Science: This term our topic will be Earth, Sun or Moon. To support this topic we will be visiting the Royal Observatory at Greenwich on 27th March. If you would like to accompany your child, and have completed a CRB form, please speak to the class teacher. Thank you.

History: We are covering ‘Victorians’, and will be investigating life for Victorian children and making comparisons between life for the rich and poor. We will visit the RaggedSchool in East London on 13th and 15th February, where the children will learn about the life and education of children in Victorian times. Our art work will explore the work of William Morris together with the style of Charles Keeping. After half term we will work on the Ancient Egyptians.

RE:We will be looking at Sikhism this term and exploring worship and places of worship for the Sikh community.

PE: PE will take place on Monday and Wednesday for Class 5HB and Wednesday and Thursday for Class5B, with a focus on games and dance. Please bring a PE Kit (white T Shirt and black shorts) on Monday to take home for washing on Friday. Children will need both indoor and outdoor (black jog bottoms) PE kits

Maths: We will continue to work through the Year 5 programme of study, but would ask for your help and encouragement for your children to learn their multiplication tables. Please support your child to complete any Mathletics homework set.

Literacy: Our literacy this term will be based around the poem The Highwayman. We will continue to focus on punctuation, spelling and handwriting and we would really appreciate any support you can give your child at home on the presentation of their work. Reading journalsare expected to be completed each week.

Homework: Homework will normally be given out on Friday for completion the following week.

Educational Visits Programme: If you are able to accompany the children on the trips mentioned above, please let us know. You will need to have already completed a CRB form. If you have yet to do so, this is a very simple form which will need to be supported by everyday documents you have at home. Please contact the School Office who will be happy to help. We thank you if you have paid your contribution towards school trips and events this term; if you are yet to pay, please look out for the payment card which will soon be reissued to you. Thank you for your support.

Mrs Blyth, Mrs Baldwin and Mrs Huggett- Year 5 Teachers