Mr. Cangro2016-2017 School Year

Class Expectations and Policies

Welcome to the Wonderful World of

Math 8!

Instructor’s Name: Phillip Cangro

Instructor’s Email:

Room: 204

Hello All!

I hope you all had a wonderful summer and you are ready for the upcoming school year. I am looking forward to a successful school year that will be full of many exciting and rewarding experiences!

Below are a list of expectations and guidelines for our classroom.

Supplies: Please bring the following supplies with you everyday to class.

3 Ring Binder with Loose Leaf Paper – This is to be used for MATH ONLY!!! Please have the Binder divided into 3 sections: one for notes, one for homework assignments, and one for chapter review sheets.

For students in the lab class, create a 4th section in the binder for lab work.

Folder – For math only

Pen and Pencil

Graphing Calculator – TI 83 or any version of the TI 84

Textbook – Course 3 Mathematics Common Core – Prentice Hall – You do not need to bring this book with you everyday for class. This will be the book we will be following throughout the year. This textbook will be used for homework assignments and review.

Mathematics Workbook – Will be distributed in class.


Rule #1: Please be courteous and respectful of your classmates, and be sure to take care of all property in the classroom.

Rule #2:Everybody will have the opportunity to speak, so please be considerate and do not call out during class. If you have an idea to contribute, please raise your hand and wait to be called upon.

Rule #3:We have many different topics to cover in a limited amount of time, so we must use every minute of class to our advantage. Please be in your seat and ready to begin at the start of the period.

Rule #4:The classroom is an environment that is to be devoted solely to learning and understanding. Therefore, it is my intention to keep distractions to a minimum. Cell phones or other electronic devices are not to be used at any time in the classroom unless they are used as a part of a lesson.


In addition to announcements and material being handed out in class, there will be a website for this class which will provide you with the class lessons, homework assignments, and upcoming tests/quizzes.


Homework will be assigned almost every day, including weekends, and will be due the next school day unless otherwise indicated. Please make sure that all assignments are done on a page separate from notes and class work. I will be checking homework every day for effort and completeness, so please have your assignment open and on your desk at the beginning of class. Each trimester, you will begin with a homework grade of 100 points. For every assignment that is missing or incomplete, you will lose 5 points.

If you are absent from class for any reason, it is your responsibility to get any notes you have missed and to make up any necessary work. The class website will provide you with information pertaining to the work we did in class and the assignments that are due. This website will be updated regularly. The length of time you have to make up an assignment is equal to the number of days you are absent. (For example, if you miss two days due to illness, you have 2 days to make up any missed work.)

Your trimester grade will be determined using the following four components:

Tests/Projects (40%) Quizzes (30%) Homework (20%) Participation (10%)