As of 29 Nov 11

China-ASEAN Beijing Economic Forum (CABEF)

Date: December 16, 2011
Venue: Reignwood Theatre, Beijing, China (tbc)
Theme: Cooperation,Innovation,Win-Win Development
Co-hosted by:
  • The People’s Government of Beijing Municipality
  • The ASEAN Secretariat
  • TheASEAN-China Centre
Co-organized by:
  • The Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal Government
  • Beijing Municipal Commission of Commerce
  • Beijing Municipal Bureau of InvestmentPromotion
  • The Administrative Committee of ZhongguancunSciencePark
  • Beijing Federation of Industry & Commerce
  • Beijing Sub-council of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade
Sponsored by:
Reignwood Group
Around 100 Participants in total, including:
China: Leaders of BeijingMunicipal Government, etc.
ASEAN: Secretary-General of ASEAN, Deputy Secretary-General and other senior officials.
ASEAN-China Centre(ACC): Secretary-General of ACC
1. ASEAN is responsible for inviting and organizing at least 50 entrepreneurs from its member states for the Forum.
2. Corporate participants from ASEAN are selected to mainly represent three fields of areas, namely:
Emerging industries (new generation of IT, energy saving and environmental protection, alternative energy vehicles, new material, biology, and advanced equipment manufacturing,etc.)
Creative industries (animation,film, video and photography, publishing,etc.)
3. Beijing Municipal Government is responsible for inviting the remaining participants from China.
Working language:
Translation in both English and Chinese languages will be provided.
Tentative Programme
December 15, 2011 Thursday
All day / Arrival and Registration
18:30-20:00Welcome Dinner in honor of participants with Remarks from a Senior Leader of Beijing Municipality and SG of ASEAN (10-minute each).
December 16, 2011 Friday,
09:00-09:30 / Meeting with Senior Official from Beijing Municipal Government
Opening Ceremony
09:30-10:00 / Speakers:
  1. Senior Leader of Beijing Municipal Government
  2. Dr. Surin Pitsuwan, Secretary-General of ASEAN “Next Level of ASEAN China Economic Relation – Role of Private Sector”
  3. Senior Leader from ASEAN-China Centre

Plenary Session
10:00-10:20 / Keynote Speaker: Ms.Chenghong, Vice Mayor of Beijing
10:20-10:40 Tea Break
Session 1 Create New Value through Innovation
10:40-11:20 / Moderator (from Beijing - tbc)
This session shares the successful storiesof private enterprises in creating new value through innovation
Speakers: 1 from Beijing (tbc)
1 from ASEAN
Mr. Lu Zhenggang, the President of Beijing Crystal Digital Technology Co. Ltd (tbc)
ASEAN Speakers (tbc)
Q&A Session
Summary of the Session by Moderator
Session 2 Share Opportunities and SeekDevelopment
11:20-12:00 / Moderator (from Beijing - tbc)
This session focuses on the market analysis and cooperative prospects of Beijing and ASEAN in such sectors as emerging industries, tourism, creative industries.
Speakers: 1 from Beijing (tbc)
1 from ASEAN(tbc)
Mr. Chen Xianghong, General Manager of Beijing Gubei Water Town Tourism Co. Ltd(tbc)
ASEAN Speakers (tbc)
Q&A Session
Summary of the Session by Moderator
12:00-13:30 Buffet Lunch (no speech)
Session 3 PursueExcellence and Meet Challenges
13:30–14:30 / Moderator (from Beijing - tbc)
This session addresses economic challenges facing China and ASEAN for the next decade.
Speakers: 1 from ASEAN-China Centre (tbc)
1 from Beijing (tbc)
1 from ASEAN(tbc)
Mr.Chen Dongsheng, the President & CEO of Taikang Life Insurance Co.Ltd. (tbc)
ASEAN Speakers (tbc)
Q&A Session
Summary of the Session by Moderator
Session 4: Corporate Culture and Entrepreneurship
14:30-15:10 / Moderator (from Beijing - tbc)
This session examines the ways on how to promote entrepreneurship for private enterprises.
Speakers: 1 from Beijing (tbc)
1 from ASEAN(tbc)
Mr. Guo Wei, the President and CEO of Digital China Holdings Limited. (tbc)
ASEAN Speakers (tbc)
15:10-15:30 Tea Break
Session 5:
15:30-17:00 Concluding remark and business networking (sessions to be separated by sector in three groups, namely emerging industries, creative industries and tourism)
December 17, 2011 Saturday
Afternoon / Visit to TongzhouSatelliteCity
Leisure tours in Beijing
December 18, 2011 Sunday
All Day Departure