Invitation to

The 29th A-IMBN (Asia-Pacific International Molecular Biology Network)-

AMBO (Asian Molecular Biology Organization) International Training Course

“Training Camp on Infectious Disease Threats”

May 14-20, 2006

International Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo

To whom it may concern,

Please find enclosed materials concerning the A-IMBN-AMBO International Training Course and display the poster on your information board.

The 2006 A-IMBN-AMBO International Training Course is organized by Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka and will be held at the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Tokyo from May 14 through 20, 2006. The course is supported by the Asia-Pacific International Molecular Biology Network (A-IMBN), the Protein Research Foundation and the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo. We aim at providing young Asian scientists with basic molecular and microbiological methodology useful for research on infectious diseases.

The training course consists of lectures and three experimental mini-courses(1. Molecular manipulation and visualization of herpes simplex virus; 2. Molecular genetics of bacteria and cellular microbiology; 3. Measurement of antigen-specific immune responses: one day each), which will be conducted in English. All participants will participate in all lectures and mini-courses. The organizing committee will select 10 participants from among the applicants, taking into consideration the information given on their application forms and the countries from which they are applying. All participants will receive a fellowship that covers round-trip airfare from the gateway city of his/her country (as decided by the A-IMBN-AMBO), domestic transportation fee in Japan and lodging accommodations during the course.

To apply, please complete the following forms and send them so as to arrive at the following address by April 10, 2006.

(1)The completed application forms (Forms 1 and 2)

(2)A curriculum vitae

(3)A list of scientific publications, if any

(4)Two letters of recommendation

Mailing Address:

Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka

International Research Center for Infectious Diseases

Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo

4-6-1, Shirokanedai

Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639



Telephone: +81-3-5449-5704 (International Liaison Officer)

Fax: +81-3-5449-5401 (International Liaison Officer)



(Form 1)

The 29th A-IMBN-AMBO International Training Course

“Training Camp on Infectious Disease Threats”

International Research Center for Infectious Diseases

Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo

Family name Given name First name
In Chinese characters:
(if applicable)
Nationality Date of Birth Age Sex
Year Month Date Male Female
Present status: Graduate course student
Postdoctral fellow
Institution staff member (Position: )
Institution (in English)
Mailing address (in English)
Telephone number:
Fax number:
E-mail address:
Institution and Mailing address (in Chinese, if applicable)
Home address and telephone number
Language (please mark) Excellent Good Poor
Brief curriculum vitae after graduation, including staying abroad.
Past research experience
Present research subject
Describe why you want to attend the course in relation to your present research.


(Form 2)

Signature Date