Optional Check for Understanding – Principles of Government

1.  Among the broad purposes of the United States government spelled out in the Preamble to the Constitution is the obligation to

a. / separate executive and legislative branches.
b. / create an autocratic form of government.
c. / defend the country against Americans who oppose its policies.
d. / provide for justice and the people's general welfare.

2. Locke, Hobbes, and Rousseau would most likely agree that

a. / the state developed out of force.
b. / those of royal birth should rule the state.
c. / the state exists to serve the will of the people.
d. / government should be eliminated.

3. A federal government is one in which

a. / all power is concentrated in the central government.
b. / limited powers are assigned to a central agency by independent states.
c. / power is divided between a central government and local governments.
d. / powers divided between legislative and executive.

4. Which of the following statements about sovereign states is NOT true?

a. / They decide their own foreign and domestic policies.
b. / They can determine their own form of government.
c. / A county or city is considered sovereign because it is subordinate to a larger form of government.
d. / They have supreme power within their own territories.

5. In a democracy, the will of the majority

a. / cannot be changed or improved upon.
b. / is not open to compromise.
c. / rarely leads to satisfactory policy decisions.
d. / cannot be used to deprive rights to a member of a minority group.

6. Which statement about the social contract theory is NOT true?

a. / The state was created voluntarily by a free people.
b. / The state is a natural extension of people's family structure.
c. / Governmental powers are granted by the people.
d. / Governmental powers may be limited by the people.

7. Which idea is NOT included in the Declaration of Independence?

a. / People have certain natural rights.
b. / God gives certain people the right to govern.
c. / Government can exist only with the people's permission.
d. / The people may change or abolish the government.

8. After the Revolutionary War, the National Government

a. / proved too weak to deal with growing economic and political problems.
b. / refused to repay the war debt it owed to the States.
c. / permitted the States to make agreements with foreign governments.
d. / began imposing harsh tax policies on property owners and merchants.

9. The government set up by the Articles of Confederation had

a. / no legislative or judicial branch.
b. / only a legislative and an executive branch.
c. / only a legislative branch, consisting of a unicameral Congress.
d. / only a legislative branch, consisting of a bicameral Congress.

10. At the Philadelphia Convention, the delegates agreed to

a. / make minor revisions to the Articles of Confederation.
b. / open their sessions to the public.
c. / pass proposals by unanimous vote only.
d. / draft a new constitution.

11. The idea that the people have the right to abolish an abusive and unresponsive government was FIRST formally expressed by Americans in the

a. / Constitution. / c. / Declaration of Rights.
b. / Petition of Right. / d. / Declaration of Independence.

12. With the words, "We the People," the Constitution establishes its authority on the basis of

a. / popular sovereignty. / c. / the separation of powers.
b. / the rule of law. / d. / limited government.

13. Which of the following best describes the concept of limited government?

a. / Powers are divided among three independent branches of government.
b. / All political power belongs to the people.
c. / Government must operate within certain bounds set by the people.
d. / The people must behave according to rules set by the government.