
Study Guide for Quiz on the Three Types of Irony

& O. Henry’s Bio & his Play One Thousand Dollars

1.Be sure to study the following:

  • yellow 3 types of irony sheet
  • short O. Henry biography + notes on p. 13 in your packet
  • O. Henry’s play $1000 on pages 14-16 in your packet
  • green story guide for O. Henry’s play $1000
  • irony review sheet

2.Be sure to know how to spell the following:

  • surprise
  • serendipity = a happy or fortunate coincidence/accident

3.For the Three types of irony:



VVerbalor Very Sunny Day



  • Be able to write the definition for each type.
  • Be able to identify given examples.
  • Be able to give examples & use the definition to explain what makes each example ironic.

4.For O. Henry’s play $1000:

  • Reread/skim the play.
  • Study the green story guide.
  • Note thatexamples of all 3 types of irony

are in the play!

Be prepared to answer questions about the following:

  • examples of irony
  • characters
  • plot
  • setting
  • theme

Sample Short Answer Question:

In complete sentences, provideone example of situational irony

from O. Henry’s play One Thousand Dollars.

  • Be sure to fully explain what makes the example this type of irony.
  • Explain what was expected and what happened instead.
  • Use the definition of situational irony in your proof!

Plan of Attack:

1.Give the definition of situational irony.

2.Explain what happened in the play and how it fits the definition.

  • Give the author’s name, the title and genre of the literary work in your answer!

3.Be sure to write complete sentences and use your best conventions .

Sample Answer 1:
It is an example of situational irony when the outcome is the opposite of what was expected. Because the main character Bobby Gillian is so greedy and selfish in the beginning of O. Henry’s play One Thousand Dollars, the reader is surprised when Gillian kindly gives his $1000 inheritance to Miriam. This unexpected twist keeps the reader guessing what will happen next.
Sample Answer 2:
In the beginning of O. Henry’s play One Thousand Dollars, Bobby Gillian appears to be an especially selfish person, so the readers expect him to spend his $1000 inheritance selfishly and unwisely. However, O. Henry surprises his readers by having his protagonist do the exact opposite when Gillian secretly gives the money to Miriam. Bobby Gillian’s unexpected generosity is an example of situational irony because his sudden charitable gift to Miriam is the opposite of what the readers expected.

Write your answer on the lines below:






