Nuclear Research Centres in India

Research Center / Place
Atomic Energy Commission / Bombay
Bhabha Atomic Research Center / Trombay (Bombay)
Electronics Corporation of India / Hyderabad
High Altitude Research Laboratory / Gulmarg (Kashmir)
Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute / Durgapur (West Bengal)
Central Mining Research Institution / Dhanbad (Bihar)
Indian Rare Earths, Ltd., / Alwaye
Radio Astronomy Center / Ootacamund
Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics / Calcutta
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research / Bombay
Tata Memorial Center / Bombay
Uranium Corporation of India / Jaduguda(Bihar)

Life Expectancy

Life expectancy at birth (in years) for the year 1997, in selected countries.(Source : Human Development Report, 1999).

Country / Life Expectancy
Japan / 80.0
Norway / 79.0
Iceland / 79.0
Switzerland / 78.6
Sweden / 78.5
Hong Kong / 78.5
Australia / 78.2
Italy / 78.2
France / 78.1
Greece / 78.1
Spain / 78.0
Cyprus / 77.8
Barbodos / 76.4
Hungary / 70.9
Lithuania / 69.9
China / 69.8
Thailand / 68.8
Kyrgyzstan / 67.6
Uzbekistan / 67.5
Brazil / 66.8
Mangolia / 65.8
India / 62.6
Iraq / 62.4
Myanmar / 60.1
Comoros / 58.8
Madagascar / 57.5
Lesotho / 56.0
Sudan / 55.0
South Africa / 54.7
Cambodia / 53.4
Gabon / 52.4
Senegal / 52.3
Djibouti / 50.4
Djibouti / 50.4
Niger / 48.5
Tanzania / 47.9
Chad / 47.2
Gambia / 47.0
Cote d'lvoire / 46.7
Mozambique / 45.2
Central African Rebublic / 44.9
Ethiopia / 43.3
Burundi / 42.4
Rwanda / 40.5
All Developing Countries / 64.4
Least Developing Country / 51.7
Industrialised Countries / 77.7
World / 66.7

Noice Scale

Sounds are tiny vibrations that can travel through air and other materials. The loudness of a sound is measured in decibels (db). Typical sound levels in decibels:

Note: 130 db causes damage to hearing.

1 / Breathing / 10 db
2 / Wind in the trees / 20 db
3 / Whisper / 20-30 db
4 / Ticking Clock / 30 db
5 / House in a quiet street / 35 db
6 / Radio Music / 50-60 db
7 / Loud Conversation / 60 db
8 / Office Noise / 60 db
9 / Children Playing / 60-80 db
10 / Lawn mower / 60-80 db
11 / Vacuum cleaner / 80 db
12 / Traffic Noise / 60-90 db
13 / Sports Car / 80-95 db
14 / Heavy truck traffic / 90-100 db
15 / Loud Radio / 100 db
16 / Motor Cycle / 105 db
17 / Pneumatic drill / 110 db
18 / Thunder storm / 110 db
19 / Rock Music / 120 db
20 / Aircraft Noise / 90-120 db
21 / Jet takeoff(at 100 meter distance) / 120 db
22 / Jet Engine(at 25 meter distance) / 140 db
23 / Space Vehicle launch (from a short distance) / 140-170 db


Pluto / Diameter / 3,040 Kilometer
Moons / 1
Avg.Distance to Sun / 5,865.5 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 248 Years
Facts /
  1. This Planet is the farthest, the smallest, the darkest, the coldest and arguably the strangest.
  2. It follows the most elongated and tilted orbit in the solar system.
  3. Its moon, Charon, is nearly half its size - appears like a bi-planet.
  4. NASA used a new infra-red telescope, has learned that Pluto is shrouded in frozen nitrogen- not methane as once thought. Nitrogen makes 78% of the air.

Neptune / Diameter / 49,000 Kilometer
Moons / 8
Avg.Distance to Sun / 4,497 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 165 Years
Facts /
  1. It is denser & little smaller than Uranus.
  2. Its Atmosphere appear blue, with quickly changing white clouds often suspended high above an apparent surface.
  3. Atmosphere constituents are mostly hydrocarbon compounds.
  4. It Emits about 2.3 times more energy than it receives from the sun and the Aurora phenomenon was noticed by Voyager II.

Uranus / Diameter / 52,096 Kilometer
Moons / 17
Avg.Distance to Sun / 2,852.8 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 84 Years
Facts /
  1. Waterly Uranus is the only planet that lies on its side.
  2. One pole, than the other, faces the Sun as it orbits.
  3. Voyager-I found nine dark, compact rings around the planet and a corkscrew-shaped magnetic field that stretches millions of kilometers.

