PATNA-800 005, BIHAR






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PATNA-800 005, BIHAR






Tel: 0612-2670631, 2691929 Ext.-101,102, Fax 0612-2670631

Website: e-mail:


Sl.No. Particulars Page No.



1.01 Mission & Vision Statement

1.1.1 Mission Statement

1.1.2 Vision Statement

1.02 Objectives

1.03 Education System

1.04 New Initiatives


2.01 Historical Background

2.02 Location

2.03 Campus

2.04 Administration

2.05 Academic Programmes

2.06 Courses offered

2.07 Admission Procedure

2.08 Students

2.09 Examination & Evaluation

2.10 Placement

2.11 Games and Sports

2.12 Staff Position

2.13 Notable Achievements using Graphs, Charts, Diagrams


3.01 Academic Staff (Teaching)

3.02 Non-Academic Staff (Non-Teaching)

3.03 Training Status

3.04 Placement of Staff for Academic Excellence


4.01 Courses offered

4.02 Course-wise Enrolment with sex, caste break-up

4.03 Admission Statistics – UG/PG Programmes, Course-wise

4.04 Student’s Total Strength

4.05 The Hostels

4.06 Scholarships/Assistance-ship

4.07 Games and Sports

4.08 Awards

4.09 Examination Details

4.10 Training and Placement


5.01 Ph.D. Programmes – Existing and Proposed

5.02 Details of Ph. Ds done so far

5.03 Proposed Plan for research

5.04 Institute – Industry Collaboration

5.05 Innovations and Technology Transfer


6.01 Board of Governors

6.02 Finance Committee

6.03 Building and Words Committee

6.04 Other Committees


7.01 Concessions Provided for Students

7.02 Concessions Provided for Staff


8.01 Analysis of Plan and Non-Plan Grants

8.02 Sources of Funds

8.03 Expenditure Position for last three years


9.01 Computer Services Centre

9.02 Workshops

9.03 Library

9.04 Laboratories

9.05 Hospital, Post Office, Shopping Centre

9.06 Physical Facilities

9.07 Games & Sports Facilities

9.08 Other Facilities like Hostels, Messes, Staff

Quarters, Administration etc.


10.01  Past Achievements

10.02  Achievements took place during the year


11.01 Board of Governors

11.02 Finance, Building and Works and other Committees

11.03 Research Projects and Consultation Jobs

11.04 Faculty Position

11.05 Administrative and other Staff

11.06 Staff Members deputed/ Sponsored for Training, Learning

11.07 Courses and Admissions

11.08 Scholarships and Awards

11.09 Training and Placement Statistics

11.10 Finance and Accounts details


It is indeed a privilege for me to present the Director’s report for the academic year 2008-09. The history of the institution dates back to 1886 when a pleader survey centre was established at this campus by British Government. The pleader survey centre was updated as Bihar School of Engineering in 1900 and thereafter in 1924, the institution appeared on the scene of Technical Education of India as Bihar College of Engineering. The college became one of the important technical Education Organizations in India and upto 1947 when India gained independence, it was one of the most important college in British Dominion. The appointment of Principal, teachers and even admission of students in those days were on global basis and even today the institution has recognition among all the common wealth countries. After independence the college was entrusted with the responsibility of providing Engineering education to meet the local, regional and national requirements due to expansion of industries, trade and commerce in free India. During this period the institution was manned and managed by Patna University and funded by state Government. Due to lack of fund and proper management facilities, the institutional growth suffered to some extent, but when Govt. of India realised its historical importance, erstwhile Bihar College of Engineering Patna was taken over by Central Government as a fully funded institution and rechristened as National Institute of Technology Patna. With the notification of MHRD, Govt. of India, the institution is working as such from 28.01.2004.

Immediately, after the take over on 28.01.2004, the management and Administration was under the umbrella of NIT Patna. The first step that NIT Patna took was to tone up the academics and the existing infrastructure facilities. The following achievements of the institution during this academic year are worth mentioning.

