Harry Potter Side Event
Round 1
1. Here’s a bonus question about Wizarding currency whose scoring method may shock and offend some. For the stated number of points:
A. First, for five points each, identify the three coins of the Wizarding World.
ANSWERS: Galleons, Sickles, Knuts
B. Next, for five points each, give the conversion rate from Knuts to Sickles and from Sickles to Galleons.
ANSWERS: 1 Sickle = 29 Knuts and 1 Galleon = 17 Sickles
C. If the team answering the bonus has answered everything correctly so far, they get the last five points for a total of 30 points.
2. For five points for one, ten for two, twenty for three, and thirty for all four, identify some unusual talents in the Wizarding World.
A. One of these is a person who can talk to snakes.
ANSWER: Parselmouth (grudgingly accept “Parseltongue”)
B. One of these is a person who has learned to take the form of an animal.
ANSWER: Animagus (accept “Animagi”)
C. One of these is a person who is born with the ability to change their appearance at will.
ANSWER: Metamorphmagus (accept “Metamorphmagi”)
D. This is the official term for someone born with the Inner Eye.
3. For five points for one, ten for two, twenty for three, and thirty for all four, name these centaurs that make their home near Hogwarts.
A. This centaur incurs the wrath of other members of his herd for his friendliness with humans. After his banishment from the herd he begins teaching at Hogwarts.
ANSWER: Firenze
B. This centaur seems particularly determined not to meddle with fate, as he angrily rebukes Firenze for saving Harry during the latter’s first year.
C. This centaur seems pretty laidback, albeit melancholy. He was the first centaur that we met in the series, and was not upset that Firenze saved Harry.
D. This centaur appears to have led the herd since at least 1995. He orders the herd not to harass Hagrid because Harry and Hermione are with him, and they are “foals.”
ANSWER: Magorian
4. For ten points each, answer some questions about games from the Wizarding World.
A. In the Wizarding version of this game, pieces move according to verbal commands from the players.
ANSWER: chess
B. This game is said to be a lot like marbles, except the titular objects spew a foul smelling fluid at the losing players.
ANSWER: Gobstones
C. The game of Exploding Snap is played with these exploding objects.
ANSWER: playing cards
5. For ten points each, identify these British Ministers of Magic.
A. He became Minister following the end of the First War. While in office he proved to be a rather weak, pompous, and blustering leader.
ANSWER: Cornelius Oswald Fudge (accept either underlined name)
B. Following the start of the second War, this former head of the Auror Office succeeded Fudge as Minister.
ANSWER: RufusScrimgeour (accept either underlined name)
C. In 1997 Scrimgeour was tortured and killed by the Death Eaters and briefly succeeded by this former head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He was controlled by the Imperius Curse.
ANSWER: Pius Thicknesse (accept either underlined name)
6. For ten points each, answer some questions about the history of wizards’ classification and study of magical creatures.
A. This department of the Ministry of Magic handles all matters concerning magical creatures.
ANSWER: Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (full answer needed in the correct order; prompt on partial answers)
B. Not all magical creatures are classified as “beasts.” Since 1811 the Department has been divided into three divisions: the Beast Division and these two others. Five points per answer.
ANSWERS: Being Division and Spirit Division (do not accept “Ghost”)
C. This is the official Ministry of Magic name for the study of magical creatures.
ANSWER: magizoology
7. Answer some questions about magically invading or protecting the mind for ten points each.
A. This is the magic of protecting the mind that Harry begins studying in his fifth year.
ANSWER: Occlumency
B. This is the magic of breaking into the mind that Occlumency protects one from.
ANSWER: Legilimency
C. Occlumency is accomplished simply by clearing one’s head of thoughts and emotions. Legilimency, however, seems to require a wand and this spell.
ANSWER: Legilimens
8. Identify these Hogsmeade locales where students can buy something to eat or drink for ten points each.
A. This is the inn in which Hogwarts students usually convene to drink butterbeer.
ANSWER: The Three Broomsticks
B. This is the candy store in Hogsmeade.
ANSWER: Honeydukes Sweetshop
C. Harry has only been to this café once. It is a coffee shop very popular among young couples.
ANSWER: Madam Puddifoot’s
9. For ten points each, answer some questions about common Quidditch fouls.
A. “Stooging” is defined as more than one of these goal-scoring players entering the scoring area.
ANSWER: Chasers
B. This penalty is defined as excessive use of elbows.
ANSWER: cobbing (accept word forms)
C. This is the definition of the foul known as “blagging.”
ANSWER: grabbing an opponent’s broom tail (accept obvious equivalents)
10. For ten points each, name these family members of Albus Dumbledore. For every answer you will be prompted on “Dumbledore.”