Mars / Diameter / 6,755.2 Kilometer
Moons / 2
Avg.Distance to Sun / 225.6 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 687 Days
Facts /
  1. The Viking probes failed to Beneath its thin atmosphere.
  2. Mars is barren, covered with pink soil and boulders.
  3. Long ago it was active, the surface is marked with dormant volcanoes and deep chasms where water once freely flowed.

Venus / Diameter / 12,032 Kilometer
Moons / None
Avg.Distance to Sun / 107.52 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 225 Days
Facts /
  1. Earth's twin in size and mass, sparingly hot Venus is perpetually veiled behind reflective sulfuric-acid clouds.
  2. Probes and radar mapping have pierced the clouds and carbon-dioxide environment to reveal flat, rocky plains & signs of volcanic activity.

Mercury / Diameter / 4,849.6 Kilometer
Moons / None
Avg.Distance to Sun / 57.6 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 88 Days
Facts /
  1. Tiny Mercury, slightly larger than Earth's moon.
  2. Races along its elliptical orbital 1,76,000 kilometer per hour.
  3. A speed that keeps it from being drawn into the Sun's gravity field.
  4. The crated planet has no atmosphere, days are scorching hot and nights, frigid.

Earth / Diameter / 12,732.2 Kilometer
Moons / 1
Avg.Distance to Sun / 148.8 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 365 Days
Facts /
  1. Uniquely moderate temperature and the presence of oxygen and copious water maker Earth the only planet in the solar system to support life.

Jupiter / Diameter / 1,41,968 Kilometer
Moons / 16
Avg.Distance to Sun / 772.8 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 11.9 Years
Facts /
  1. Two Pioneer space probes photographed the Great Red Spot on the Solar system's largest planet.
  2. Voyagers I and II later showed it is an enormous eddy in the turbulent cloud cover. Earth the only planet in the solar system to support life.
  3. They also spotted dusty rings, three new moons and volcanoes on the Moon.

Saturn / Diameter / 1,19,296 Kilometer
Moons / 20 or more
Avg.Distance to Sun / 1,417.6 million KM
Time to Orbit the Sun / 29.5 Years
Facts /
  1. Voyager I found that the celebrated rings of the golden giant Saturn are composed of thousands of rippling, spiraling bands just 100 feets thick.
  2. The moon Titan has a nitrogen atmosphere and hydrocarbons.

Sun / Diameter / 13,84,000 Kilometer
Statellites / 9 Planets
Age / 4.5 billion years
Facts /
  1. A rather ordinary, middle age star, the gaseous sun may reach a temperature of 27-millon degrees Celsius at its core.
  2. Its 11 years cycle is now approaching a solar maximum, a period marked by frequent sunspots and flares.
  3. On Earth, some radio waves will be disturbed and the amazing sky streamers called Northern Lights will appear.


Unit of electric current. It is approximately equal to the flow of 6 x 1018 electrons per second.
The weight of an atom of hydrogen is taken as the standard; the respective weights of the atoms of all other substances are expressed in terms of it. So when it is stated that the atomic weight of iron is 56, it is meant that the atom of iron is 56 times as heavy as the atom of hydrogen.
The unit of wavelength of light is Angstrom. 1 Angstrom = 10-8 cm. There is a bigger unit for measuring the wavelength of infrared light; it is called a milli-micron and is equal to 10-7 cm. Micron =10-4 cm, is a still bigger unit. Bar is the unit of atmospheric pressure; one bar is equal to a pressure of 106 dynes per sq cm.
Calory is the unit of heat. It is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature or one gram of water through 1 C.
The practical unit of power - the power of an agent which can work at the rate of 550 foot-pounds per second or 33,000 foot-pounds per minute. 1 HP=746 watts.
Joule is the unit of work or energy. It is equal to 107 ergs. It is the energy consumed in one second in an electrical circuit through which a current energy of one ampere is flowing against a potential difference of one volt.
Knot is a measure to know the speed of a ship.
A light year is the distance light travels in one mean solar year, at speed of 1, 86,000 miles per second. It is equal to 5,880,000,000,000 miles. It is used as a unit for measuring stellar distances.
A unit of distance used in navigation - one minute of longitude measured along the Equator. A Nautical Mile is approximately equal to 6, 080 feet.
The pressure is expressed in pounds weight per sq cm. The pressure of the atmosphere is expressed in millibars. One millibar = 1 dyne per sq cm. If the pressure are very high, they are expressed in multiples of atmospheric pressure. 1 atmosphere is a pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76 cm high at sea level and at a latitude of 45 .
Metric measure of weight; 100 kilograms = 1 quintal.
The unit of potential difference. It is that much potential difference which when applied to the ends of an electrical conductor of resistance one ohm, the amount of energy consumed in the circuit in one second is one Joule (=107 ergs).
Unit of power - the rate of work done in joules per second; the energy expended per second by an unvarying electric current of 1 ampere.


