July 26, 2016 6:30-9:00 PM, Old Lyme Library
Type of Meeting: Regular
Secretary: Jean M. Smith
Attendees: Pete Roberge, Beth Kelly, Faith Weiss, Mike Aron, Roy Johnson, Wayne Buchanan, Jennifer Reyes, Fred Callahan
Wayne Buchanan called the meeting to order at 6:31 PM.
Citizen Speak:
Ross Baiera, 38 Hillcrest Rd., reported that he had sent correspondence about July 4 weekend
Maryann Fitch, Hillcrest Rd., also sent a letter to the Board regarding soliciting at Point O'Woods. It is on the agenda.
Richard Burlingham, 16 Walnut Rd, wanted to know why there were so many golf carts without side numbers. Fred Callahan reported that the stickers were back-ordered and expected soon. He also wants to know why there were bright lights throughout the beach.
Approve Agenda: Items were added to the agenda: 1) Discussion of Ross Baiera’s letter to the Board regarding July 4 weekend, 2) Fences, 3) Bright Lights throughout Point O'Woods, 4) Violation Appeal, 5) Recreation Club incident/injury. Fred Callahan motioned to approve the agenda as amended, Mike Aron seconded and the motion carried.
Secretary’s Report: Fred Callahan moved to accept the minutes as of the 6/28/16 BOG meeting, Pete Roberge seconded and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Roy Johnson distributed the 2015/2016 fiscal year end report. Mr. Johnson reported that we ended the fiscal year with about $635,324 in the bank, some of which is assigned to future capital expenditures. There are 5 outstanding tax delinquencies. If they are still outstanding in November, a lien will be applied to the property. He also reported that tax bills have been mailed. Beth Kelly moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Pete Roberge seconded and the motion passed.
Paddleboard Rack: Jennifer Reyes reported that one rack has been installed on the beach and is in use.
Tree at 30 Seaview: Mike Aron reported that Mr. Kim, the property owner, was asked to move the tree back on his property, further from the road, to avoid future root damage to the road. Follow up will occur in August.
Soliciting Ordinance: Faith Weiss confirmed that the soliciting ordinance is still in place.She will contact the property owner who recently conducted a donut sale. She will explain The Association ordinances regarding soliciting at Point O'Woods and recommend that in the future, they should contact the Board as required by the ordinance.
Fireworks: Wayne Buchanan stated that although Point O'Woods doesn’t have a specific ordinance regarding fireworks, we must comply with the CT state law. The State Police and Old Lyme Police do enforce these laws. The state laws allow sparklers and fountains. Wayne Buchanan commented that the Board may need to review the potential need for an ordinance.
Ross Baiera’s Letter to the Board: Fred Callahan responded to Mr. Baiera’s letter regarding July 4 ordinance violations including eating, drinking and coolers on the beach; fireworks displays; and blatant disregard of the ordinances. He commented that if we were not going to enforce the ordinances we should consider changing them. Fred Callahan reported that security tries to do their best to control drinking on the beach. Security walks the beach 45 minutes out of the hour. Soft coolers are hard to differentiate from beach bags or diaper bags. We don’t have the authority to search bags. Fred Callahan requested that residents report eating and drinking on the beach since they can’t be everywhere. Security did stop one fireworks display. Underage golf carts. Fred Callahan also requested that residents report these infractions. He said security is everybody’s issue and everybody can help out. Since the Board members observed that these violations were mostly on the weekends, Fred Callahan agreed to add a third security guard on the weekends
BOG process for new Signs: Fred Callahan described the process used to install “no jumping” signs on the footbridge and Champion Rd Bridge (East side of Boat Basin). He received several calls about children repetitively jumping from the bridges into the Three Mile River (boat channel). He obtained agreement to post signs from 5 Board Members that this is prohibited and the signs were posted within hours. Security will also enforce the ‘KEEP OFF’ sign on the jetty.
Defining Point O'Woods Jurisdiction: It was reported that the Harbor Master indicated that safety supersedes the Public Trust. Wayne Buchanan reported that the Harbor Master, Harry Plaut, would be at a future meeting to discuss Point O'Woods rights, responsibilities, and jurisdiction under the Public Trust and DEEP regulations.
Fences: Faith Weiss reported that with new construction and remodeling, fences have been installed. She has received complaints and indicated that when we receive a complaint we must follow up.
Bright Lights: In response to Mr. Burlingham’s (16 Walnut Rd) question about the increase in lights and their brightness. The Board felt there was little that could be done but would look into the Old Lyme ordinances.
Violation Appeal: Mr. Zgorski has appealed the 5 outstanding tickets covering the past few years. Jennifer Reyes and Mike Aron were assigned to review the appeal and make a recommendation at the August meeting.
Accident/Injury at Recreation Club Golf Carts: Beth Kelly reported that a barefoot child at Rec Club stepped on a severed guide wire in the ground and received a cut that bled heavily. Guides applied first aid and called the parent. A discussion of the risks and benefits of the Recreation Program overall ensued and the need for more supervision and restructuring. Beth commented that having a more experience supervisor for recreation will help and has started working on defining the budget impact.
Commissioner Reports:
Fred Callahan reported that security has written 39 tickets this year and there have been a few golf cartr issues.
Citizen Speak:
Mary Lennon, 48 Ridgewood Rd., reported that food on the beach brings seagulls that are known to be aggressive. She would like to keep the ordinance as is. She also commented that fireworks can start fires and that the resident with 5 tickets appears to feel entitled.
Lorraine Gibson, 45 Connecticut Rd., commented that a previous committee spent 2-3 years studying the fence situation and drafted a new ordinance that the Board did not put forward at the annual meeting.
Richard Burlingham, 16 Walnut Rd., commented that two different maps were being used to determine property lines. He suggested the Board consider identifying one that they would use.
Marilyn Stitham, 49 Ridgewood Rd., Asked the Board to consider additional compensation for Rick Frascarelli.
Adjournment: At 8:30 PM Mike Aron motioned to adjourn, Pete Roberge seconded and motion carried.
Respectfully submitted, Jean M. Smith