Instructor: Mr. Melendez


Classroom: Clayton 608

“Intendere è potere.”

Knowledge is power.

-- Italian Proverb


The course is a continuation of Italian 1. In the second year, students will continue to be engaged actively and cooperatively in classroom activities. Students continue to develop the four fundamental language skills (i.e. listening, reading, writing, and speaking), while expanding their knowledge of Italian culture. The three modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational) will be emphasized and expanded based on previous knowledge from Italian I. In addition to the textbook, songs, videos, compositions, online resources, applications, and websites are among the many ways in which new vocabulary and language structures are learned.


●  Technology

●  Fashion and clothing

●  Gastronomy

●  Speaking about the past

●  Daily routines

●  Parts of the body

●  Health and wellbeing


1 Binder and loose leaf paper OR spiral notebook

1 Folder for handouts and graded work

1 Pen

1 Pencil


1. Rispetto (Respect)

Our classroom is a learning community. We are all working together towards a collective goal and must therefore treat one another with respect.

2. Prontezza (Preparedness)

Have your textbook, notebook/binder, and writing utensil each day. All students are expected to be in their seats ready to work when the bell rings.

3. Positività (Positivity)

Learning is a process. If a concept seems difficult at first, don’t get discouraged. If class time is still not helpful in reaching an understanding, schedule an extra help session.

4. Curiosità (Curiosity)

Come eager to learn each day; challenge yourself to make connections, both linguistically and culturally.

School policies concerning behavior and attendance will be strictly enforced. Please refer to the Student Handbook.


1. Every student is responsible to find out what work he or she missed during an absence. All work is due the following day unless instructed otherwise.

2. Internet translators such as google translate are prohibited. Remember that a copy and paste into an internet translator does not render an accurate translation.

3. Cell phone use is prohibited and upon entry into class every day, each student’s cell phone will be placed into a numbered holder. Students will be given back their phones at the end of the period each day.

4. After handing in his or her cell phone, each student is responsible to open his/her book and begin work on the “fate adesso” (do now) right away.


Participation 30%

Assessment 50%

Homework 20%


Extra Help will be offered on an as need basis, and students are encouraged to schedule a time to meet with their teacher after class if necessary.


Room: 608

Please read and submit the following:

I have read and understood Mr. Melendez’s classroom rules and policies and will abide by them while in class. Violation of the above policies will result in disciplinary actions and will negatively impact your academic success.

Firma (Signature):


Printed Name:


Data (Date):