Altimeter is a special type of aneroid barometer, used in measuring altitudes.
Ammeter is an instrument to measure the strength of an electric current.
Anemometer is an instrument to measure the velocity and find the direction of the wind.
Audiometer is an instrument to measure difference in hearing.
Barometer is used for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Binocular is an optical instrument designed for magnified view of distant objects by both eyes simultaneously.
Calorimeter is an instrument for measuring quantities of heat.
Chronometer is a clock to determine longitude of a vessel of sea.
Clinical Thermometer is a thermometer for measuring the temperature of human body.
Calorimeter is an instrument for comparing intensities of colour.
Commutator is an instrument to change of reverse the direction of an electric current. In dynamo used to convert the alternating current into direct current.
Computer is a technical device designed to find instantaneous solutions of huge and complex calculation based on the information already fed.
Dynamo is a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Electroscope is an instrument for detecting the presence of electric charge.
Galvanometer is an instrument for measuring electric current.
Hydrometer is an instrument for measuring the relative density of liquids.
Hydrophone is an instrument for measuring sound under water.
Hygrometer is an instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere.
Hygroscope is an instrument to show the changes in atmospheric humidity.
Lactometer is an instrument for measuring the relative density of milk.
Micrometer is an instrument used for accurately measuring small distances or angles.
Manometer is instrument to measure the pressure of gases.
Magnetometer is an instrument used to compare the magnetic moments and fields,
Mariner's Compass is an apparatus for determining direction, graduated to indicate 33 directions. The "N" point on the dial indicates north pole and the "S" point, south pole.
Microscope is an instrument for magnified view of very small objects.
Periscope is an apparatus for viewing objects lying above the eye level of the observer and whose direct vision is obstructed. It consists of a tube bent twice at right angles and having plane mirrors at these bends inclined at angles of 45 to the tube.
Photometer is an instrument for comparing the luminous intensity of the sources of light.
Planimeter is a mechanical integrating instrument to measure area of a plane surface.
Pyknometer is an instrument used to measure the density and co-efficient of expansion of liquid.
Pyrheliometer is an instrument for measuring solar radiations.
Pyrometers are thermometers to measure high temperatures.
Quadrant is an instrument for measuring altitudes and angles in navigation and astronomy.
Quartz clock is a highly accurate clock used in astronomical observations and other precision work.
Radio micrometer is an instrument for measuring heat radiations.
Rain gauge is an instrument for measuring rainfall.
Refractometer is an instrument used to measure the refractive index of a substance.
Resistance thermometer is used for determining the electrical resistance of conductor.
Salinometer is a type of hydrometer used to determine the concentration of salt solutions by measuring their densities.
Seismograph is an instrument used for recording the intensity and origin of earthquake shocks.
Sextant is an instrument used for measurement of angular distances between two objects.
Spectroscope is an instrument used for spectrum analysis.
Spectrometer is a type of spectroscope so calibrated as to make it suitable for the precise measurement of refractive indices.
Spherometer is an instrument used for accurately measuring the curvature of spherical objects.
Sphygmomanometer is an apparatus for measuring blood pressure.
Spring balance is used to measure the mass of a body. It is preferred only when quick but approximate determinations are to be carried out.
Stereoscope is an optical device to see two dimensional pictures as having depth and solidity.
Stethoscope is a medical instrument for hearing and analyzing the sound of heart and lungs.
Stroboscope is an instrument used for viewing the objects moving rapidly with a periodic motion and to see them as if they were at rest.
Tangent galvanometer is an instrument for measuring the strength of direct current.
Telemeter is an apparatus for recording physical events happening at a distance.
Teleprinter is a communication medium for automatic sending, receiving and printing of telegraphic message from distant places.
Telescope is an instrument for viewing distant objects as magnified.
Television is an instrument used for transmitting the visible moving images by means of wireless waves.
Thermometer is an instrument to measure the temperature.
Thermoscope is used for measuring the temperature change (approximately) of the substances by nothing the corresponding change in volume.
Thermostat is an automatic device for regulating constant tempera-tures.
Transistor is a small device which may be used to amplify currents and perform other functions usually performed by a thermionic value.
Vernier is an adjustable scale with marking of 10 sub-divisions of one-tenth of an inch or any other suitable marking for measuring small sub-divisions of scale.
Viscometer is an instrument for measuring the viscosity, i.e. the property of resistance of a fluid to relative motion within itself.
Voltmeter is an instrument to measure potential difference between two points.


