WHFS Hydro Program Backup Checklist
The following is a checklist of items to be reviewed in support of using the WHFS applications to provide HSA service backup. If you have any questions about any of the items, please don’t hesitate to contact the WHFS Support Group.
A. Ensure all backup locations and static data which supports these locations is defined in Hydrobase (IHFS database). If not, contact WHFS Support.
A. Ensure the /awips/fxa/data/localization/CCC/CCC-hydroSiteConfig.txt file contains the appropriate 4 character WMO site identifiers for all the WFOs and RFCs from which you need to collect data. Changes to this file require a re-localization, i.e. executing mainScript.csh with the -auxFiles option.
B. Ensure the /data/fxa/customFiles/CCC-acqPatternAddOns.txt file contains the WMO headers for the HADS products for your office and the offices you back up. Changes to this file require a re-localization, i.e. executing mainScript.csh with the -auxFiles option.
C. Ensure the /awips/data/acq_wmo_parms.sbn.local file on the cpsbn machines has been set up to explicitly INCLUDE acquisition of the HADS RRS products. Changes to this file require a re-loading of the acquisition parameters on both cpsbns and may require changes to the file described in item B above.
D. Visually inspect the applications to ensure data for the backup locations is being stored and able to be used by the applications.
Any changes to the files in items A, B, or C above should be done in consultation with your IT, ESA, or AWIPS focal point.
A. Under the Setup menu, Riverpro Forecast Groups/Points option, define forecast groups for backup forecast points.
B. Under the Setup menu, make sure States/Counties/Zones and Radar Location are defined for your backup offices.
C. Under the Rivergage menu, Rivergage window, assign forecast points to forecast groups.
D. Under the Location menu, Modify Locations window make sure the HSA assignment for each location is correct.
E. Under the Data Ingest menu, Purge Parameters option, ensure that the retention period of Backup Locations is less than that for Host Locations. We default the retention period for most tables for Backup Locations to 72 hours. This is done to better manage the database space.
A. Ensure you have the most up-to-date Riverpro tpl and pcc files for your backup offices. If not, contact WHFS Support.
B. Ensure that the HSAs for which you provide service backup are identified in the Settings menu/Select HSA window.
C. Modify all the header templatesfor the offices you back up, so they reflect the office issuing the backup products:
This can be done in Riverpro under Settings/Modify product sections... click on Product Header (top left corner) and modify the templates, however, you will first need to set Riverpro to the appropriate backup HAS, using the Settings menu, Select HAS option.
A. Define predefined option sets for your backup locations to filter your displays.
B. Ensure your MPE area is large enough to cover the HSAs for which you provide service backup.
A. Ensure you have rating curve and unit hydrograph information for locations for which you may provide backup.
B. Ensure you have the basin definitions for the locations for which you may provide backup.
A. Ensure you have defined pre-defined groups to include service backup locations to make for easier review and analysis of data.
A. Ensure you have the dam information for dams in the HSAs for which you provide service backup. Contact WHFS Support for assistance in obtaining that information.
A. Ensure you have properly configured your AWIPS workstations to be able to launch the HydroGen Bless interface to start and end service backup. Instruction on how to do this can be found at:
B. Ensure you have all the appropriate entries in the hgstation table. With OB6, there is currently no Hydrobase interface to the hgstation table. You will need to use Snoopy or psql to query the hgstation table.