
Limon Area Fire Protection District

Standard Operating Procedures

Subject: Membership Requirements


SOP # 200-09

Approved: Fire Chief Jason Lacik
Assistant Fire Chief Ian Christie /


The purpose of this SOP is to define membership requirements for the Limon Area Fire Protection District.All new recruits will go through an interview process with the district officers prior to membership. A majority vote by officers will allow a new member to become anIntern firefighter.

Member Requirement’s

Individuals applying for membership with the Limon Area Fire Protection District must:

  1. Complete a department application for Membership.
  2. Be at least 18 years of age.
  3. Hold and maintain a valid Colorado Driver’s License.
  4. Have a High School Diploma or GED.
  5. Read, write and understand the English language.
  6. Be a citizen of the United States or maintain a work visa in the United States.

Background Checks

  1. All new members will be subject to a background check. All felony and misdemeanors charges will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Training/certification requirements

  1. Intern firefighters/regular members will be required to have or obtain the following minimum training certifications currently required for membership within their first year.


  1. Attend department Orientation and Training Academy
  2. Healthcare Provider CPR
  3. Department approved First Responder Certification
  4. National Incident Management System IS 700, IS 100
  1. Sufficient training will be made available by the District to ensure that all members are provided the opportunity to maintain required certification. Members are responsible for attending the training necessary for re-certification.
  1. Copies of all certifications will be maintained in the personnel file, along with a log of district provided training records showing the training provided, competencies, hours and date(s) of training signed by the Chief and member.
  1. Members wanting FPPA credit MUST have 36 hours of department approved training a year.

Other Requirements

  1. It shall be the duty of every member to attend department business meetings and trainings.
  2. It shall be the duty of every member to respond to the station in a safe manner for all tones.
  3. It shall be the duty of ever member to obey all orders issued by the Officer in Command, unless safety of the member or their crew is in question.
  4. Members shall acquaint themselves thoroughly with operation and handling of all fire and rescue equipment, and have training in its use.
  5. Members will operate vehicles only when properly trained and authorized by the fire officers of the district.
  6. No member shall respond to a call, training or meetings while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  7. All members shall acquaint themselves with the department’s operational procedures and guidelines.
  8. Members shall respond to a minimum of 15% of calls.
  9. Members shall make 70% of department meetings unless excused.

Fire Chief______

Assistant Chief______

LAFPD Chair of Directors______
