Regular Session July 19, 2007
6:04 p.m. Horace O. Porter School at College Hill
Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge said in unison, after which a moment
of silence was observed. The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Jerry Lassiter, Chet Rhodes, Talvin Barner, Loretta Goodloe, Steve Kindler, Daniel McCulley, Tommy Dudley and Greg Ladd.
Joe Foster and Hoyt Gardner were absent.
Education Committee Chairperson Maury County NAACP Beverly Baxter spoke regarding concerns of African American students and their statistical performance in school system.
Upon a motion by Mr. Lassiter, seconded by Mr. Dudley, Board approved the Agenda with the following revisions: Request by Chair to add approval of 07-08 GP Budget and 07-08 Food Service Budget to VIII Other Business Budget Committee; Mr. Rhodes request to remove VI Consent Items F5 to discussion; Mr. Barner’s request to remove VI Consent Items F6 to discussion and Mr. Lassiter’s request to remove VI Consent Items F4 to discussion.
Rhonda Burkeen, MCEA President, speaking on behalf of the MCEA membership, urged the Board as we begin the 2007-08 school year to continue to aggressively pursue adequate funding for the school system as we all work together to fulfill the promise of limitless possibilities for all the students in the Maury County Public School System.
Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved: Minutes (June 14, 2007 Regular Meeting), Executive Committee Report approving request from People’s Church to use the auditorium, cafeterias, gymnasium plus 2/3 other spaces at SHHS weekly September 2007-August 31, 2008 from 6:30 am until 1:30 pm with associated fees to apply; request from Columbia Boys Basketball to use the gym at WMS June 13-14-15, 2007 from 8 am until 9 pm for Team Camp with all use of facilities fees waived; request for overnight student trip: SHHS FBLA State Leadership Training-Murfreesboro, TN-July 16-18, 2007; request from MPHS Basketball Coaches to use the W.C. Johnson gym at MPHS June 11-12, 2007 from 8 am until 8 pm for Team Camp with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Spring Hill Youth football to use the car rider line area at SHES June 2, 9, 16 from 8 am until 2 pm for football registration with all use of facilities fees waived; request from SHHS Cross Country Boosters to use the access to hallway through side-doors, use of bathrooms, concession stand near band room, access to band loop, parking lot and driveway around the front and sides of SHHS July 21, 2007 from 5:30 am until 11 am for 5K Race with all use of facilities fees waived; request from MPHS Summer Baseball/American Legion Post 10 to use the baseball field at MPHS June 8-July 27, 2007 from 3 until 8 pm for summer baseball with all use of facilities fees waived; request from Bethel Community Church to use the cafeteria plus four classrooms at Wright Elementary 8-1-07/5-1-08 from 8 am until 1 pm for Sunday morning services with associated fees to apply with the Church also making a $30,000 donation towards the construction of new playground to be constructed at Wright Elementary; request from TN Department of Education to use the cafeteria at SHHS June 19, 2007 from 9 am until 12 noon for State Department Informational Meeting of State Finance for Directors/Business Managers with all use of facilities fees waived; request for overnight student trip: Hampshire FFA Forestry Camp-Fall Creek Falls-June 3-8, 2007; request from City of Columbia Parks & Recreation Department for use of two school system buses for Summer Playground Program June 4/July 20, 2007 with paying the bus drivers their responsibility; request for overnight student trip: Central Girls Basketball Team Camp-Murfreesboro, TN-June 11-12, 2007; request from Mt. Pleasant String Orchestra Association to use the theater, dance studio, band room, choral room, art room, practice rooms, garage band room, gym at MPMS June 18-22, 2007 from 7:45 am until 2:45 pm for String Orchestra Camp with the following use of facilities fees to apply: $750 for staff supervision (KOS Foundation to fund),
Low Bids/Purchases over $10,000:
1. American Paper & Twine-copier paper $2.55 per ream
2. Haun Termite & Pest Control-pest control service $2,535.00 per month
3. Haun Pest Control-termite control $16,080.00 per year
4. American Paper & Twine/Paper & Chem. Supply-custodial supplies As per listing
5. Ollie Sewell-custodial services $1,550 mthly.-$200 additional qtrly.-$225 additional yrly.,
notification from Marvin Wright Elementary of acceptance of $300 from Mid-State Title & Escrow to
general fund, $96 Library donation from Beta Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, $200 from Duck River Electric to the general fund, recommendation of volunteer coaches as presented, request for staff to apply for grants with TN Dept. of Education Division of CTE for Perkins IV Reserve Funds and to South Central TN Workforce Investment Area 10 and Baker Elementary School to apply for Community Enhancement Grant with staff authorized to submit amendments, addenda, correspondence, pertaining thereto and request to use cell phones as part of the Crisis Management Plan.
