School Community Council

Meeting Minutes October 25, 2017

6:30pm, Chris Hadfield PS Library

In Attendance:

Staff:GertRosenau, Manuel Salvati, Sarah Baxter, Isabelle Hobbs

Voting Members: Jane Sedo, Kim Adel, Susie Mills, Aprile Cameron, Deanna Jaglowitz, Nicola Fisher, Brandy Harley, Amanda Valentini, Fiona Shaw, Anna Mammen, Crystal McNab, Julie MacGregor, Roy Cai, Laurie Robinson, Shawna Wekarchuk, Julie Henderson, Jennifer Allison-Bigham

Attendees: Janet Arnold(Welcome!)

Regrets:Rachelle Fields, Jennifer Knowles, Tracy Tebo, Jen Molnar-Brown

Meeting Start Time:6:33pm

Welcome/Intro:Jane Sedo,

Review/Update:Jane Sedo

-Reviewed the norms/attendance expected from the SCC committee.

-The Giving tree raised$800 that was donated to Glen St PS in Oshawa. Funds received were used to open a learning commons center indoor as well as outdoor and a 3D printer! Jane and Gert attended their opening ceremonies and will forward pictures to Ms Hobbs to share with our students at the assembly.

-Congratulations to Shauna who will be presented with The Volunteers Distinction Award at Sinclair SS on Oct 26/17!

Admin ReoprtGert:

-School purchased and installed 10 Smartboards ($25000).

-MrGrassl made custom 10 step up platforms to help primary student reach smart boards ($1700)

-School invested Jump Math workbooks and Nelson workbooks in math for grade 3 to 8. This will help strengthen students’ mathematical automaticity (approx. $3700)

-4 walkie talkies were purchased ($1000)

-2 primary tables were also purchased ($700)


-There are many activities that have happened, are finishing, are in progress or coming up!

-Terry Fox Run raised $2700 Great Job!

Isabelle Hobbs Update:

– Tech crew is beginning training with new recruitments for running the audio/video at schoolassemblies, concerts and graduations!

-Chrome books are rolling out now

-Parent Resourcelibrary is now available to any parents or family members! Books are locatedjust inside the library to the right of the door on the lower shelf. Parents are welcome to sign out books with Ms Hobbs using their own name or under their child’s.

SarahBaxter Update:

-Field trips have begun and staff would like to thank parents for volunteering their time to assist with the children in keeping them safe! Kindergarten field trip alone had 49 parents volunteer, it was awesome!!!

-New this year, Kindergarten has a new report card coming out this fall at the same timeas the school wide progress reports. It will be a short focus on initial observations of strengths, areas of progress etc...

-Grade 6 teachers used the funding received from the SCC to purchase yoga balls, high desks and stools. A short video of 2 students showed their perspectives, feelings and explained the benefits of the new seating. Even with the seating during EQAO the kids were still very focused

Teacher Request:Sarah

-Mrs Watson Grade 7 – requesting $680 to cover lunch for all Students on their St Donat trip.

-Mrs Green Grade 8 – requested $660 to cover total cost of students program ‘Artist in Motion’ (Graffiti in Art)

-Grade 2 teachers – requested $1411.95 per set for Guided Reading Books to be shared between all grade 2 teachers. Green and Blue set would be appreciated but Green is primary focus.

(Grade 7&2 requests will be voted on in Nov and grade 8 request voted on later in the evening)

Pro Grant 2017/18 Jane – pro grant application was approved to do a math initiative to build up parent involvement. – looking for a volunteer to help Sarah with the online component.

Deanna:Treasurer Report:

-No fundraising as of yet

-approximately$4000 currently from pizza orders/previous balance

Shauna:On fundraising

-Holiday Baskets will be next scheduled fundraising. Shauna will be looking for Elves to help wrap baskets.

-Pizza volunteers are always needed to help sort/distribute to classes on Thursdays


-Proposed to change the constitution to allow an executive member that has served two consecutive terms in one position the opportunity to be elected in an alternative position.

Fiona proposed after an executive member has fulfilled their two year term and the position has not yet been filled and there’s no interest, thatan executive member could remain for a third term or more in that same position.

-Vote to change the constitution will take place at next SCC meeting.

Jane – All future meetings will continue on Thursdays. Future meeting dates are:

Nov 23rd

Jan 11th 2018

Feb 8th 2018

March 22nd2018

(April, May & June TBD)

Shauna suggested to vote on spending $660 for Grade 8 graffiti art program due to time restraints

Deanna Jaglowitz Motioned - Shauna 2nd the Motion - Motion passed

Motionto adjourn meeting by Laurie Robinson, 2nd by Kim Adel – motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:53pm