A Note from Mrs. Day

Dear Parents,

As part of the county and state music curricula, students are required to learn to play the soprano recorder. This instrument serves as an introductory instrument for preparation of later musical endeavors and also allows the students to put their skills in music reading into practice. Each student will need to purchase a recorder and book from the school to use both in class and to practice with at home. Each recorder costs $4. Some students may have a recorder from a previous year or they may be able to use a recorder that an older sibling or family member had. However, it is IMPERITIVE that your student uses an instrument that was purchased through a school music program and not one from any major retail store (such as Wal-mart). The instruments at these stores are manufactured by toy companies, not music companies, and will not play correctly. The instrument they will purchase from the school will be of high quality and will ensure their success and learning.

Your child’s teacher will begin collecting money for these instruments at Open House (August 25th). You will receive a receipt, and your child will receive their recorder during music class. If you are unable to purchase your child’s recorder during Open House, you can still send in payment during the first 2 weeks of school to your child’s teacher. We will use the recorders for 3rd grade students during the 3rd nine weeks, 4th grade students during the 4th nine weeks, and 5th grade students during the 2nd nine weeks.

It is very important that your student has a recorder with them every time they come to music so that all their goals will be met. Any assistance that you can give them with their at-home practice will only further their success. Their music gives specific instructions for correct playing, so you could refer to this for tips on helping your child. Thank you, in advance, for any help you give them at home.

Please complete the slip below to purchase a recorder. Even if your child already has a recorder, I need this slip back for my records. The classroom teacher will ensure that your student’s slip and money is collected and returned to me. Feel free to contact me at the school 910-324-4142 or if you have any specific questions or concerns. I hope you will take pleasurein the motivation and enjoyment your student will gain from learning to play an instrument!

Musically Yours,

Pamela Day, RES Music


Student name: ______Classroom Teacher: ______

Please check the appropriate statement below:

_____ I have enclosed $4 for my student’s recorder. The payment is in (please circle) cash/check(made payable to RES)

_____ My student already has a recorder appropriate for school use. I will ensure that they have it with them for music class.