After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Kindler, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved request for fee waivers consumable fees, parking fees and instructional fees for 2007-08SY.
After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Rhodes, seconded by Mr. Lassiter, Board approved request to conduct athletic practice during the school day as presented with staff to study alternate plans/programs and bring findings back to the Board before the first of 2008.
After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Barner, seconded by Mr. Ladd, Board approved request to participate in a cooperative athletic program as presented.
Upon a motion by Mr. Dudley, seconded by Mr. Kindler, Board approved Director’s recommendation for Management Team for 2007-08SY: Mary Ruth Campbell, Rick Robinson, Susan Chapman, Mary Carter, Jerry Wilson and Brenda Hammond.
After discussion and upon a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. Kindler, Board approved continuation of present Negotiation Team Members and Spokesperson (Mr. Daniels, Chief Negotiator; Mr. Gardner, Mr. McCulley and Ms. Goodloe Team Members).
A. Committee Reports
1. Chair Joe Foster was not present. Board Chair Daniels stated the Policy Committee had not met this month, but a meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 30, 2007. Mr. Rhodes asked that prayer before the Board Meetings be on the Policy Committee Agenda for discussion.
2. Zoning & Facilities Committee Chair Daniel McCulley
a. Bid No 07-059-Request for Proposals-Architectural Services Central High School Renovation was discussed. Mr. Rhodes motion to accept Davis-Stokes proposal was seconded by Mr. Lassiter. Motion failed with Mr. Lassiter, Mr. Dudley, Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Barner voting yes; Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley and Ms. Goodloe voting no and Mr. Daniels abstaining.
Mr. McCulleys motion to accept the Committee’s recommendation to use SSOE was seconded by Mr. Ladd. Motion failed with Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley and Ms. Goodloe voting yes; Mr. Dudley, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner and Mr. Lassiter voting no and Mr. Daniels abstaining.
Mr. Rhodes asked that the issue be continued at the next meeting.
Mr. Ladds motion seconded by Mr. Kindler to name SSOE the architectural firm to use for Central High renovation with Phases 1-4 not to exceed $300,000 failed with Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley, Mr. Ladd and Ms. Goodloe voting yes; Mr. Dudley, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Barner and Mr. Lassiter voting no and Mr. Daniels abstaining.
b. School Site Offer Hwy 31N (Honey Farm) was discussed. Mr. McCulley stated the Committee had no recommendation and were awaiting additional information. Mr. Rhodes motion to expend $20,000 for geo-technical work to determine if suitable for school site was seconded by Mr. Dudley but was withdrawn.
Chair Daniels motion to ask the owner to allow geo-technical work be done without the down payment being made, removing the “build within 18 months” clause and adding “ no time frame” in the agreement and stating the site would not be committed for a middle school was seconded by Mr. Rhodes. Motion carried. The findings from these requests would be reported at the next Board Meeting.
c. Spring Hill Middle School Site Comparison Study was discussed. Mr. Rhodes motion to rescind the motion to pursue the Cleburne Road site for the Spring Hill Middle School was seconded by Mr. Lassiter.
Motion carried with Mr. Daniels, Mr. Rhodes, Mr. Lassiter, Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler and Mr. McCulley voting yes and Mr. Dudley, Ms. Goodloe and Mr. Barner voting no.
Mr. Rhodes motion to accept the Jim Warren Road site for Spring Hill Middle School provided Spring Hill Educational Foundation donates $800,000 toward purchase of the land was seconded by Mr. Barner. This motion was withdrawn.
A motion was made to select the Jim Warren Road site with the property owner allowing 300,000 cubic yards fill from site, City of Spring Hill to waive fees and architect and staff to keep cost to a minimum received no second.
