MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held on Monday 11th May, 2009at MountFarm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield.

PRESENT :Councillor K. Hall Chair

Councillor E. CroftVice-Chair

Councillor Mrs. P. Collins

Councillor Ms. J. Dance

Councillor G. Denslow

Councillor J. Eccles

Councillor D. Eldridge

Councillor B. Harris

Councillor R. Harwood

Councillor Ms. S. Llewellyn

Councillor Mrs. R. Stockford

Councillor Mrs. N. Sutton

1.Items raised by Members of the Public

a) Motorcyclists riding in the Spinney Area on western side of A 4074 between Berinsfield and Burcot. It was reported that motorcyclists are still riding in the spinney area located on the western side of the A 4074 and that the noise is causing problems to residents living in the roads close to the A 4074. It was noted that Thames Valley Police will invite residents from Fane Drive and the motorcyclists to the next Police Surgery, which will be held on 16th July, 2009 in Berinsfield. Residents considered that the Police should be taking the relevant action now and it was AGREED that the Clerk should contact Thames Valley Police to ask for their assistance in stopping the young people riding their motorcycles in the Spinney area.

b)Car Boot Sale It was reported that the volume of the loudspeaker system used by traders at the car boot sales is causing problems to residents in Berinsfield. It was AGREED that South Oxfordshire District Council should be asked to contact the traders who use the loudspeaker system and to ask them to keep the volume turned down and to direct the speakers into the field and not towards Berinsfield.

c)Vehicles being parked illegally in Berinsfield. It was reported that vehicles are still being illegally parked in the village despite Thames Valley Police Officers giving the Parish Council assurance that they would monitor the situation and issue penalty notices where appropriate. Residents asked the Parish Council to contact the Chief Inspector to ask for more assistance in preventing vehicles being parked illegally and causing obstructions on the roads and pavements in Berinsfield.

d)Hedge obstructing pavement between Ock Drive and Cherwell Road.It was reported that a Beech hedge at the side of property 44 Ock Drive was obstructing the pavement leading from Ock Drive to Cherwell Road. The Clerk will follow up this matter as it had previously been reported to the appropriate authorities.

e)Sign in Lay Avenue Play Area. It was reported that there was graffiti on the sign and the Clerk was asked to arrange for this to be removed.

f)Area on corner of School Playing Field by path at the rear of Windrush Close and Lodden Avenue. It was reported that there were stinging nettles surrounding the dog litter bin located on the corner of the school playing field and that residents were depositing rubbish/garden refuse in the nettles. It was AGREED that the Parish Council’s contractors should be asked to deal with the stinging nettles and remove the rubbish/garden refuse in an attempt to prevent residents using the area to illegally dump rubbish.

2.Election of Chair for the year 2009/10 It was proposed by Councillor Eccles, seconded by Councillor Harris and AGREED that Councillor K. Hall should be the Chair for the year 2009/10. Councillor Hall accepted this position and said that he was honoured to be asked to continue as Chair for a further year.

3.Election of Vice-Chair for the year 2009/10. It was proposed by Councillor Mrs. Stockford, seconded by Councillor Eccles and AGREED that Councillor E. Croft should be the Vice-Chair for the year 2009/10.

4.To approve and sign the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th April, 2009. The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6th April, 2009 were APPROVED and signed by the Chairman.

5.Matters Arising from the Minutes.

a)Parking on grass verge, Fane Drive. It was reported that vehicles are still being parked on the grass verge in Fane Drive opposite the entrance to Russell Jackson Close. The Chairman agreed that Councillors would inspect the area at the close of the meeting.

b)South Oxfordshire Core Strategy – Preferred Options consultation. Councillor Eldridge informed the Parish Council that he had responded to a letter which had been written to the Oxford Times by District Councillor Angela Patterson. Councillor Eldridge read out his reply which was printed in the Oxford Times on Thursday 7th May, 2009. The Parish Council noted the comments made by Councillor Eldridge regarding the need to protect the recreation fields in the centre of the village from development.

