INVISTA Wetland Environmental Science Education Encounter
Permission Slip and Release of Liability
§ State of Texas
County of Victoria
The INVISTA Wetland is intended to be a habitat as it appears in nature. As a habitat area, there is always the possibility that insects, reptiles and animals could be present, including, but not limited to: mosquitoes, bees, fire ants, snakes, turtles, skunks, deer, bobcats, etc. There also may be natural slipping or tripping hazards in the Wetland. INVISTA has done nothing to protect against natural hazards and we need visitors to know this and take care of themselves. Since INVISTA is offering to allow students and community groups to experience this area for free, the second paragraph is intended to protect INVISTA if the student/visitor is harmed in any way. The Third paragraph is intended to have the parent/visitor to accept responsibility for any harm to the area caused by the student/visitor.
I, the undersigned, for and in consideration of INVISTA Victoria Plant granting permission to enter and go on their premises, release and forever discharge INVISTA, their owners, shareholders, directors, officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, causes of action, demands, liabilities, losses, injuries and damages, of every nature that my student may have now or in the future or may suffer or caused to be suffered, resulting from or relating to, or growing out of, either directly or indirectly, such premises or my student’s presence on such premises or going on such premises or any activity by my student or any other person on such premises or any hazards or unsafe premises conditions whether known or unknown to any person or entity.
For the same consideration above stated, I the undersigned do hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless INVISTA, their owners, shareholders, directors, officers, agents and employees from and against any and all liability claims, demands or causes of action including claims for contribution or indemnity, and the reasonable and necessary costs, expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred in defense of any such claims, which any person or entity has or may have arising out of, resulting from or relating to, either directly or indirectly, my student entering upon, or being on such premises of INVISTA or any activity in which my student may engage in or on such premises.
I grant my permission for ______(student’s full name) to attend and participate in the Wetland Environmental Science Encounter study program at the Wetland Education Center located in the INVISTA Victoria Plant Wetland.
Your student will be under the direct supervision of school personnel at all times while participating in the Wetland Environmental Science Education Encounter program at the INVISTA Wetland. Each student is expected to follow all safety rules while at the Wetland. If a student chooses not to obey the rules, he/she will be subject to their standard school district disciplinary procedures.
Parent or Guardian’s Signature date
Periodically, the INVISTA Wetland uses photos, videos and statements of participants for newsletters, brochures, magazines, books, slide shows, social media, and articles about the wetland. All photos, videos and statements are used with reasonable judgment for purposes directly relating the wetland or wetland education. This signed form gives INVISTA Wetland and its agent’s permission by the signer to utilize participant photos or statements for the purposes mentioned above.
Parent or Guardian’s Signature date
(Student Version 20012-2013)