Minutes of a Meeting held at 7pm on Tuesday, 11th October 2011

In the Parish Council Meeting Room, Church Lane, South Wootton


Mr Price reported that there had been no members of the Public present at the evenings Parish Council Surgery.

PRESENT: Mr D Price (Chairman), Mr D J Steward-Brown (V/Chairman), Mr M Narborough, Mr J Smallwood, Mrs M Albinson, Mrs D Gotts, Mrs T Banks, Ms D Scott, Mr B Clapham, Mr D Gerrard, Mr R Williamson, Mr A Evans, Mrs T L Cornwell (Parish Clerk), Mrs M Kirby (Assistant Clerk). Borough Councillors, Mr N Daubney and Mrs E A Nockolds.

Public: Mr Chas Abbs

APOLOGIES: Mr I Jordan, Mr H Hofmeister, Rev D Tate, and County Councillor Mr D Murphy.

Mrs Cornwell informed members that Mr Hofmeister was absent from the evenings meeting as his wife had sadly died. Mrs Cornwell confirmed that the funeral of Mrs Hofmeister would be taking place on 19th October 2011. Members sent their condolences to Mr Hofmeister.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING – 13th September 2011, Mrs Cornwell informed members that due to several minor amendments to the Borough Councillors reports, two new replacement sheets, numbered 64 and 65 had been circulated to all members. With one other minor amendment, these were proposed as a correct record by Mr Smallwood, seconded by Mr Narborough, agreed by all and signed by the Chairman.

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS – Mr Clapham stated that he has a Personal interest as he lives at Ullswater Avenue and his fence is boundary to the possible proposed development.

QUESTIONS FROM THE PUBLIC – Mr Price informed members that Mr Chas Abbs was present at the meeting to speak regarding the LDF. Mr Price suspended Standing Orders to allow Mr Abbs to speak.

Mr Abbs explained that he lives at The Meadows and is concerned about the proposed Western Development. Mr Abbs read out a letter which he had written raising questions and highlighting concerns regarding the Development.


The letter read, my name is Charles Abbs, I live on The Meadows here in South Wootton. My obvious main concern is the Western Development. There are two words currently thrown at us daily by the Radio, Television and Press. Those two words are Human Rights. I intend to pose questions regarding rights and I ask the following.

1.  What rights have desk top developers to destroy what is surely South Woottons finest natural beauty spot?

2.  What rights have they to saw down many Ancient trees mostly oak and all older than anyone in this room? Should they not have a preservation order on them?

3.  What rights have they to grub out hundreds of metres of long established hedgerows and to fill in drainage ditches and dykes?

4.  What rights have they to destroy the breeding and feeding grounds of over 50 species of birds, some endangered and others protected, for example the Skylark, Lapwing, Marsh Harrier and Barn Owls.

5.  What rights have they to destroy hunting and feeding ground for numerous mammals and bats?

6.  What rights to destroy too numerous to mention species if invertebrates and unusual flora and fauna.

7.  What rights have these planners got to take away the privacy and tranquillity of those people whose houses are on or close to the development area.

8.  What rights do they have to rob us of our views over to the wash?

9.  What rights have they to impose upon those same people disruption for up to 20 years with the constant sound of diggers, cutters, saws, hammers and drills? Many of the residents will be dead before the development is finished.

10. What rights have they to change the total infrastructure of a Village? Double it in size and make it larger than some small Norfolk Towns.

11. The developers asked for alternative sites to be proposed, my question is why is development not taking place where huge shopping construction is under way and already Planning approved. i.e. The Hardwick area. Middleton and West Winch should surely be considered as potential development areas.

12. The proposed developments go totally against “The Parish Design Statement” for South Wootton, published just 4 years ago and agreed by our Borough Council Representatives here this evening.

13. If the development does go ahead what compensation will there be to those of us whose houses will be inevitably somewhat devalued. And if we want to move due to the disruption and cannot sell then what are we to do?


14. My final comment is that having established and questioned the right of the planners, do they think they are acting in a “Humane” way and are our human rights being trodden on and eroded.

Mr Abbs thanked the Parish Council for allowing him to speak. Mr Price asked if anyone had any questions. Mr Clapham asked Cllr Daubney where he stood regarding the LDF. Cllr Daubney stated that the LDF is a program from the Government which the Borough Council had been asked to address. Cllr Daubney said that an Invitation had been made for landowners to submit areas of land for possible development. Cllr Daubney explained that the LDF is currently out for consultation, however felt that Kings Lynn has to grow or it may possibly lose schools or hospitals.

Cllr Daubney felt that too much development has been proposed for South Wootton and felt that he would be opposed to some of it, however stated that what is lost from South Wootton would have to go elsewhere.

Mrs Albinson enquired about the NORA estate and asked why that particular area was not being developed further. Cllr Daubney said that two more phases are planned but explained that the area has to be required by a developer.

Comment was made that South Wootton Parish Council had supported the Localism Bill; however questions were raised about what rights are retained. Cllr Daubney stated that under the Localism Bill, Parishes should have more say regarding issues.

Cllr Daubney commented regarding Mr Abbs statement regarding the Parish Design Statement. Cllr Daubney said that it is a good job that South Wootton had a Design Statement in place.

Mr Price informed members of the outcome of the two Drop-in sessions and said that 250 Residents had attended the sessions. Mr Price commented that Residents felt a lot of anger regarding the proposals and many were generally surprised about the extent of the proposed development as well as being strongly against it.

It was said that whilst the Parish may have to accept some new development, it was felt that the extent of what is proposed would almost double the size of the Village. Questions were asked regarding who would live in the houses and where would they come from to move in. Cllr Daubney stated that if there is no demand, the houses will not be built.

