Name: ______Date: ______

“School Play”- Study Guide

Background Information:

·  In this story, 6th grade students perform a play about a group of settlers who try to cross the Sierra Nevada Mountains. They were known as the Donner Party.

Plot Structure:


·  Robert, the main character, is in the school play and must remember 2 lines: “Nothing’s wrong. I can see.”

·  Belinda, also in the school play, is known as a bully and the toughest girl in school.

Rising Action-

·  Robert has difficulty remembering his lines/not speaking loud enough during rehearsal.

·  Belinda gets frustrated with Robert and threatens him if he messes up during the play.


·  Robert says his lines incorrectly during the play.

·  Decides saying some of the words in the lines correctly was ok, even if it’s not perfect.

Falling Action-

·  Robert continues performing in the play, giving it his all.


·  Belinda only pinches Robert once; she felt he could’ve done worse.

·  Robert is satisfied overall with his performance.


1.  Prop- an object an actor uses in the play.

2.  Smirk- to smile in an insulting way.

3.  Relentless- refusing to stop or give up.

4.  Narrative- a story.

Important details to remember:

Robert / Belinda
·  Experiences stage fright/anxiety preparing for play
·  Thinks the day before the play is his lucky day because he found a dollar in the street and hit a home run at recess
·  Very nervous on the day of the play
·  Dream job is to have a “super great memory,” however, told his friend he would like to guard the president / ·  Intimidating, bullies people at school
·  Belinda shows anger often-balls fists and warns Robert about messing up
·  Very tough- “known to slap boys and grind their faces into the grass,” “stares down janitor’s pitbull”