6.Planning Decision. The Parish Council noted that planning permission had been GRANTED in respect of the following application :-

P09/W0203 Part single, part two storey extension to rear of property, 20 Lay Avenue, Berinsfield.

7.To appoint Members to serve on the Parish Council Committees for the year 2009/10. It was AGREED that the following Councillors should serve on Parish Council Committees and Sub-Committees for the year 2009/10 :-

Finance Committee :

Councillors K. Hall, E. Croft, Mrs. P. Collins, G. Denslow, J. Eccles, Mrs. R. Stockford.

Allotments, Playing Fields, Open Spaces and Burial Ground Committee:

Councillors K. Hall, E. Croft, G. Denslow, J. Eccles, B. Harris, Mrs. R. Stockford

Appointments Committee:

Councillors K. Hall, E. Croft, G. Denslow, Ms. J. Dance, Mrs. Stockford

Pavilion Committee:

Councillors K. Hall, E. Croft, Mrs. P. Collins, G. Denslow, J. Eccles, B. Harris

Planning, Highways & Public Transport Committee :

Councillors K. Hall, E. Croft, J. Dance, D. Eldridge, Ms. S. LLewellyn, Mrs. R. Stockford

Mrs. N. Sutton.

Complaints/Freedom of Information Committee Councillors K. Hall, E. Croft, Ms. J. Dance, G. Denslow and Mrs. N. Sutton.

SkateboardPark Sub-Committee: Councillors Hall, Croft, Denslow, Eccles

Carbon Project: Councillors Denslow, Harwood,Ms. Llewellyn

8.Appointment of Representatives to serve on Outside Bodies

It was AGREED that the following Councillors should represent the Parish Council:-

Abbey Sports Centre Joint Use Committee :Councillors Hall and Denslow

Berinsfield Residents Association :Councillor Mrs. Stockford

OALC Executive CommitteeCouncillor K. Hall to 2011

Public Transport Representatives:Councillors Hall and Eldridge

9.Correspondence and Items for Information

a)Refuse and Fly Tipping. The Parish Council had been informed about incidents in the village where items that are too large for collection by the Refuse Collection service are being put out with the refuse, usually in the locations where residents leave their refuse sacks in a central place for collection. These large items are left behind by the Refuse Collectors and other residents are left to notify the Commercial Services Department of South Oxfordshire District Council who have to arrange special collections to remove the items. The Parish Council felt that this type of incident did not happen so frequently when the community skip vehicle visited the village on a Saturday morning and it was therefore AGREED that the Clerk should be asked to contact South Oxfordshire District Council to ask if there was any possibility of reinstating the community skip service.

b)NALC Annual Conference and Exhibition. Royal College of Physicians, London 4th and 5th September, 2009. It was AGREED that Councillor K. Hall should attend the conference to represent the Parish Council and that the cost of £310.50 should be paid by the Parish Council.

c)Helping Mark the Centenary of the North Berks Football League 1909 – 2009. The Parish Council AGREED to commemorate this significant anniversary in local football and to recognise the service to local communities that the North Berks League has provided since 1909. A tree will be planted in the pavilion grounds and a letter will be written to the League.

d)CalorVillage of the Year. It was AGREED that the Clerk should enter Berinsfield into the CalorVillage of the Year competition and that Councillor Mrs. Sutton would assist by completing the section entitled “What makes your community special”. It was noted that the closing date for entries was 31st May, 2009.

10.Statement of Accounts for payment in May, 2009. It was AGREED that the statement of accounts for May, 2009 in the sum of £12,358.46 should be approved.

11.Date of next meeting 1st June, 2009.

12.Confidential Item

In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, it is recommended

that the public and press be excluded for the consideration of this item.

a)Maintenance of sports pitches

b)Fencing and provision of notice board at the Allotment Site