Mrs Gotts commented regarding a recent Newspaper Article she had read in the Times which had suggested that the Government was offering Grants to Councils if they put through development on Greenfield sites. It was said that Payments under the scheme are calculated by taking the national average of the council tax band in which the new properties fall and giving the council the equivalent amount in grants for each of the following six years. It was suggested that as South Wooton pays a higher Council Tax rate, development within South Wootton may draw extra Grants. Cllr Daubney clarified that is not how the


system would work and stated 3 things, New Homes Bonus, Community Infrastructure Levy and Business Rates retention. He explained grants would not be of a higher value for South Wootton than Kings Lynn.

Cllr Nockolds explained that the process regarding how many houses were necessary started two or three years ago and confirmed that these are only proposals. Cllr Nockolds urged people to write to the Borough Council regarding their thoughts on the proposal and stated that it is very important to do so.

Mr Clapham asked if either of the Borough Councilors were aware of how much money has been spent putting the document out. Cllr Daubney stated that he would find the information out and let the Parish Council know.

Mr Abbs commented regarding his experience at the Drop-in sessions and said that he was disappointed to be told by a Borough Council representative that the proposal was a fate a comply. Mr Abbs said that one of his neighbours had been very upset.

Mr Price commented that his experience had been rather different and felt that the proposal was not yet cast in stone. Mr Price said that a case should be formed to get the numbers of houses reduced.

Cllr Nockolds stated that both she and Cllr Daubney are here to represent the South Wootton Residents. She said that if Parishioners only want 200 new houses, the Borough Council will look at the options.

Mr Steward-Brown spoke regarding the Drop-in sessions and said that towards the end of the sessions, there were no comment forms available for Residents to take and complete. It was also said that many people gave up waiting to speak to the Borough Council Representatives. Mr Price said that after discussion with some Parishioners it was felt that a separate meeting should be arranged for the Representatives to talk to the Residents. Cllr Daubney confirmed that a separate meeting would be a good idea.


All members had received a copy of the e-mailed report from County Councillor Murphy. Mr Price asked if any members had any questions.

Cllr Daubney informed members that on 30th September he had attended a seminar in Swaffham with other representatives from Norfolk Councils. Cllr Daubney said that the seminar was well attended and rolled out two alternatives to the proposed Energy from Waste Incinerator. Cllr Daubney said that the alternatives were to turn black bin residual waste into a useable material almost like a plastic timber for use as fence posts, bricks and tiles. Cllr Daubney confirmed that the Borough Council has agreed to take the technology forward and test it against cost. Cllr Daubney said that this technology is being used in Rotherham and other Northern Councils. It was said that this method would be better than landfill or Incineration.


Mr Price asked how this process may affect the Incinerator Project. Cllr Daubney advised members that a report had been received which stated that if a clean Incinerator is built it should be safe. One member referred to the health concerns and stated that Cory Wheelabrator had been sued in the past and felt that the Borough Council needs to be sure it is safe.

Cllr Daubney spoke about the volume of waste which would be required to keep the Incinerator running. It was confirmed that waste from outside the County as well as Commercial waste would be required. Comment was made that a Dutch Company currently pays £68 per tonne of rubbish it receives to keep its Incinerator running. Members felt that it would be ridiculous if the Borough Council had to pay people to send their rubbish here.

Cllr Daubney referred to other news and said that the Magistrates service is 650 years old.

Cllr Daubney was pleased to say that he had attended the College of West Anglia’s Graduate Ceremony and was pleased to see 120 people lining up to receive their degrees. He said that the new Technology Block was now open and is World Class.

Cllr Daubney commented that GCSE results for West Norfolk schools were not too good, however stated that the results for The Academy were very good this year. He stated the Borough Council are working with partners to look at Education standards at GCSE and A level to try and ‘raise the game’.

Cllr Nockolds informed members that the Borough Council has helped the College of West Anglia by building 8 classrooms at Lynnsport. She said that at present 200 children have lessons there. It was said that over a two day period local Authorities had been invited as well as the Hospital and other large establishments to enable 2 year groups from each High school to visit regarding careers advice.

Cllr Nockolds confirmed that the Registrars have now completely moved to the Town Hall.

Cllr Nockolds advised that a door to door Quality of Life Survey is about to take place. She said that the survey was very important and it is hoped that 2500 interviews will take place.

Cllr Nockolds informed members that from 7th November 2011, Civil Parking enforcement will commence in the Borough Council of Kings Lynn and West Norfolk. Norfolk County Council have delegated powers on behalf of Breckland Council, Broadland Council and North Norfolk Council. She confirmed that more Council employed enforcement officers would be seen around.

Finally, Cllr Nockolds informed members about a torch relay which has been set up and stated that a package had been put together for schools to sign up to.

Mr Price asked if anyone had any questions. There were no other questions and Mr Price reinstated Standing Orders.



Assets – Mr Narborough said that there had been no meeting held, however he wished to raise one item regarding the trees at the Cemetery. Mr Narborough explained that Dr Outred had recently purchased a neighbouring property and had contacted the Parish Clerk about the possibility of having the trees which are on the boundary bank trimmed. Ken Plummer has carried out some remedial work, but there are areas that need expert attention. Dr Outred had explained that he would ask Mr Andrew Mitchell, a Landscape Gardener to carry out the work and confirmed that he would pay all costs. Mr Narborough proposed that the Parish Council allows Mr Outred to carry out the work, this was seconded by Mr Williamson and unanimously agreed.