2018 Rehabilitation Psychology

Conference Sponsorships

Rehabilitation Psychology 20th Mid-Year Conference

& Division 22 Activities at the APA Annual Convention

We have expanded sponsorship options that provide the opportunity to have a recognized presence at both meetings. All sponsorships are vital to our mission.

$10,000—Premier Partner

RP 18:

Banner in registration area

Promotional materials in attendee folder

Signage in all break areas

5 minutes at the podium at a Key Conference Event

Recognition at Leadership Luncheon

Exhibit booth and 2 free registrations

Name and logo on all marketing materials (print and conference app)

APA Convention-Division 22

Opportunity to host Reception or Poster Session at Division 22 Hospitality Suite

Banner at Division 22 Social & Awards Ceremony

Special recognition on Division 22 program, printed materials and media

Distribution of promotional material during the ceremony and in Hospitality Suite

$5,000—Platinum Conference Partner


Signage in registration and exhibit areas

Recognition during Leadership Luncheon

Exhibit booth and 1 free registration

Name and logo on all marketing materials (print and conference app)

Promotional materials in attendee folders

APA Convention-Division 22

Signage at Division 22 Social and Awards Ceremony

Special recognition on Division 22 program, printed materials and media

Distribution of promotional items during the ceremony and in Hospitality Suite

$2,500 Gold Conference Partner


Signage in registration

Recognition during Leadership Luncheon

Exhibit booth and 1 free registration

Name and logo on all marketing materials (print and conference app)

Promotional materials in attendee folders

APA Convention-Division 22

Signage at Division 22 Social and Awards Ceremony

Special Recognition on Division 22 program, printed materials and media

Distribution of promotional items in the Hospitality Suite

$1,500- Conference Exhibitor


Signage in the registration and exhibit areas

Name and logo on all marketing materials (print and conference app)

Exhibit booth

Recognition during the Leadership Luncheon

APA Convention-Division 22

Recognition on Division 22 program, printed materials and media

Signage and distribution of promotional items in Hospitality Suite

$1000- Silver Conference Supporter


Name on marketing materials (print and conference app)

Recognition during Leadership Luncheon

Signage recognition in registration area

APA Convention-Division 22

Signage recognition in Hospitality Suite and Social

Distribution of promotional items in Hospitality Suite

$500—Conference Friends


Recognition in Conference Program (print and conference app)

Recognition during the Leadership Luncheon

APA Convention-Division 22

Signage recognition in Hospitality Suite

Recognition on Division 22 materials

Single Event Sponsorships

$5,000—Keynote Sponsor (RP18 only)


Signage at Keynote speech, registration area and Leadership Luncheon

Identified as Keynote sponsor on app and in printed schedule

Promotional materials in attendee folders

Recognition during Keynote speech and Leadership luncheon

Exhibit booth and 1 free registration

$3,000- Scientific Poster Session at RP18 (RP18 only)

Signage and recognition during the Scientific Poster Session

Recognition during the Leadership Luncheon

Signage displayed in registrations area

Identified as Scientific Poster Session on conference app and printed materials

Promotional materials in attendee folders

$3,000 APA Conference Partner (APA-Div 22 only)

APA Convention-Division 22

Opportunity to host Reception or Poster Session at Division 22 Hospitality Suite

Signage at Division 22 Social and Awards Ceremony

Special Recognition on Division 22 program, printed materials and media

Distribution of promotional items in the Hospitality Suite

$2,000 – Division 22 Early Career Event Sponsor (APA-Div 22 only)

APA Convention-Division 22

To provide support for Div 22 ECP Social and associated Events

Signage and recognition at all Div 22 ECP Receptions, Socials and Meetings

Special Recognition on Division 22 program, printed materials and media

Distribution of promotional items in the Hospitality Suite

$1,500—RP 18 Refreshment Sponsor (RP18 only)

Signage in the break and registration areas

Recognition in marketing materials (print and conference app)

Recognition during Leadership Luncheon

Exhibit Booth

$800— RP 18 Conference Exhibitor

Signage in the registration and exhibit areas

Name and logo on all marketing materials (print and conference app)

Exhibit booth

Recognition during the Leadership Luncheon

$500 APA Conference Exhibitor (APA-Div 22 only)

Signage and distribution of promotional items in the Division 22 Hospitality Suite

Recognition on Division 22 program, printed materials and media