Annex 1 – Rating Scale

Note: I assumed that the rating is for the accomplishment for the year vis-à-vis the programme purpose/ output

1 = Fully achieved, very few or no shortcoming up to 5= Not achieved

Objective Statement / Achieve Rating for year / Logframe Indicators / Baseline
for Indicators / Progress against Indicators / Comments on changes over last year, including unintended impacts
2. To develop and implement partnership models for the improvement of access to housing and community services for the urban poor in 4 regions in the Philippines and for wider dissemination and replication. / 3 / 2.1Improved local government policies and programmes for housing and community services in the 4 pilot cities showing
  1. Increasing scores on compliance to existing housing and urban development policies by at least 20%
  2. integration of at least 50% of the urban poor agenda items
  3. allocation of at least 10% of city development fund for social housing or an increase of at least 20% of the allocation
  4. Improved national government policies and programmes for the urban poor showing
  1. Integration of at least 50% of the urban poor agenda items
  • % Compliance to existing housing and urban development policies not yet determined
  • 0% urban poor agenda item integrated in city policies and programmes
  • % allocation of city development fund for social housing not yet determined
  • 0% urban poor agenda item integrated in national government policies and programmes
  • Average of 54.17% UDHA compliance of the 4 pilot cities (in Year 2)
  • Average of 64.29% UDHA compliance of the 4 pilot cities (in Year 3)
  • 0% urban poor agenda item integrated in city policies and programmes
(in Year 2 and 3)
  • Allocation of city budget for social housing for pilot cities i(n PhP):
-Quezon City (2008):
-LegazpiCity (2009):
- 10,000,000 (2009)
- 10,000,000 (2010)
- 20,000,000 (2011)
60,000,000 (2009)
60,000,000 (2010)
90,000,000 (2011)
  • 1/16 or 6.25% urban poor agenda item integrated in national government policies and programmes (in Year 2 & 3)
/ There were new mayors in 3 of the 4 pilot cities. Engagement with local government in pilot cities are just starting to warm up and bear fruits.
In all pilot cities, their agenda items are moving, but it would take time to finally win policies and programmes. It is hoped that there will be concrete wins in Year 4 and 5.
Budget data will be further sharpened in Year 4 with closer engagement with lcity government and easier access to budget and expenditure data..
The Programme will prioritize 6 agenda items for Year 4 and 5 to have greater focus in the advocacy efforts.
Output 1:
3.Organised federations of urban poor groups in the city and national level with strengthened capacity to demand rights of access to housing and community services / 2 / 3.1Functional federations of urban poor groups in the 4 pilot and 10 partner cities, as well as in the national level, with at least 30% of the federation leaders are women /
  • 0 federation with VMG, policies, structure, plan
  • Membership Size not yet determined
  • 0 federation meetings and activities, including training
  • 0 advocacy activities conducted
(for Year 2 to Year 4) /
  • 13 federations withVMG, policies, structure, plan in 12 cities (as of Year 2)
  • 17federationswith VMG, policies, structure, plan in 14 cities(as of Year 3)
  • 419 member-community groups in the 4 pilot cities and 234 member-community groups in the 8 of the10 partner cities (as of Year 2)
  • 775 member-community groups in the 4 pilot cities and 411 member-community groups in the 10 partner cities (as of Year 3)
  • 21 fed meetings, 23 cap-build activitiesin 4 pilot cities and 36 fed meetings, 27 cap-build activities for the 10 partner cities (in Year 2)
  • 30 fed meetings, 18 cap-build activities in 4 pilot cities and 71 fed meetings, 25 cap-build activities for the 10 partner cities (in Year 3)
  • 10 advocacy activities in the 4 pilot cities, 27 advocacy activities in the 10 partner cities (in Year 2)
  • 7 advocacy activities in the 4 pilot cities, 22 advocacy activities in the 10 partner cities (in Year 3)
/ There are 2 city federations/ confederations the programme is working with in ZamboangaCity, MandaueCity and GeneralSantosCity.
