Logos Recitations (LR) is the homeschool co-op branch of Logos School. It was started by the Sumpters and Appels in 2011 and flourished through their faithfulness. As it has grown, they began to consider hiring an administrator to oversee the program and to cast the vision more broadly. Providentially our paths crossed, and I was hired. Together, we are going forward with their vision to have homeschoolers be a part of the greater Logos community.
As we look ahead, we are planning to organize and expand our program. The highlights are as follows:
¨ Two age groups: In the past LR has only had students up to age 9 and they have all met together. This year we will divide into two groups based on age, skill level, and enrollment. When the younger group is doing science, the older group will be doing history. The groups will meet together for Bible and recitations.
¨ Curriculum: We are planning a four year cycle for history and science and possibly Bible. Families are provided with a weekly, at-home plan to follow, as well as the most critical books. Other resources are recommended and purchased separately by families.
§ History – We will continue to use Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer (http://peacehillpress.com/history-and-geography/story-of-the-world.html). We intend to supplement it with local history and geography. We will use volume 3, Early Modern Times, this year.
§ Science – We plan to use Noeo science as the bases of our four year cycle. It is being carried by Logos Press (http://www.logospressonline.com/noeo). The fourth year would consist of a history of science, including biographies and experiments.
§ Recitations – We will continue memorizing poetry and scripture, as well as add jingles with science and history facts. Students have opportunities to recite these before their classmates.
§ Bible – To be determined.
¨ Logos integration– Since LR meets on Fridays, we join the Logos students for assemblies, Speech Meet, Grandparents’ Day, recess, and even wearing uniforms!
¨ Fellowship – We hope to organize a couple feasts and maybe even a field trip! A good time to include the entire family.
¨ Time: 8:30 am – 11:45 am.
¨ Location: Logos School, Art room and library
¨ Cost: $50 per month and a science lab fee
This year the Logos Board has set a cap of 25 students. If you are interested, please submit your application to the front office. The application can be found on the Logos School website (http://logosschool.com/admissions/application/). Find us soon on the Logos website for more information. Until then, you can contact me at or 882-7967 if you have questions.
Gail Erb
Director of Logos Recitations