Academic Activities:

Semester system has been introduced from 2007 batch The institute has been accorded with autonomous status and it has been functioning quite effectively.The institute could manage to publish result in scheduled time. Implementation of regular class test, assignment ,tutorials etc has aroused deep interest torwards learning among students.

Placement of students:

In erstwhile Bihar College of Engineering the placement of students was very poor, but due to the impact of regular session and close monitoring of classes, the institute could achieve a remarkable jump in the placement of students in various leading industries and organizations of the country. The students who have completed their curriculum this year have been selected by various leading organizations and industries of the country.

Admission of students:

Till 2003, in erstwhile Bihar College of Engineering, the admission of students was done through BCECE, a state Govt. Agency. Right from session 2004, the admission at NIT Patna is being done through AIEEE.

Since 2005, NIT Patna is running undergraduate courses in 7 discipline and postgraduate courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical subjects in a total of 7 specializations. From 2007 session the total undergraduate sanctioned intake is 400 and postgraduate sanctioned intake is 126. All postgraduate students are admitted with GATE score and are getting scholarships from AICTE.

Appointments of teachers:

Initially MHRD, Govt. of India sanctioned 100 posts of teaching staff to NIT Patna and considering 57 existing teachers, the remaining posts were advertised for filling the vacant posts. The posts were advertised in the month of August,2006. The candidates were interviewed in the month of December,2007 and the offer letter to the selected candidates were sent in the month of March,2008,after approval of BOG of the institute .We succeeded in offering appointments to 12 persons.The remaining posts could not be filled as suitable candidates were not available .During this period the sanctioned post of teaching staff has been increased from 100 to 140. Posts were again advertised in December2009 to fill up vacent posts.The process is in progress. The retired teachers help has to be continued for the benefit of students in certain specialised subjects. Total number of teachers is 62 out of which about 30 teachers have Ph. D. qualification whereas the rest have M. Tech. qualification.& B.Tech. qualification.

Research and consultancy:

NIT Patna administration encouraged the involvement of teachers for research and consultancy. During the last year various departments have undertaken consultancy and testing work for various industries & Govt. Departments.

Extra curricular activities:

Many teachers of NIT Patna have participated in the seminar, symposia and workshop of National Importance. The research publication by teachers has also improved during this period.

The students were also encouraged to participate in the academic, sports and cultural activities held at other institutions of the country. Internally sports and cultural activities are being arranged and the annual function was organised on 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th in January 2009. These functions were very much successful and students got encouraged due to these activities.


Hostels: Four hostels including one for girl students have been repaired and renovated during the last four years.

College building: All the 9 college buildings were repaired and renovated.

Teacher quarters: All the teacher quarters including the Director Residence were also repaired and renovated.

Construction of Library building: The building of library has been completed. The existing 35,000 books in the old library have been shifted to new library. The new library is well equipped with E-library facility with an initial 50 nos. of PCs.

Banking Services: In the campus an extension counter of Allahabad Bank is working satisfactorily for the last four years.

Essential services: Electricity, Drinking water supply, Sanitation, Ambulance, Security, EPABX and Internet services have been instituted and declared essential services at NIT Patna.

(a) NIT Patna has achieved 24 hours Electricity supply, It has installed 3 DG Sets (160 KV, 50 KV and 250 KV). Whenever the electric supply from Electricity Board gets disrupted, these DG sets are used to provide electricity during this period. The institute has installed underground cables in its campus.

(b) A number of aqua guards and water coolers have been installed in various departments, Hostels etc and the people in the campus are provided with safe drinking water facilities.

(c) The security has been outsourced and the campus is well guarded.

(d) An ambulance is maintained and kept in readiness so that services may be provided as and when required.

(e) Today we have about 500 PCs and 4 MBPS of lease line connection of BSNL. All departments including Library have inter connectivity through Wireless LAN.

(f) EPABX facility: All the departments, Quarters and Hostels are connected now through EPABX facility for 24 hours.

(g) Sanitation: It is well maintained.


