2017/2018SNIA Board of Directors and Technical Council

Nomination Application

The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) is currently seeking qualified candidates from Voting Member Companies to stand for election for the SNIA Board of Directors (Board) and the Technical Council (TC).

FiveBoard seats and FourTechnical Council seat will be up for election. All elected Board and Technical Council seats are for 2-year terms. All terms will begin at the 2017Annual Meeting (teleconference call) on Thursday, October 12, 2017.

If you are employed by a SNIA Voting-Member company (in good standing) and wish to self-nominate and enter your name,or, the name of a colleague (with their permission) for nomination, please fill out the application that follows. If you work for a Non-Voting company, you may also nominate an industry colleague from a Voting-Member company, or yourself/an individual who has confirmed their intentions to upgrade membership to SNIA Voting-Member by August 31.

E-Mail the completed application formto SNIA nd .
Nominations must be received by midnight, Pacific Time on August 31, 2017.

In addition to the information on the following form, you must provide a brief biography and statement (maximum 300 words) and a digital photograph. These will be placed on the SNIA website and made available for voting members to consult.

SNIA is looking for candidates that can make a firm commitment to driving the storage networking industry forward, further the mission of the SNIA, and to “Lead the storage industry worldwide in developing and promoting standards, technologies, and educational services to empower organizations in the management of information.” The SNIA Board of Directors and Technical Council Members are volunteers that meet face-to-face approximately four times per yearand via teleconference calls in-between the face-to-face meetings. All Board members have a fiduciary and legal responsibility to the organization. All Technical Council members are acknowledged industry experts that work together to guide the direction of SNIA technical work and also guide committees and work groups that develop SNIA Architecture and Software.

The election will be conducted from September 1st(once the ballot is completed)through September 30th. Notification of the beginning of the voting period with instructions on how to cast ballots will be sent to the designated (by company) SNIA Voting-Member representativeon or soon afterSeptember 1st. Voting will close at Midnight PT on September 30, 2017.

If you have additional questions please contact Thomas Rivera r, Michael Oros directly .

Thank You for your participation in and support of SNIA.

Best Regards,

Thomas Rivera, Secretary, SNIA Board of Directors Michael Oros,Executive Director, SNIA

Please fill out each section as completely and as succinctly as possible.

Voting Member Company:
Nomination for Board or TC?:
Length of Employment with Current Company:
Years of Storage Industry / IT Community Experience:
Education (Degrees, etc.):
Office Phone #:
Mobile Phone #:
Office/Work e-Mail Address:

Previous SNIA Service


Employment History


Industry Achievement Awards


Your Motivation for Seeking This Seat


Other Associations That You Are Currently Active With and In What Capacity


Potential Areas of Interest


Anything Else the SNIA Should Be Aware Of



Must be accompanied by a brief (300 words maximum) biography and recent photo.

Thank you and good luck!V 7.31.17

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