Date: October 30, 2017

Time: 12-2 p.m.

Members Present:Darla O’Dwyer, Sarah Drake, Justin Pelham

Business Conducted


The new Bachelor of Science Food and Nutrition Degree plan was approved by the Board of Regents on 10/23/17. The degree plan will offer an 18 hour minor and will not be associated with the term “non-RD” track, which is considered negative according to the students on this degree track.

DPD and DI


These are the recruitment/retention areas that we have been working on:

Articulation agreement with Tarrant County Community College (in progress)

Update website

Update DPD and DI handbooks yearly

Send PR events to Marketing regularly

Attend graduate fairs, including dietetic internship workshop (yearly)

Present at the STEM conference (yearly)

Keep curriculum up to date according to feedback from seniors, alumni and employers

Market 1 credit hour courses across campus

Maintain accreditation for the DPD and DI program

New student convocation

Attend triage into nursing every semester

Representation at Showcase Saturday

Work with Ambassadors


Hands on courses

Require experiential learning (Simulation, Cooking Matters, service learning)

SFA Food, Nutrition and Dietetics Recruiting Plan 2016-2017

Action / Who / When / Progress / Completed
STEM / Darla & Sarah or Justin / Spring 17 / STEM Presentation
Update Website / Darla, Natalie and Sarah / Fall 16 / In progression. Updated faculty bio’s and revised DI goals. Working on content.
Update DPD and DI student handbooks / Darla and Sarah / Fall 16
Meet with Kasi Dickerson - Marketing Communications Specialist / Darla, Sarah and Justin / Fall and Spring / Publicize student work and achievements
Attend DI workshop at Texas A&M to recruit DI students / Darla / Fall 16 / Darla to attend Texas A&M workshop on October 1, 2016 / X
Recruit FND Ambassadors to Attend Showcase Saturdays / Darla, Sarah and Justin / Fall
Spring / Ongoing