
6.12 Risk assessments are completed for all work involving hazardous chemicals?
6.13 Bunding is in place for the storage and decanting of hazardous chemicals?
6.14 Workers are trained in the safe use, handling, movement, storage, disposaland response to hazardous chemicals?
6.15 Emergency procedures and spill response plans are developed for chemical emergencies?
6.16 Unused or out of date products are disposed of in an approved and timely manner?
6.17 Storage areas have adequate ventilation?
6.18 Appropriate PPE is fit for purpose, compatible, fit for worker, available and accessible in the workplace?
6.19 Normal waste bins are free of hazardous materials?
7. MANUAL HANDLING / -Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
7.1 Heavy or frequently used items are stored at waist height?
7.2 Mechanical aids are adequate, operable, available and accessible for current needs?
7.3 Storage areas are ventilated?
7.4 Staff are trained to undertake manual handling tasks associated with their work?
7.5 There is adequate space for use of appropriate manual handling techniques or mechanical aids?
7.6 Mechanical aids are labelled with load ratings?
7.7 There are guards on mechanical equipment as required?
8. PLANT & EQUIPMENT / -Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
8.1 Unsafe plant and equipment is isolated?
8.2All plant and equipment is safe for the intended task?
8.3 Attachments are compatible with plant and equipment?
8.4 Safe Work Methods Statement (SWMS) or procedures are available for all plant and equipment?
8.5 Safety signs are clearly visible and throughout the workplace?
8.6 Are all moving parts on plant andmachinery guarded?
8.7 Is training provided to workers in the safe use, operation, maintenance and recovery of plant and equipment?
8.8 Plant and equipment is maintained in line with manufacturer or supplier recommendations/ specifications?
8.9 Noise levels from immediate work areas or external sources are kept within acceptable range?
8.10 A preventative maintenance program is in place for plant and equipment and records available?
8.11 Air-conditioning systems, watertower is inspected regularly?
8.12 Fleet vehicles are inspected regularly?
8.13 Items of plant requiring registration have a certificate of registration and are inspected annually
(Boilers, pressure vessels,lifts, tower cranes, mobile cranes>10T)?
8.14 Emergency isolation switches and stops are in good conditions and working?
9. WORKSHOPS / -Yes X –No N/A / Recommended corrective actions / Person Responsible / Due date
9.1 Workshop plant and equipment is guarded?
9.2 PPE requirements for the workshop are clearly displayed?
9.3 The workshop floor has clearly outlined safe walkways?
9.4 A preventative maintenance program is in place for plant and equipment and records available?
9.5 RCDs are used for portable electrical equipment?
9.6Areas of excessive noise are identified in the workshop by safety signs and workers are wearing PPE?
9.7 Staff are trained in performing welding tasks?
9.8 There is ventilation for welding?
9.9Warning signs are installed in welding areas?
Manager/supervisor name / Signature / Contact number / Date completed

Retention of the Form

  • Copy to be held on site with manager/supervisor.
  • Scan and send a copy to .

INT15/55011 / PAGE 1 / V3.1/05-2016