The Chair’s motion, seconded by Mr. Ladd, to accept the Jim Warren Road site provided we get commitments from 3 bodies: amount of fill from developer at no cost (need to know amount of dirt); a letter from City of Spring Hill agreeing to waive all fees associated with construction and letter from Spring Hill Educational Foundation agreeing to commit $800,000 toward purchase carried. The Director to send letters to the 3 bodies with report by next Board Meeting.
d. Information received from the request of City of Spring Hill concerning middle school site was provided.
e. Central Office Study was discussed. The Board asked SSOE to present their findings to the County Commission at their next meeting. An additional fee for making the presentation was agreed to.
f. 2006-07 Roof Replacements-Phase IV was discussed. Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley on behalf of the Committee, seconded by Mr. Ladd; Board approved as presented.
g. Change Order No. 1-2006-07 Roof Replacements-MPHSfrom Maxwell Roofing & Sheet Metal, Inc. was discussed. Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd; Board approved as presented in the amount of $29,017.
h. Central High-Vocational Building-40 ton rooftop unit was discussed. Upon a motion by Mr. McCulley, seconded by Mr. Ladd; Board approved with a budget of $75,000 with funding from Capital Outlay Major Maintenance.
i. Howell Elementary-Playground site improvements were discussed. Mr. McCulleys motion on behalf of the Committee, seconded by Mr. Ladd to proceed with improvements up to $50,000 from Capital Outlay Major Maintenance Funds, carried. Mr. Lassiter requested any remaining funds be used for life-time mulch.
j. Change Order No. 6-Wright Elementary School was discussed. Mr. Rhodes motion, seconded by Mr. Dudley, to approve the $12,000 credit for Change Order No. 6 with credit to be applied toward floor care for the school, carried. Mr. Rhodes requested any remaining funds in that project be used for replacing names plates.
k. Capital Projects Report
k1. Architect’s Report was provided to Board Members for their information.
k2. Project Cost Report was provided to Board Members for their information.
3. Community Relations Committee Chair Loretta Goodloe stated she would be scheduling a meeting.
4. Budget Committee Chair Shaw Daniels
2007-08 GP Budget was discussed and upon a motion by the Chair, seconded by Mr. Kindler, Board approved as presented with an approximate 7.2% increase from the previous year with the Director and Finance Manager to make adjustments as they see fit prior to sending the County Commission. Mr. Lassiter voted no.
2007-08 Food Services Budget was discussed and upon a motion by the Chair, seconded by Mr. Kindler, Board approved as presented.
B. Personnel
The recommendation from Director Salary Evaluation Committee was presented. A motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. Kindler to increase the Director’s salary to $116,500 carried with Ms. Goodloe, Mr. Dudley, Mr. Ladd, Mr. Kindler, Mr. McCulley and Mr. Daniels voting yes, Mr. Barner voting no and Mr. Lassiter and Mr. Rhodes abstaining.
C. Instruction
Upon a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. McCulley, Board approved Advance Placement Courses as presented.
D. Finance
Manager of Business & Finance Walter Bobo presented his report of Monthly Revenues & Expenditures.
Upon a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. Kindler, Board approved increase for extra trips as presented. Mr. Barner voted no.
Upon a motion by Mr. Ladd, seconded by Mr. McCulley, Board approved request for Tax Anticipation Note as presented.
E. Other
The Director stated Cathy Cook had been named Principal of Santa Fe Unit School and Kelley Woodside was now Supervisor of Special Education (removing the interim status).
The Director of Schools’ Report on Personnel was presented to the Board for their information as follows:
Election of the following personnel:
Kami Hoover, Whitthorne Middle School Sp. Ed. Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Shelby Moore, Santa Fe Unit School Kindergarten Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Karen Adams, Santa Fe Unit School Guidance Counselor, effective July 23, 2007
Ben White, Spring Hill High School Manufacturing Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Michael Backues, Central High School Health Occupations Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Frances Rabalais, Central High School English Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Ashley Dugger, E.A. Cox Middle School History Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Laura Henry, R. Howell Elementary School Sp. Ed. Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Heath Sutherland, Santa Fe Unit School 4th Grade Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Laura K. Burns, Spring Hill High School English Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Casey Brasher, Systemwide Psychologist, effective July 23, 2007
Jeremy Doggett, Santa Fe Unit School Agriculture Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Michele Thammavongsa, Whitthorne Middle School English Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
Andy Coates, Highland Park Elementary School Teacher, effective July 23, 2007
David Washburn, Whitthorne Middle School History teacher, effective July 23, 2007