Order of documents providing by Contractor nonresident of Ukraine

Dear Contractor,
In order to avoid misunderstanding and `to proceed faster with:
  • registering of your Company in AMKR database before and on purpose ofcontract/agreement signing
  • payment after contract/agreement signing or performing
kindly ask you to follow the next steps in documents providing to AMKRresponsible person:
# / Name of the document / Description / Order of documents preparation and providing / Max lead-time for document providing
Documents required before contract/agreement signing
1 / Certificate of Incorporation / Document confirming state registration of the Contractor's Company / After receiving this notification / 3 weeks
2 / Tax Residency Certificate / In order to release a non-resident on taxation in Ukraine, Contractor shall provide a document confirming status of tax resident (in case of active agreement between Ukraine and Contractor's country on elimination of tax). Document is issued by competent (authorized) body of certain country, in the form approved under the law of the certain country. / Can be requested before Contract signingbut in some countries this document can beissued only after contract signing.
Separate certificate should be provided for each calendar year of payment for Contractor services. Absence of certificate at the moment of payment can become the basis for withholding tax in the amount of 15% from total amount of payment. / 1 month
3 / Document confirming authority of person who will sign the contract/agreement on behalf of Contractor / Articles of association, Power of Attorney and other documents / After receiving this notification / 3 weeks
4 / Contractor/Supplier Questionnaire / Filled in by Contractor template of questionnaire / After receiving this notification / 1 week
5 / Bank details / Contractor's bank data on the letterhead of the Company / After receiving this notification (in case bank data is not provided in Questionnaire) / 1 week
Documents required after contract signing but before payment
6 / "DERZHZOVNISHINFORM" Act on price expertise / In case value of Contractor works goes beyond 100 000 EURO or its equivalent in other currency as per official exchange rate of UAH fixed by National bank of Ukraine on the date of contract/agreement signing, AMKR asks Contractor to provide list of documents for receiving act of price expertise of Governmental information and analysis center of external commodity markets monitoring, confirming compliance of contract prices for works/services, intellectual property rights that are the subject of the contract/agreement. This act is the basis for operations on payment as per contract/agreement services/works.
List of documents for receiving act of "DERZHZOVNISHINFORM":
1. A statement for expertise on official blank, indicating contract/agreement number, type and cost of services (AMKR)
2. Copy of foreign trade contract/agreement (AMKR)
3. Copies of invoices and acts of works performed (Contractor)
4. Calculations, estimates and prices for services on the basis of which payment is done as per contract/agreement (Contractor)
5. Other materials required for expertise (Contractor) / During and after work is performed / 1 week for Contractor for documents providing
1 month for act receiving
7 / Act of work performed / Act prepared and signed by Contractor, confirming fact of work/services performing / After work is performed before payment / 2 weeks (including checking and signing by AMKR)
8 / Invoice / Should be translated into Ukrainian/Russian in case of advance payment / After work is performed before payment / 1 week
Documents pointed in 1-3 paragraphs should be diligentlyapostilled and/or legalized and after that translated into Ukrainian or Russian. Translation should be duly certified.
Contracts and acts of performed works should be duly signed by authorized Contractor's representatives.
Obligatory indication of position, full surname and initials of authorized representatives of Contractor.

The list of countries with which concluded by Ukraine agreements on avoidance of double taxation entered into force

Country / Date of entering into force / Country / Date of entering into force
Austria / 20.05.1999 / Libya / 31.01.2010
Azerbaijan / 03.07.2000 / Macedonia / 23.11.1998
Algeria / 01.07.2004 / Moldova / 27.05.1996
Belgium / 25.02.1999 / Mongolia / 06.03.2003
Belarus / 30.01.1995 / Netherlands / 02.11.1996
Bulgaria / 03.10.1997 / Norway / 18.09.1996
Brazil / 24.04.2006 / UAE / 09.03.2004
UnitedKingdom / 11.08.1993 / SouthAfrica / 23.12.2004
Armenia / 19.11.1996 / Poland / 24.03.1994
Vietnam / 19.11.1996 / Portugal / 11.03.2002
Greece / 26.09.2003 / TheRussianFederation / 03.08.1999
Georgia / 01.04.1999 / Romania / 17.11.1997
Denmark / 21.08.1996 / Singapore / 18.12.2009
Estonia / 24.12.1996 / Syria / 04.05.2004
Egypt / 27.02.2002 / Slovakia / 22.11.1996
Israel / 20.04.2006 / Slovenia / 21.03.2007
India / 31.10.2001 / USA / 05.06.2000
Indonesia / 09.11.1998 / Tajikistan / 01.06.2003
Iran / 21.07.2001 / Thailand / 24.11.2004
Iceland / 09.10.2008 / Turkey / 29.04.1998
Italy / 25.02.2003 / Turkmenistan / 21.10.1999
Jordan / 23.10.2008 / Hungary / 24.06.1996
Kazakhstan / 14.04.1997 / Uzbekistan / 25.07.1995
Canada / 22.08.1996 / Finland / 14.02.1998
Kyrgyzstan / 01.05.1997 / France / 01.11.1999
China / 18.10.1996 / Germany / 04.10.1996
Korea / 19.03.2002 / Croatia / 01.06.1999
KingdomofMorocco / 30.03.2009 / CzechRepublic / 20.04.1999
Kuwait / 22.02.2004 / Switzerland / 26.02.2002
Latvia / 21.11.1996 / Sweden / 04.06.1996
Lithuania / 25.12.1997 / Yugoslavia (SerbiaandMontenegro) / 29.11.2001
Lebanon / 06.09.2003
USSR agreements active for Ukraine
Spain / 07.08.1986 / Malaysia / 01.07.1988
Cyprus / 26.08.1983 / Japan / 27.11.1986