CUSOM Maintenance of Certification Part IV Credit Quality Improvement Project:
MOC Part IV Credit Application Form
Project Approval Criteria:
1. Approval for MOC Part IV credit is usually granted at the conclusion of the project. However, this application can be used for following scenarios:
a. Pre-Approval (for beginning stage projects)
b. MOC Part IV Credit Approval (for completed projects)
For long-term projects, please contact the CUSOM MOC Program manager to determine if a project is eligible for MOC Part IV credit before the conclusion of the project. For projects already completed, they are eligible for CUSOM MOCPAP review if there was project activity in 2012 or later.
2. Data may be collected and reported as often as necessary, but we will expect thatprojects should be eligible for approval after ≥ 6 months of sequential rapid cycles of improvement and data collection. Shorter cycles that can be days/weeks to a month or two generally are advisable to enable and support rapid improvements in care. The useof one-time pre-and post-data collection does not meet the standards for MOCPAP approval and is not consistent with quality improvement principles of sequentially testing multiple interventions to improve care.
3. The team should possess sufficient and appropriate resources to support the successful planning, implementation, and sustainable conclusion of the project without needing external funding that could create a conflict of interest. To the extent that resources are needed they should be identified within the department or hospital division’s budgets. According to our national standards, funding from industry may be used to support implementation of a QI initiative that has been developed by the Sponsor Organization (CUSOM) independent of industry input. In instances where industry support (e.g., marketing, publicity, IT support, etc.) has been used by the Sponsor Organization (CUSOM) to support the delivery of a project, the organization must provide a statement on any materials that are used in association with or to promote the activity that clearly delineates what specifically has been supported and clearly states that no support has been provided for the development of content.
4. The project must address an area of high importance to patient care based upon:
a. Evidence from published literature.
b. Use of systemic analysis of systems or processes of care (e.g., a process map or root cause analysis to identify interventions, a logic diagram or key driver diagram to explain rationale for change).
5. Have a specific, measurable, relevant, and time-appropriate aim for improvement.
6. Include plans for appropriate and repetitive data collection and reporting of data to support assessment of the impact of interventions. There must be:
a. Sufficient sample size to minimize the impact of random variability and permit reasonable decision-making regarding subsequent project steps.
b. Use of relevant outcome, process, and/or balancing measures to effectively assess the impact of interventions and potential unintended consequences (see criterion #7).
c. Use of appropriate charting or reporting tools to document performance over time (e.g., annotated run charts, control charts, etc.).
7. The project should address care the physician can influence in one or more of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) dimensions of quality patient care: safety, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, timeliness, patient-centeredness. The project should also address one or more of the ACGME/ABMS competencies: communication/interpersonal skills, medical knowledge, patient care & procedural skills, professionalism, practice based-learning and improvement, systems-based practice.
8. Use of any or all of the following quality measures where applicable:
a. Outcome Measures - Evaluation of the results of an activity, plan, process or program and their comparison with the intended or projected results (e.g., % of diabetics with hemoglobin A1c less than 7mg/dl).
b. Process Measures – Evaluation of the performance of a process. Measuring the results of process changes will indicate if care is improving (e.g., % of diabetics who have hemoglobin A1c measured).
c. Balancing Measures – Evaluation of new problems that may occur as a result of the intervention (e.g., % of patients with hypoglycemia complications).
9. QI efforts should be sustained, involving no fewer than two linked cycles of improvement efforts (e.g., Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycles). Following baseline data, an improvement cycle should address the identified problem, general goals/aims within a measurable timeframe for achievement, the main underlying root causes of the problem, interventions or countermeasures to address causes, and operational plans to implement the interventions.
a. Thefirst improvement cycleshould consist of:
i. Appropriate data collection relevant to the identified problem.
ii. Analysis and review of data to identify underlying cause(s) of problem.
iii. Intervention likely to help address underlying cause(s) and improve system performance.
b. Subsequentcyclesshould consist of:
i. Post-intervention data collection to assess impact of intervention.
ii. Adjustment(s) / second intervention(s) to address underlying cause(s).
iii. Post-adjustment data collection to assess impact of intervention.