Altimeter is a special type of aneroid barometer, used in measuring altitudes.
Ammeter is an instrument to measure the strength of an electric current.
Anemometer is an instrument to measure the velocity and find the direction of the wind.
Audiometer is an instrument to measure difference in hearing.
Barometer is used for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Binocular is an optical instrument designed for magnified view of distant objects by both eyes simultaneously.
Calorimeter is an instrument for measuring quantities of heat.
Chronometer is a clock to determine longitude of a vessel of sea.
Clinical Thermometer is a thermometer for measuring the temperature of human body.
Calorimeter is an instrument for comparing intensities of colour.
Commutator is an instrument to change of reverse the direction of an electric current. In dynamo used to convert the alternating current into direct current.
Computer is a technical device designed to find instantaneous solutions of huge and complex calculation based on the information already fed.
Dynamo is a device for converting mechanical energy into electrical energy.
Electroscope is an instrument for detecting the presence of electric charge.
Galvanometer is an instrument for measuring electric current.
Hydrometer is an instrument for measuring the relative density of liquids.
Hydrophone is an instrument for measuring sound under water.
Hygrometer is an instrument for measuring the relative humidity of the atmosphere.
Hygroscope is an instrument to show the changes in atmospheric humidity.
Lactometer is an instrument for measuring the relative density of milk.
Micrometer is an instrument used for accurately measuring small distances or angles.
Manometer is instrument to measure the pressure of gases.
Magnetometer is an instrument used to compare the magnetic moments and fields,
Mariner's Compass is an apparatus for determining direction, graduated to indicate 33 directions. The "N" point on the dial indicates north pole and the "S" point, south pole.
Microscope is an instrument for magnified view of very small objects.
Periscope is an apparatus for viewing objects lying above the eye level of the observer and whose direct vision is obstructed. It consists of a tube bent twice at right angles and having plane mirrors at these bends inclined at angles of 45 to the tube.
Photometer is an instrument for comparing the luminous intensity of the sources of light.
Planimeter is a mechanical integrating instrument to measure area of a plane surface.
Pyknometer is an instrument used to measure the density and co-efficient of expansion of liquid.
Pyrheliometer is an instrument for measuring solar radiations.
Pyrometers are thermometers to measure high temperatures.
Quadrant is an instrument for measuring altitudes and angles in navigation and astronomy.
Quartz clock is a highly accurate clock used in astronomical observations and other precision work.
Radio micrometer is an instrument for measuring heat radiations.
Rain gauge is an instrument for measuring rainfall.
Refractometer is an instrument used to measure the refractive index of a substance.
Resistance thermometer is used for determining the electrical resistance of conductor.
Salinometer is a type of hydrometer used to determine the concentration of salt solutions by measuring their densities.
Seismograph is an instrument used for recording the intensity and origin of earthquake shocks.
Sextant is an instrument used for measurement of angular distances between two objects.
Spectroscope is an instrument used for spectrum analysis.
Spectrometer is a type of spectroscope so calibrated as to make it suitable for the precise measurement of refractive indices.
Spherometer is an instrument used for accurately measuring the curvature of spherical objects.
Sphygmomanometer is an apparatus for measuring blood pressure.
Spring balance is used to measure the mass of a body. It is preferred only when quick but approximate determinations are to be carried out.
Stereoscope is an optical device to see two dimensional pictures as having depth and solidity.
Stethoscope is a medical instrument for hearing and analyzing the sound of heart and lungs.
Stroboscope is an instrument used for viewing the objects moving rapidly with a periodic motion and to see them as if they were at rest.
Tangent galvanometer is an instrument for measuring the strength of direct current.
Telemeter is an apparatus for recording physical events happening at a distance.
Teleprinter is a communication medium for automatic sending, receiving and printing of telegraphic message from distant places.
Telescope is an instrument for viewing distant objects as magnified.
Television is an instrument used for transmitting the visible moving images by means of wireless waves.
Thermometer is an instrument to measure the temperature.
Thermoscope is used for measuring the temperature change (approximately) of the substances by nothing the corresponding change in volume.
Thermostat is an automatic device for regulating constant tempera-tures.
Transistor is a small device which may be used to amplify currents and perform other functions usually performed by a thermionic value.
Vernier is an adjustable scale with marking of 10 sub-divisions of one-tenth of an inch or any other suitable marking for measuring small sub-divisions of scale.
Viscometer is an instrument for measuring the viscosity, i.e. the property of resistance of a fluid to relative motion within itself.
Voltmeter is an instrument to measure potential difference between two points.