Output 2:
4. Effective consultation and coordination mechanisms between urban poor groups and government authorities at city/ metropolitan and national level / 3 / Functional consultation and coordination mechanisms (such as Local Housing Board) in the 4 pilot and 10 partner cities, as well as in the national level with active participation of organized urban poor groups /
  • 0 meetings, consultations and dialogues with pilot and partner city LGUs
  • 0 meetings, consultations and dialogues with national government agencies
  • 0 Cooperation agreement with city government
(for Year 4)
  • 0 City consultation and coordination mechanisms with enabling law/ ordinances
(for Year 2)
  • 0 Cooperation agreement with a national government housing agency
(for Year 4) /
  • 23 LGU engagements in 4 pilot cities and 45 in 10 partner cities (in Year 2)
  • 20 LGU engagements in 4 pilot cities and 49 in10 partner cities (in Year 3)
  • 28 meetings, consultations and dialogues with 6 national government agencies, 2 Senators, 4 Congressmen and the PUC - Philippine Urban Consortium (in Year 2)
  • 58 meetings, consultations and dialogues with 6 national government agencies, 2 Senators, 2 Congressmen and the PUC (in Year 3)
  • 0 Cooperation agreement with city government (for Year 4)
  • 11 City consultation and coordination mechanisms with enabling law/ ordinances, only 8 are functional (by Year 2)
  • 11 City mechanisms with enabling law/ ordinances, only 9 are functional (by Year 3)
  • 0 Cooperation agreement with a national government housing agency (for Year 4)
  • 1 Budget Partnership Agreement with NHA
(in Year 3) / Three partner cities are still in the process of enacting the ordinances to create their local housing boards. In all 3, the proposed ordinances has been drafted and filed and are moving in the committees and councils. It is hoped that the ordinances will be enacted in Year 4.
Two partner cities are re-organising their local housing boards. It is also hoped that they will have active housing boards within the year.
NGO Implementing agencies and city federations are starting to warm up in their engagement with their city mayors. Agreements are possible in Year 4 and 5.
The Programme maximized openings in the new government to engage the housing agencies and other relevant departments.
Output 3:
5. Evidence-based and need-oriented housing and community development strategies developed (based on analysis of local assets and understanding of key institutional/ legal constraints) / 3 / 5.1Housing and development strategies formulated in 4 pilot cities and in the national level in consultation with stakeholders and based on researches /
  • 0% of urban poor agenda items integrated in housing and development strategies in pilot cities
  • 0% of urban poor agenda items integrated in housing and development strategies in national level
  • 0 of project research recommendations integrated in housing and development strategies in pilot cities and national level
  • 0% of urban poor agenda items integrated in housing and development strategies in pilot cities (in Year 2 and 3)
  • 1/16 or 6.25% of urban poor agenda items integrated in housing and development strategies in national level
(in Year 2 and 3)
  • 0 of project research recommendations integrated in housing and development strategies in pilot cities and national level (in Year 2)
  • Recommendations from budget monitoring research were incorporated in preparation of 2012 Budget of NHA(in Year 3)
/ In Year 3, we have identified key themes for research that would support local and national advocacies. We are implementing these studies in Year 4 to help out in our advocacies and engagement with government agencies and officials..
Output 4:
6. At least 2000 households benefiting from implementation of pilot projects for improving security of tenure and/or access to community services / 3 / 6.1Pilot projects for improving security of tenure and access to community services for at least 500 beneficiary households in each of 4 pilot cities
(piloting in Year 2,
1000 beneficiaries by Year 3,
2000 beneficiaries by Year 4) /
  • 0 pilot projects
  • 0 project beneficiaries
  • 0% satisfied beneficiary households
  • 3 pilot projects (2 security of tenure, 1 electrification) in Year 2
  • 13 pilot projects (11 security of tenure, 2 water/sanitatn in Year 3
TOTAL: 16 Projects
  • 208 project beneficiaries (119 security of tenure, 89 electrification)(For Year 2)
  • 684 project beneficiaries (644 security of tenure, 40 water/sanitation) (for Year 3)
TOTAL: 892 Beneficiaries
  • 0% satisfied beneficiary households (still to be done in Year 4)
/ More projects will be rolled out in Year 4 to achieve the target number of household beneficiaries.
Objective Statement / Achieve Rating for year / Logframe Indicators / Baseline
for Indicators / Progress against Indicators / Comments on changes over last year, including unintended impacts
Output 5:
7. Experiences and learning from the project shared with other urban poor groups and government authorities on metropolitan/city and national levels / 3 / 7.1Sharing/ exchanges within and among 4 pilot cities, 10 partner cities, as well as with at least 3 national government agencies and at least 10 legislators /
  • 0 dissemination activities among urban poor groups
  • 0 engagement with local government officials
  • 0 engagement with national government agency officials
  • 0 engagement with national legislators
  • 416 community/sectoral dialogues or meetings in 4 pilot & 10 partner cities (in Year 2)
  • 442 community/ sectoral dialogues or meetings in 4 pilot & 10 partner cities (in Year 3)
  • 68 engagements with local officials in 4 pilot & 10 partner cities (in Year 2)
  • 69engagements with local officials in 4 pilot &10 partner cities (in Year 3)
  • 3 Regional Housing/ Urban Development Fora (in Year 2)
  • 3 Regional Housing/ Urban Development Fora, 2 City Housing Fora (in Year 3)
  • 16 engagements with officials of 6 national agencies (in Year 2)
  • 49 engagements with officials of 6national agencies, including 1 meeting with President Aquino (In Year 3)
  • 10 engagements with 2 senators, 4 Congress representatives(in Year 2)
  • 4 engagements with 2 senators, 2 Congress representatives (in Year 3)
  • 2 engagements with the PUC (in Year 2)
  • 5 engagements with the PUC (in Year 3)
/ We will have more learning sessions to capture the project experiences and lessons.