10. Must implement standardized processes to ensure the sustainability of the improvement and outcomes.
The CUSOM MOC Quality Projects Review Board will review the documentation in applications to determine that the project has been carried out with appropriate QI methods and expected engagement of participating physicians. The QPRB review process will take approximately 2-4 weeks. MOC IV Credit Application forms must be submitted by November 1st of the current year in order for us to review your project and report the awarding of credit to your ABMSspecialty board for the current calendar year.
MOC Part IV Credit Application:
The Project Leader(s) must complete the information below to submit their QI project for MOC Part IV credit. Only one application form per project is necessary, despite the number of participating physicians. This form may be submitted at any time during the project, though we highly recommend seeking pre-approval to ensure the project is carried out with appropriate methodology for approval.
Questions and/or completed forms should be sent to the CUSOM MOC Program Manager at .
Submission Date:
I am using this application form to request:
Pre-approval of my project design [Complete sections I – IV only]
MOC Part IV Credit for a completed project [Complete full application]
Title of QI Project:
A. QI Project Lead(s):
Name: Academic Title:
Phone: Email:
Name: Academic Title:
Phone: Email:
B. What is the approximate number of physicians who have participated or who are anticipated to participate in this quality improvement effort?
1 – 10 11 – 50 51 – 100 100+
C. Participating physicians are affiliated with the CU School of Medicine through:
Children’s Hospital Colorado University of Colorado Hospital Clinical (Volunteer) Faculty
Veteran’s Affairs Hospital Denver Health Medical Center Non-CUSOM Affiliated Participant
D. Please list the specific facility/location(s) of the quality improvement effort.
E. Please provide the numbers, as available, of health care team members who did/will participate in this quality improvement effort (e.g., PA’s, Nurses, Residents, MA’s).
F. Is this project associated with any of the following CU School of Medicine programs?
Institute for Healthcare Quality, Safety & Efficiency (IHQSE) Certificate Training Program (CTP)
UCH Clinical Effectiveness and Patient Safety (CEPS) Small Grants Program
CHCO Clinical and Operational Effectiveness and Patient Safety (COEPS) Small Grants Program
A. Duration of Project:
Project Status: Not yet started Completed Ongoing
Project Start Date (or anticipated):
Project End Date (if complete, or anticipated):
B. Funding Resources: [Check all that apply]
Internal sources, please list:
External sources (i.e. grant, national funding), please list:
Other, please explain (if no funding, select this option):
C. What is the identified problem(s) in quality that resulted in the development of this quality improvement effort?
D. What is the project aim(s) regarding the problem in quality? Please note, an aim should address how much improvement will occur and by when. The response should indicate a measurable goal within an identified timeframe.
E. Is the project associated with any larger UCH or CHCO initiatives or national initiatives?
No Yes, please explain:
F. What patient population does this project address? What is the approximate sample size?
G. Which of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Quality Dimension(s) of Patient Care is/are addressed in this quality improvement effort? [Check all that apply, must check at least one]
Safety Equity Timeliness
Effectiveness Efficiency Patient-Centeredness
H. Which of the ACGME/ABMS competencies is/are addressed in this quality improvement effort? [Check all that apply, must check at least one]
Medical Knowledge Patient Care Systems-Based Practice
Professionalism Practice-Based Learning Communication/Interpersonal Skills
I. Please list any additional relevant topics for this quality improvement effort. [Check all that apply]
Access to Care Communication Compliance
Documentation Immunizations Length of Stay
Cost of Care Prescriptions Preventative Care
Re-admissions Reduction of Harm Satisfaction
Teamwork Transitions of Care Waste Reduction
J. Please list the ABMS medical specialties addressed as part of this quality improvement effort. [Check all that apply]
Allergy & Immunology Obstetrics & Gynecology Plastic Surgery
Anesthesiology Orthopaedic Surgery Preventative Medicine
Dermatology Otolaryngology Psychiatry & Neurology
Emergency Medicine Ophthalmology Radiology
Family Medicine Pathology Surgery
Internal Medicine Pediatrics Thoracic Surgery
Medical Genetics Physical Medicine & Rehab Urology
A. Identification of Primary Underlying Cause(s):
1. What were/are the primary underlying cause(s) for the problem(s) that the project addresses? Causes may be communications or behaviors of people, processes, information infrastructure, equipment, environment, etc. List each primary cause separately. These may be shown here or refer to attachment.
