Support sector specific activities and projects
Funding will be determined by Trustees, who look to support relevant activities and/or projects undertaken by recognised organisations that are committed to enhancing maritime education, training and skills. This may include:
· Maritime charitable bodies
· Maritime education and training establishments
· Commercial/other maritime organisations that require/are seeking joint funding in addition to their own monies to 'kick-start'/continue a project/activities.
Name of organisation/establishmentType of organisation/establishment
Contact name
Contact email
Name of activity/project being undertaken
Please provide an out-line of the activity or project clearly stating aims and objectives
Please indicate how the aims and objectives of the project or activity meet the MEF objects[1]
Duration and time scales of activity/project
Amount and approximate date of funding requested
Please state at least 3 key performance indicators (KPI’s), against which the success of the aims and objectives your project or activity can be measured.
KPI / Format of measurable data to be presented / Date of presentation to MEF of measurable data
Please return your application to
[1] Objects of the MEF:
(A) The advancement of education and training in maritime skills and in pursuance of such object but not further or otherwise to facilitate and promote the education and training of seafarers in maritime skills for the benefit of the general public.
(B) The advancement of education and training generally concerning maritime industries and industries relating to maritime activities.
For the purpose of the above, 'seafarers' means persons employed or engaged in maritime industries or who otherwise earn their living at sea or in industries related to maritime activities or who are undergoing a course of approved training for service in such industries or in industries related to maritime activities (and which course is approved by the Merchant Navy Training Board).