We will have initiate an annual Philippine Urbanization Forum to disseminate programme gains and learnings.
We will also initiate joint training programmes for NGO leaders and local government officials on community and city development planning.
Activities for Output 1
City Federation-Building and Strengthening for 4 Pilot Cities / All 4 pilot cities have existing city federations with total membership of 419 community groups (in Year 2) and 775 community groups (by Year 3) / In MandaueCity, FORGE is working with 2 city federations.
CityFederationCapacityBuilding for 4 Pilot Cities / In the 4 pilot cities, 23 local capacity-building activities conducted in Year 2 and another 18 activities in Year 3
City Federation-Building and Strengthening for 10 Partner Cities / All 10 partner cities have existing city federations with total membership of 234 community groups (in Year 2) and 411 community groups (by Year 3).
In the 10 partner cities, 27 capacity-building activities conducted in Year 2 and another 25 activities in Year 3.
. / In 2 partner cities, GeneralsantosCity and ZamboangaCity, the Lead NGO Implementing Agencies are working with a partner city federation as well as a bigger city confederation each.
Regional Federation Consolidation and Strengthening for 4 Regions / 4 existing regional urban poor formations / Consolidation work is an on-going and continuing undertaking.
National Federation Consolidation and Strengthening / Existing UP-ALL national formation.
PHILSSA and UP-ALL are also involved in issue-based alliances such as the Bantay-Pabahay(Housing Watch) group for social housing budget monitoring and advocacy, and Bagong Ugnayang Lakas sa Kahandaan sa Kalamidad(New United Strengthfor Disaster Preparedness) for disaster risk reduction and management / Consolidation work is an on-going and continuing undertaking.
Activities for Output 2
Dialogues, networking and advocacy activities in 4 Pilot Cities / Dialogues and networking with LGU in all 4 Pilot City from Year 1 to 3
Dialogues, networking and advocacy activities in 10 Partner Cities / Dialogues and networking with LGUs in all 10 Partner Cities in both from Year 1 to 3
Dialogues, networking and advocacy activities in National Level / Networking with 6 government housing agencies, 2 Senators, 4 Congress Representatives in Year 2
Networking with 6 government housing agencies, 2 Senators, 2 Congress Representatives in Year 3 / Year 3 was an election year. The new presidency was an opportunity for executive lobbying that was maximized by the Programme.
Activities for Output 3
City Urban Development And Housing Summit for the 4 Pilot Cities / City Urban Development/ Housing Summit done in 3 Pilot Cities (except Quezon City) in Year 2
City Urban Development/ Housing Summit again done in 3 Pilot Cities (except Quezon City) in Year 3 / Quezon City Federation is still starting engagement with their new city mayor
City Multi-Stakeholder Body meetings for 4 Pilot Cities / In Year 2, City Multi-stakeholder Body of 3 Pilot Cities (except Quezon City) had meetings
In Year 3, all 4 pilot cities had active City Multi-stakeholder Bodies
City Multi-Stakeholder Body meetings for 10 Partner Cities / In Year 2, City Multi-stakeholder Body of 5 partner cities had meetings.
In Year 3, still 5 partner cities had active City Multi-stakeholder Bodies / There are 3 partner cities still in the process of enacting ordinance for formation of housing board, 2 are still reorganizing theirs.