B. Performance Objectives:
1. What was/is the overall performance level(s) at baseline? These may be displayed in a data table, bar graph, run chart, or other method; these may be shown here or refer to attachment.
2. What were/are the targets for performance and the timeframe for achieving the targets?
3. How were the performance targets determined (e.g. regional or national benchmarks)? Please list the benchmark sources; internally developed benchmarks are acceptable.
C. Performance Measures:
1. Please list the quality measures used in this effort? It is desirable, though not required, to have at least one outcome, process and balancing measure. See MOC Part IV Project Approval Criteria (item 8) for a description of quality measures.
Measure Title / Measure Type(e.g., Outcome, Process, Balancing) / Measure Source
(e.g., Internally developed, JCAHO, AMA, NCQA, Choosing Wisely) / Numerator
(e.g., Pts. with documented screening) / Denominator
(e.g., Pts. seen in last 12 months)
2. What was/is the source of data for the measures (e.g., medical records, billings, patient surveys)? What methods were/will be used to collect the data (e.g., abstraction, data analysis)?
3. How were/will data analyzed over time (e.g., simple comparison of means, statistical tests) and how frequently (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly)?
A. Select the methodology that most closely represents the methodology being used in this quality improvement effort:
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) IHI Collaborative Model LEAN A3
Model for Improvement (PDSA/PDCA) Six Sigma (DMAIC) Total Quality Mngmt.
B. Select the type of intervention(s) and/or tools that were/will be used by participants in this quality improvement effort. [Check all that apply]
Education Use of a Checklist Use of a Registry New Clinic
Reminders (daily, weekly, etc.) Survey Other
If other, please explain:
C. Please describe how each intervention is expected to impact patient care and/or physician practice?
D. Please describe the improvement cycles (noting the dates for each cycle), including how the intervention(s) addresses the identified underlying cause(s), who was involved in the intervention(s), overall performance level(s) after the intervention(s), any new underlying causes identified through this process and/or any new targets or countermeasures for performance.
For projects not yet started, please note your plans for the intervention(s). Please limit responses to 600 – 800 words, excluding tables or graphs. These can be displayed in a data table, bar graph, run chart, or other method; these may be shown here or refer to attachment.
A. Project Impact:
1. Please describe the overall outcome of the quality improvement project, including data that demonstrate the impact of the project. These may be shown here or refer to attachment.
2. What standardized processes will be implemented to maintain improvements that resulted from this project?
B. Lessons Learned:
1. What barriers were observed in this effort and how were they resolved?
2. In future improvement cycles, do you intend to make any changes to avoid pitfalls?
Each physician involved in the project must submit a Physician Attestation Form at the completion of the project. This form will include a description of the QI project detailing how it is directly related to the physician’s practice, and a reflection statement describing the change that was performed in his/her practice affecting the way care is delivered.
The Project lead(s) will receive all Physician Attestation forms and review the reflection statements of participating physicians. It is the Project lead’s responsibility to ensure each participating physician has met the criteria for meaningful participation (see Meaningful Participation Criteria for full details).
Project Lead Signature: Date:
Project Lead Signature: Date:
CUSOM MOC Part IV Credit Application.V6.2.19.16 9