Mount Dora Middle School

7th Grade Course Syllabus, 2016-2017

Teachers: Room:Email:Alias:

Maxwell Deutsch (Civics) 9-106 tman

Christina Korsun (Science)nder Woman

Terrance Lane (Math)perman

Michelle Steen (Language Arts)twoman

School website: (352) 383-6101


  • Students will be graded on the completion and/or accuracy for their daily classwork, homework, quizzes/tests, labs and projects.
  • Grades will be weighted!
  • 35% Classwork
  • 25% Tests
  • 40% dependent upon course/instructor
  • Lowest grade is a 50% if effort is made on assignment/quiz/test – so try your best!
  • ANY student who receives a failing grade on a testwill have three days to retake the test for a 10-point penalty.
  • If a student decides he or she does not want to retake the test, I will call home to notify the parent/guardian and make arrangements for the student to make-up the test within three days.
  • Students may revise their graded classwork and homework assignments for errors and turn them in for a new grade. There may be a 10-point penalty for the revised assignment, depending on its complexity.
  • Extra credit may be awarded for throughout the year for participation, teacher assisting, classroom supply donations, and other opportunities.

Late work policy:

  • We will accept late work for up to one week after the assignment is due. For each day that the assignment is late, we will deduct 10 points. After one week, the student can turn in the work for a 50% maximum grade. We will not accept ANY late work one week prior to the end of a quarter.

Classroom Policies/Procedures:

  • Student Center –
  • Students will use the Student Center to turn in assignments (inbox) and pick up graded assignments (mailbox)
  • This is where students can pick up their missing work and/or claim assignments that have been turned in with no name.
  • A calendar is posted for students to schedule tutoring and/or one-on-one instruction with the teacher. We will also use the calendar to track student detentions.
  • Absences –
  • When absent, it is the student’s responsibility to check the Student Center for missed assignments.
  • Work from absences will be made-up within 2 days of each day of days absent for no penalty.
  • If you know you are going to be absent, ask the teacher for the work you will be missing.
  • Labs can NOT be made up! Students will be receive a writing assignment to be completed at home.
  • Parents should notify the attendance officeeach day the student is absent. Parents may request work for the class, in advance.Absences/Tardiness will follow the Lake County policy.
  • Cheating/Plagiarism in unacceptable. Anyone caught cheating on a test or plagiarizing may receive a zero for that assignment, a referral, and a phone call home. This includes ALL parties involved.
  • Restrooms –
  • Students will receive 3 restroom passes per quarter. These passes will be shared amongst the 7th grade team.
  • If a student needs an additional restroom pass, she/he will make up the time after class.
  • Students will sign in and out on the door.
  • Girls’ restroom up front by Korsun and Steen. Boys’ in back by Deutsch and Lane.
  • Technology –
  • Phone must be on airplane mode and on school network, BYOD.
  • For using devices in class:
  • Power-Off sign - Phone is off
  • Power-On sign – Usage of devices allowed - must stay on task and follow school rules.

Classroom Codes of Cooperation:

  1. Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.
  2. Bring the materials required for this class and do your best work every day.
  3. Remain silent and seated until given permission to do otherwise.
  4. Show respect for the people, equipment, and furnishings in this room.
  5. Follow proper classroom procedures and accept responsibility for your actions.


  • All Classes
  • 3-inch binder (for all 7th grade classes)
  • 5-tab dividers (one tab per core class)
  • Filler paper
  • Pencils – at least 3/day
  • Highlighters
  • English Only
  • Composition Book
  • Math Only
  • Graphing Paper
  • Calculator

Wish list:

  • Expo Markers
  • Pencils
  • Filler Paper
  • Hand Sanitizer

Classroom expectations

  • Treat everyone with respect – this includes lab materials.
  • Always arrive on time – be prompt.
  • Follow instructions given by the teacher.
  • Upon entering the classroom, review the front board for the learning goal, measureable objective, essential question, etc.
  • Always be prepared to work, bring materials to class and have your homework completed prior to entering the classroom.
  • Clean-up after yourself. Make sure your workstation is clean after a lab, as well as lab equipment is put back where it belongs – act responsibly.
  • Dress code policy is strictly enforced – NO exceptions. This also means NO headphones.
  • Bathroom breaks must be recorded in the bathroom log. There will be NO bathroom passes issued the first and/or last 10 minutes of class. Excessive bathroom breaks will result in a phone call home. Only one student can use the restroom at a time.
  • All school rules will be followed as stated in the student handbook.