Alcohol Research UK

Register of Interests

Professor Robin Davidson

Alcohol Research UK Chair

·  Sits on editorial boards of ‘Alcohol and Alcoholism’, ‘Addiction’ and ‘Journal of Substance Use’

·  Member of Expert Panel on Drug Treatment Outcome Consensus

·  Chairmanship of Alcohol Research UK is unpaid. Expenses only are claimed

·  As a previous Member of the AERC, occasional hospitality from the alcohol industry was accepted

·  Receives no clinical, education or research funding from the alcohol, drugs or tobacco industries

Professor Virginia Berridge

·  Professor of History, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

·  Editorial boards: Addiction (Editor for Addiction History series), Media History, Contemporary Drug Problems

·  Has received research funding from the Alcohol Research UK, MRC, NICE, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Wellcome Trust, ESRC and Health Protection Agency

·  Wellcome Trust Research Resources Funding Committee and Fellowships panel

Professor Sally Dibb

·  Professor of Marketing, Open University Business School, Open University

·  Director of ISM-Open (the Institute for Social Marketing at the OU)

·  Visiting Fellow at Warwick Business School

·  Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing

·  Editorial boards: Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Targeting

·  Research funding has come from the ESRC, Leverhulme Trust, Academy of Marketing (funded by CIM) and from commercial funders, eg: Santander and Shanghai Jimei.

·  Through role as Director of ISM-Open involved in supervising colleagues working on projects funded by MRC (NPRI), Alcohol Research UK, EC( DG SANCO). Role also means am involved in regularly bidding for research funding from RCUK, European, and Charitable funders. Bids to commercial funders are not alcohol related nor do they involve the alcohol industry.

Ms Annette Fleming

·  Chief Executive of Aquarius. A registered charity providing services to overcome the harms caused by alcohol, drugs and gambling

·  Member of CEO’s of Alcohol Services Meeting with Alcohol Concern

·  Aquarius has received funding from Alcohol Research UK, Comic Relief and the Lottery

Professor Sir Ian Gilmore

·  Member of the Department of Health Clinical Expert Group on alcohol issues

·  Clinical Adviser to Boehringer-Ingelheim on liver toxicity of a new drug in clinical trials (2005 to 2007) and on cases of potential liver damage after exposure to a novel anticoagulant under evaluation

·  Non-Executive Director , BMJ Publishing Group

Professor Nick Heather

·  Emeritus Professor of Alcohol & Other Drug Studies, Northumbria University (unpaid)

·  Sits on Editorial Boards of Alcohol & Alcoholism, Addiction Research & Theory, Adicciones, Drug & Alcohol Review and International Advisory Board of Journal of Substance Use, SMART Recovery ®

·  Has received research funding from Alcohol Research UK, MRC, EU, Mental Health Foundation, Tyne & Wear HAZ

·  Paid consultancy work for organisations interested in reducing alcohol-related harm (eg, Primary Health European Project on Alcohol, Scottish Association of Alcohol & Drug Teams, Central Office of Information, Ministry of Defence)

·  No clinical, education or research funding from the alcohol, drugs or tobacco industries

Professor Ray Hodgson

Alcohol Research UK Research Director

·  Part time Research Director of the Alcohol Research UK

·  Member and past president of the Society for the study of Addiction

·  Member of CSAP (The Correctional Services Accreditation Panel, based within the Ministry of Justice)

Ms Valerie Jolliffe

·  Trustee of the Imperial College Healthcare Charity

Mrs Lesley King-Lewis

·  Trustee of the Barbican Centre Development Trust

·  Trustee of The Mayor’s Fund

·  Trustee of the European Union Youth Orchestra

·  Governor of Woldingham School

Mr Andrew John May

·  Trustee and Treasurer of Action on Addiction and various of its related companies, namely: Clouds Ltd, The Chemical Dependency Centre Ltd, AONA, The Centre for Addiction Treatment Studies Ltd and Action on Addiction Trading Ltd. No remuneration or expenses paid.

·  Justice of the Peace

Professor Alan Maryon-Davis

·  Vice-Chair and Trustee of the National Heart Forum

·  Chair of the NICE Public Health Topic Workshops and Management of Obesity in Children PDG and Public Health Advisory Committee on Oral Health

·  Trustee of the Medicinema charity

·  Editor of Public Health Today

·  Chair of children’s charity ‘Best Beginnings’

·  Member of MACMILLAN Cancer Expert Advisory Group

Dr James Nicholls

Alcohol Research UK Research Manager

·  Honorary Senior Lecturer at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

·  Editorial Board Member of the Social History of Alcohol and Drugs

·  Member of the Alcohol and Drugs History Society and the Society for the Study of Addiction

·  Has received research funding from the AERC/Alcohol Research UK, the AHRC and the British Academy

·  Paid consultancy for alcohol harm-reduction projects from Alcohol Focus Scotland and Bournemouth Town Council

Mr Gerry O’Donnell

·  Public Affairs Director – The Famous Grouse

·  Chair of The Edrington Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Team

·  Member of the Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) Government and Consumer Affairs Committee

·  Business Leader of The Marketing Society

Mr Chris Searle

·  Full-time employee of the Bacardi-Martini Corporation Ltd

·  Director of John Dewars & Sons

·  VP of ISBA

·  Member of Scotch Whisky International Affairs Committee

·  Member of the Wine and Spirits Trade Association Spirits Council

·  Council member of EFRD

·  Bacardi representative at the European Alcohol and Health Forum

·  ICAP Board alternate

·  GAPG member for Bacardi

·  Business leader of the Marketing Society