Baseball Tomorrow Fund
One Grant at a Time and Waiting Period Policy
The Baseball Tomorrow Fund (BTF) will award only one grant to an organization at a time with a two-year waiting period before a subsequent request will be considered. The purpose of this policy is:
§ To enable BTF to use grant outcomes, reporting and the demonstration of proper, on-going maintenance and operation of the programs and facilities to make well-informed decisions.
§ To provide an incentive to grant recipients to meet goals related to participation and programming growth and field/facility maintenance.
§ BTF will require that recipients complete the terms of a grant and submit a final report and annual follow-up reports for at least two years before it will consider a subsequent funding request.
§ In all cases, BTF evaluation criteria and application requirements will apply.
§ Under circumstances in which the timing element of this policy is unclear, program staff will communicate with grant applicants to determine eligibility.
§ Exception to the policy for BTF/MLB Equipment Day and BTF/MLB Field Maintenance Education Program grants:
o Organizations with active BTF/MLB Equipment Day or BTF/MLB Field Maintenance Education Program grants may not request a grant through the standard BTF application process during the term of the grant and reporting process.
o Conversely, organizations with active grants through the standard BTF application process may not be selected to receive BTF/MLB Equipment Day or BTF/MLB Field Maintenance Education Program grants during the term of the grant and reporting process.
o In either case, once the term of the grant and reporting process is complete, the two-year Waiting Period Policy will not apply for selection by a MLB Club for the BTF/MLB Equipment Day or BTF/MLB Field Maintenance Education Program grants.
1. When can my organization submit its final and follow-up reports?
The due date for the final report is specified in the letter of agreement. Follow-up reports are requested and due in October each year. The first follow-up report that your organization will receive will be in the year following the completion of a grant.
If your organization receives a grant for a field/facility-related project (i.e. construction, renovation, field lighting, etc.) and/or is responsible for maintaining other fields or facilities in the community that have been supported by BTF or its partners currently or in the past, the proper maintenance and use of the fields and facilities will be evaluated by BTF before subsequent requests from your organization are considered.
2. When can my organization submit a new request?
Your organization may submit a new proposal after:
§ BTF has received the organization’s final report from the previous grant; and
§ The organization has submitted follow-up reports for at least two years after completion of the previous project and has demonstrated participation and programming growth and/or proper, on-going maintenance and use of fields and facilities (if applicable.)
§ In all cases, BTF evaluation criteria and application requirements will apply.
3. Our organization is selected annually by a MLB Club to receive a BTF/MLB Equipment Day or BTF/MLB Field Maintenance Education Program grant. Will we have to wait two years to be selected again?
No. However, your organization will need to provide a complete final report and proofs of payment to account for the use of the Equipment Day grant funds by the stated due date in order to be selected again the MLB Club and approved by BTF.
4. Our organization received a grant through the standard BTF application process and the project is in progress. Can we be selected by a MLB Club to receive a BTF/Equipment Day or BTF/MLB Field Maintenance Education Program grant?
No. However, once the term of the grant and reporting process is complete, the two-year Waiting Period Policy will not apply for selection by a MLB Club for the BTF/MLB Equipment Day or BTF/MLB Field Maintenance Education Program grants.