JCHRMA Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Present: Melissa Reinwald, Julie Rusch, Amy Paulsen, Tiffany Groffy, Maria Gonzalez, Tara Husemann, Ashley Lutterman, Bob Gregg, Pati Hall

Not present:Kari Malek, Craig Schmidt, Jenny Emann

Approval of November’s Minutes: Bob motioned to approve; Amyseconded; all in favor

Welcome Tara Husemann

  • New Communications Chair

Chair Updates

  • Forwarded to Board Members in advance

Leadership Trip – Washington DC

  • Both Julie and Melissa felt this trip was a valuable experience. The conference allowed for an opportunity to share chapter ideas. One standout idea was to set goals for the chapter as a whole and for each position. Through goal setting, the hope is to recommit board members to the chapter and to their volunteer positions. We need to finish the year strong and have a lot to accomplish.
  • On the trip, Julie and Melissa were even able to attend meetings with Wisconsin legislators and their offices: Senator Tammy Baldwin, Senator Ron Johnson, and Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner

Thank you’s

  • Julie extended thank you’s to the following board members for their extra efforts over the past few months:
  • Melissa Reinwald for picking up ½ of the communication role during the vacancy. Melissa helped out with the LinkedIn posts and membership email communications. Also, for her eagerness and willingness to learn the president role for her upcoming term.
  • Pati Hall for taking on the other ½ of the communication role during the vacancy. Pati helped out with the website maintenance.
  • Jenny Emann for referring Tara Husemann for the Communications role.
  • Tiffany Groffy for picking up a large part of the sponsorship position.

Review Board Member Expectations and Benefits

  • Attendance at board meetings so we can vote on items to support the implementation of goals and initiatives
  • Setting goals at the beginning of the year, as opposed to end of year, so we can incorporate in SHAPE plan

Review Personal Goal

  • Each board member is challenged with creating a position goal that will help support the chapter. Continue to think about this and bring your ideas to the February meeting. This can be a goal for your area or something larger for the chapter. Keep SHAPE in mind when setting your goal.

SHAPE 2013 and 2014

  • SHAPE plan has been submitted for 2013.
  • We need to develop goals to help us plan for the 2014 SHAPE plan. For example, membership, the at large mailing brought us 6 new members. There was some discussion about other potential SHAPE initiatives: resume review project, reach out to business who do not have dedicated HR professional; for our HR Blog Posts for WI SHRM, we could make the topics related to professional development.

Foundation Director

  • We are one board position away from achieving Platinum. By establishing a Foundation Director position with the Board, we could be eligible for Platinum. The Foundation Director would be responsible for organizing one fundraising event for the SHRM Foundation. The person would have to be a named individual who would coordinate these efforts and manage correspondence between SHRM National and our chapter.
  • The discussion around having this position added was who would take on the responsibilities; what we could do for fundraising efforts.
  • Julie wondered if we could add this position onto the Diversity and Workforce Readiness position.
  • Promotion of the SHRM foundation would need to be done to encourage our members to donate – maybe add info on the monthly chapter meeting PowerPoint; do a newsletter article; hold a 50/50 raffle; silent auction.
  • Julie will be named the Foundation Director.

Succession Planning

  • We will be having the upcoming vacancies for our board: Workforce Readiness/Diversity; Certification; Membership; Secretary; and Vice President. We will also need to recruit for the Sponsorship position.
  • In February, Julie will announce the openings; send out the board member interest form. We’ll start collecting forms in March, sending out bios of candidates in March and April announce winning incumbents.
  • Need some support with the following projects:
  • Volunteer Recognition Dinner
  • Shared File Project
  • Student Games
  • Chamber Events
  • Planning of annual JCHRMA volunteer day/event

Non-Profit Mentor Program

  • The non-profit mentor program is a program put on by WI SHRM that we committed to last year. The chapter sent out a communication to the membership to find a non-profit 501(3)(c) organization with no HR department that we can partner with. The organization would get a free State Conference registration, boarding for the conference, free JCHRMA membership.
  • We received three responses:
  • Bethesda – Ineligible, has a HR department
  • Big Brothers, Big Sisters – Eligible, but a much more widely known
  • Rainbow Hospice- Dedicated to Jefferson Co.


  • Amy presented our 2013 total expenses and revenue. Based on the 2013 totals, she put together a budget for 2014.

District Director

  • Sue Estes is the new district director. Colleen will be the new membership director for WI SHRM.
  • Sue has asked our district chapters, what they would like to see from her. Some suggestions from our board: finding out what is successful for other chapters, having Sue attend a board meeting, attending a chapter meeting to discuss the connection between WI SHRM and local chapters.
  • Julie will contact Sue to see if she can attend either the February or March breakfast meetings.

Certification – vote

  • A JCHRMA member passed their PHR exam and their employer would not reimburse them for the cost of the exam - $350. The member is asking the chapter for reimbursement for the cost of the exam.
  • Bob motioned to approve; Tiffany seconded; all in favor.

Announcements after Breakfast Meeting

  • Julie types up the announcements she shares at the breakfast meetings beforehand and she will begin sending the meeting announcements out to the chapter, as it does contain important information for the members.

Resume Review

  • JCHRMA member, Patrick McCarthy, has offered his services to review member’s resumes in return for sponsorship at an upcoming meeting. Details still need to be gone through.

Back up plans

  • It would be in the chapter’s best interest to encourage cross-training to allow for position back ups. It will be the chapter’s goal to have a back up for each board position. For example, making sure our LinkedIn messages are posted in time, or to have our legal update sent out to membership.

February Board Meeting

  • Julie expressed concern that the conference call board meetings have not been as successful or productive, as hoped; therefore, we will resume the in person board meetings in February.
  • We will continue to meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We will plan to meet at Bethesda in Watertown.
  • We can order rotate ordering subs, pizza, and other suggestions will also be welcome.

Next Board Meeting

Tuesday, February 18 at 5:00 PM, Bethesda, Watertown

Adjournment of Meeting

Melissa motioned to adjourn meeting; Ashley seconded; all in favor

Parking Lot

File Sharing

Important Dates

State Council Meeting – March 7th, UW Madison

Student Conference and HR Games – March 7-8, UW Madison

Legislative Conference – March 20, Eau Claire

Legislative Conference – April 24, Milwaukee

Regional Student Conference and HR Games, April 25-26, UW Milwaukee

State Council Meeting – August 7, Delavan

State Leadership Conference – August 7-8, Delavan

State Council Meeting – October 15, Madison

State SHRM Conference – October 15-17, Madison

National Leadership Conference – November 20-22

State Council Meeting - December 5