Department: A total of 11 departments have been working. The HODs of each departments functions through their respective Departmental Advisory Committee in which all the teachers of the Department are members. Headship is on rotation Basis.

Deans: Four Deans have been created and they look after the Specialised functions. They are Dean (Academics), Dean (Students), Dean (Planning & Development) and Dean (SRIC). The senior teachers of the institute function as Deans.

Registrar, Deputy Registrar, and Assistant Registrars: Presently teachers are looking after the functions of these functionaries.


Board of Governors, Building and Works Committee, Finance Committee and Senate are four bodies which are responsible for deciding policies of the institution. Their meetings are held regularly. Prof. (Dr.) Ashoka Chandra is the chairman of BoG of NIT Patna.


Effort has been made to prepare a methodological perspective plan of NIT Patna. Ed-CIL India has been entrusted with this work. Ed-CIL experts visited the Institution a number of times and inspected the existing facilities of the Institute as well as they interacted with the students, teachers and employees and have also discussed with the Director and Chairman ,BoG and have finally prepared the perspective plan. This report was placed before BoG who have approved it after a thorough discussion. NIT Patna envisages to further strengthen the infrastructure, the administrative setup and desires to introduce the managerial skill as per the perspective plan in future



Annual Report


The year 2008-2009



1.01 Mission & Vision statement

1.01.01 Mission Statement

· To develop and promote innovations in Engineering Education at all levels namely undergraduate, postgraduate and research by adopting suitable steps like innovative learning teaching processes.

· To generate fundamental and applied knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and to promote academic growth by offering state-of-the-art in undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes.

· To help the other similar sister organisations in the locality as well as in the region in developing their curriculum, courses, learning-teaching processes, laboratories, faculties etc. by interacting with them continuously.

· To identify, based on an informed perception of Indian, regional and global needs areas of specialization particularly in emerging fields upon which the institute can concentrate in cooperation with other organisations.

· To undertake collaborative / sponsored projects and industrial consultancy which offer opportunities for long term interaction with academia, trade, commerce and industry.

· To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that intellectually capable and imaginatively gifted leaders can emerge in a range of professions.

1.01.02 Vision Statement

·  To contribute to India, Asia in particular and the world in general through achievement of excellence in innovative scientific and technical education, sponsored projects, industrial consultancy, testing and research;

·  To serve as a valuable resource for industry and society by consistent upgradation of aims, objectives and activities as per present and future requirements by undertaking cutting edge fundamental and applied researches; and

·  To remain a source of pride and inspiration for all Indians.

1.02 Objectives

·  Offer modern UG programmes in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering and Information Technology.

·  Initiate new PG programmes in computer science & Engineering, Information technology, Electronics & Communication engineering, Architecture, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Humanities and Social Sciences, MBA and MCA.

·  Introducing Dual Degree programmes (5 years) by proper integration of courses of two disciplines.

·  Offer facilities for doctoral research in all Engineering departments, Architecture, Management studies, Aplied science and Humanities and Social Sciences.

·  Establish a school of Architectural studies that offers progammes in all aspects of architecture and urban development.

·  Establish a school of continuing education that offers short-term enrichment and development programmes in all disciplines.

·  Provide consultancy services for industry and establishment of effective industry and institution interaction.

1.03 Education System

Education means overall development of an individual. An education system should attempt to provide the teaching and training of an individual in order to induce professional competence and ability, personality development provide leadership to team work, concern or human values towards the colleagues and subordinates, respect for superiors to behave in a disciplined way and exercise the habits of punctuality, sincerity, devotion, hard work, integrity and honesty and concern for the people, society and the nation. NIT Patna education system envisages to achieve the above mentioned qualities by undertaking an integrated and balanced blend of curricular co curricular and extra curricular activities amongst students teachers and supporting staff and by creating a congenial and close relations among students and teachers, a student and students and teacher and teachers. In order to achieve this objective the supporting staffs also plays a vital role. They are supportive in real sense, dedicated and effective.