Regional Urban Development And Housing Forum for the 4 Regions / 3 Regional Urban Development/ Housing Fora for Luzon, Visayas, Mindanaoin Year 2
3 Regional Urban Development/ Housing Fora for Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao in Year 3
National Urban Development And Housing Summit / National Urban Development/ Housing Forum postponed to after May 2010 elections
National Multi-Stakeholder Body meetings / 2 meetings of the PUC in Year 2
5 meetings of the PUC in Year 3
Activities for Output 4
Policy/ legal/ technical assistance to community groups in 4 Pilot Cities / 2 technical assistance/ learning activities done for Mandaue, Davao in Year 2
3 technical assistance/ learning activities done for Legazpi, Davao, and Quezon City / Others are still identifying priorities for the technical and legal assistance activities
Financial assistance for innovation & leveraging in 4 Pilot Cities / 3 pilot projects started with 308 beneficiariesin Legazpi, Davao in Year 2
13 pilot projects started with 684 beneficiaries in Legazpi, Mandaue, Davao, Zamboanga, Quezon City in Year 3 / Full implementation of Local Innovation and Leveraging Fund in Year 3 and 4
National-level Capacity-building support to programme partners / Capacity-Building support in urban planning and disaster risk reduction in Year 2
Capacity Building support for disaster risk reduction, local advocacy/ engagement and local budgeting in Year 3
National- level small grants assistance for innovation and leveraging / 12 small grant projects supported by the Programme in Year 2
12 small grant projects supported by the Programme in Year 3
Activities for Output 5
Process Documentation reporting / Implementing partners reports and other programme information consolidated
National Federation meetings, assessment and planning / UP-ALL Assembly in Mar 2009
UP-ALL Assembly in Oct 2010
National Multi-Stakeholder Body meetings / 2 meetings of the PUC in Year 2
5 meetings of the PUC in Year 3
International visit and networking reports / International solidarity activities in Year 3:
-East Asia Eco2 Cities Workshop on Jun 7-9, 2010 in Ho Chi Minh, VN
-3rd Philippine-Japan Symposium on Aug 25-27, 2010 in DavaoCity, PH
-Asian Zeto Eviction Network on Sep-Oct 2010 in Manila, PH
-2nd DFID-GTF Learning Activity on Sep 30-Oct 1, 2010 in Brighton, UK
-1st International Social Housing Summit on Oct 13-14, 2010 in den Haag, NL
Mid-Programme evaluation / Mid-Term Review done in Year 3
Programme-end evaluation / Scheduled for Year 5
Programme publication production / 2 Salindiwa Newsletters released in Year 2
2 Salindiwa Newsletter released in Year 3
Programme video production / 1 Programme Brochure-Video made in Year 2 and released in Year 3
Another Programme video being prepared in Year 3 for release in Year 4


Outputs / Activities/ Approaches / Lead Group / Y1 / Y2 / Y3 / Y4 / Y5
1. Organized urban poor groups in the city, regional and national levels capable of advocating their housing rights and demanding government role/ responsibility in provision of social housing and community services / For the 4 Pilot Cities:
City Federation-Building and Strengthening, including Annual General Assembly / City Lead NGOs/ City Federations / X / X / X / X
Organisational Strengthening/ CapacityBuilding / X / X / X
For the 4 Regions (with 10 additional cities):
City Federation-Building/Strengthening for 2-3 other cities per region / Regional UP ALL Federation / X / X / X / X
Regional Federation Consolidation and Strengthening, including Annual General Assembly / X / X / X / X
For National Level:
National Federation Consolidation and Strengthening, including Annual General Assembly / PHILSSA/
National UP ALL / X / X / X / X
2. Effective consultation and coordination mechanisms between urban poor groups and government authorities at metropolitan/ city and national levels / For the 4 Pilot Cities:
Continuous dialogues, networking and advocacy activities with other stakeholders / City Lead NGOs/ City Federations / X / X / X / X / X
For the 4 Regions (with 10 additional cities):
Continuous dialogues, networking and advocacy activities with other stakeholders / Regional UP ALL Formation / X / X / X / X / X
For National Level:
Continuous dialogues, networking and advocacy activities with other stakeholders / PHILSSA/
National UP ALL / X / X / X / X / X
3. Evidence-based and need-oriented housing and community development strategies developed / For the 4 Pilot Cities:
City Urban Development And Housing Summit / City Lead NGOs/ City Federations / X / X / X
City Multi-Stakeholder Body meetings / X / X / X
For the 4 Regions:
Regional Urban Development And Housing Forum / Regional UP ALL Federation / X / X / X
For National Level:
National Urban Development And Housing Summit / PHILSSA/
National UP ALL / X / X / X
National Multi-Stakeholder Body meetings / X / X / X
4. At least 2,000 households benefiting from implementation of pilot projects for improving security of tenure and access to community services / For the 4 Pilot Cities:
Policy/ legal assistance to community groups / Lead legal NGO / X / X / X
Technical assistance to community groups / Lead technical NGO / X / X / X
Financial assistance for innovation & leveraging / City Lead NGO/ PHILSSA / X / X / X
For National Level:
Policy/ legal assistance to community groups / Lead legal NGO / X / X / X
Technical assistance to community groups / Lead technical NGO / X / X / X
Financial assistance for innovation & leveraging / PHILSSA / X / X / X / X
5. Experiences and learnings from the project shared with other other urban poor groups and government authorities on metropolitan/city and national levels / For National Level:
Process Documentation reporting / PHILSSA/
National UP ALL / X / X / X / X / X
National Federation meetings, assessment and planning / X / X / X / X / X
National Multi-Stakeholder Body meetings / X / X / X / X / X
Area visit reports / X / X / X / X
International visit and networking reports / X / X / X / X
Mid-Programme evaluation / X
Programme-end evaluation / X
Programme publication production / X / X / X / X / X
Programme video production / X / X / X / X / X