A. This younger brother of Albus broke the latter’s nose at the funeral of their younger sister.
ANSWER: Aberforth Dumbledore
B. This was that younger sister, who died during a quarrel between Albus and Aberforth.
ANSWER: Ariana Dumbledore
C. For five points each, these were Albus, Aberforth, and Ariana’s parents.
ANSWER: Percival Dumbledore and Kendra Dumbledore
11. Answer some questions about big exams that Hogwarts students must take for ten points each.
A. Fifth year students at Hogwarts take these exams.
ANSWER: Ordinary WizardingLevels
B. Seventh year students at Hogwarts take these exams.
ANSWER: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests
C. For five points each, name the three passing grades and the three failing grades that a Hogwarts student can receive on their O.W.L.’s.
ANSWERS: Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, and Acceptable are passing
Poor, Dreadful, and Troll are failing
12. For ten points each, answer some questions about James and Lily Potter.
A. As an Animagus, James Potter takes this form.
ANSWER: a stag (prompt on “deer” since Rowling makes the distinction)
B. When friends of Lily meet Harry for the first time, they love to mention that he has his mother’s eyes. Those eyes were this color.
ANSWER: green
C. James and Lily Potter were murdered by Voldemort on this day. Year is not required.
ANSWER: Halloween or October 31, 1981
13. Identify these Diagon Alley shops for ten points each.
A. Most Hogwarts students shop for their school robes at this store.
ANSWER: Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions
B. The best place for a Hogwarts student to buy their wand is this establishment, which has apparently been in business since 382 B.C.E.
ANSWER: Ollivander’s
C. This is the primary bookstore in Diagon Alley. In 1992 it was the site of a celebrity booksigning and a fight between two dads.
ANSWER: Flourish & Blotts
14. Answer some questions about languages unique to the Wizarding World that involve more than pointing and grunting for ten points each.
A. To most humans, this language sounds like horrible screeching. However, we actually see Dumbledore have a conversation in this language.
ANSWER: Mermish (accept obvious equivalents)
B. This is the language of the goblins.
ANSWER: Gobbledegook
C. This is the only word Ludo Bagman knows in Gobbledegook. It means “pickax.”
ANSWER: bladvak
15. For ten points each, answer some questions about foreign wizards we know.
A. Though still in school, he played for the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team. He represented his school in the Triwizard Tournament.
ANSWER: VictorKrum (accept either underlined name)
B. This lady friend of Hagrid’s is the only other half-giant character we know.
ANSWER: Madam OlympeMaxime (accept either underlined name)
C. This is the wandmaker who made Krum’s wand.
ANSWER: Gregorovitch
16. For ten points each, identify these magical objects derived from animals.
A. One of these stones taken from the stomach of a goat will save you from most poisons
ANSWER: a bezoar
B. Voldemort combined some of this with unicorn blood to keep him alive before returning to a full body. That of the acromantula can apparently fetch 100 Galleons per pint.
ANSWER: venom
C. Hagrid gives Harry a bag made from the skin of this creature. It doesn’t let anyone in but the owner of the wallet.
ANSWER: a moke
17. For ten points each, identify these aquatic magical creatures.
A. These Japanese water demons resemble monkeys with scales and a hollow in their head that stores water. They can be defeated if tricked into bowing, which drains the water and their strength.
ANSWER: kappas
B. These horned water demons are pale green in color and have a powerful grip. Merpeople have been known to keep them as pets.
ANSWER: grindylows
C. This shapeshifting creature’s typical form is a horse with bulrushes for a mane. One of these has been living in Loch Ness for several hundred years in the form of a sea serpent.
ANSWER: a kelpie
18. For ten points each, identify the preferred weapon of these magical species.
A. Trolls.
ANSWER: club
B. Centaurs.
ANSWER: bow and arrow
C. Merpeople.
ANSWER: spear
19. For ten points each, name these Hogwarts faculty members that aren’t professors.
A. For five points each, name the surly caretaker of Hogwarts and his faithful feline sidekick.
ANSWER: ArgusFilch (accept either underlined name) and Mrs. Norris (do not prompt on partial answer)
B. This is the nurse of Hogwarts.
ANSWER: Madam PoppyPomfrey (accept either underlined name)
C. This is the librarian of Hogwarts.
ANSWER: Madam IrmaPince (accept either underlined name)
20. For ten points each, identify some objects used in Divination.
A. Although these orbs are probably the objects most commonly associated with Divination, Hogwarts students do not begin working with them until late in their first year of studying Divination.
ANSWER: crystal balls
B. Instead, Hogwarts students begin their Divination studies by looking for symbols to read in these beverage remnants.
ANSWER: tea leaves or tea dregs (accept obvious equivalents)
C. The preferred form of Divination among the Centaurs seems to be astrology. In particular, they seem to be overly fixated on the brightness of this object in the heavens.