Unit One: Ancient Civilizations
Noun / Verb / Adjective / Synonym / Oppositeachievement / achieve / achievable / accomplish / ×
advance/advancement / advance / advanced/advancing / progress / ×
appearance / appear / × / emerge / disappear
arrival / arrive / × / × / ×
belief / believe / believable / think / doubt/disbelieve
benefit / benefit / beneficial / advantage / profit / ×
civilisation (-zation) / civilise / civilized / educate/ improve / brutalize
construction / construct / constructive / build / make / destroy
contribution / contribute / × / give /supply / ×
control / control / × / organise / rule / ×
cooperation / cooperate / cooperative / help / assist / hinder
dependence / depend / dependent / × / independent
destruction / destroy / destructive / demolish/devastate / build
development / develop / developed/developing / grow / ×
division / divide / divisible/ dividable / split /separate / join
emergence / emerge / emerging / appear / disappear / vanish
enrichment / enrich / × / improve / ×
environment / × / environmental / × / ×
expansion / expand / expandable / enlarge/ increase / contract
exploration / explore / exploratory / discover/ search / ×
extension / extend / extendable/ extensive / expand/ enlarge / ×
× / flourish / flourishing / thrive / prosper / deteriorate
impression / impress / impressive / amaze/ astonish / ×
influence / influence / influential / effect / ×
invasion / invade / × / attack / ×
invention / invent / inventive / create / ×
modernity/ modernization / modernize / modern / × / ×
peace / × / peaceful / calm / war
prediction / predict / predictable / forecast / expect / ×
preservation / preserve / × / protect / conserve / destroy
prosperity / prosper / prosperous / flourish/ thrive / deteriorate
protection / protect / protective / keep / guard / ×
success / succeed / successful / thrive / fail
survival / survive / × / live / die
tradition / × / traditional / Custom / belief / ×
unity/union / unification / unite / unify / united / unified / × / ×
× / vanish / vanished / vanishing / disappear / appear
English Words / French Translation / Arabic Translation
ancient / ancien(ne), antique / قديم
Greek / Grec / اغريقي/ يوناني
flourish / prospérer / ازدهر
spread / (se) répandre / انتشر
settlement / établissement / استقرار
conquest / conquête / غزو
poetry / poésie / الشعر
establish / fonder / أسس
organised / organisé / نظم
vast / vaste; immense; énorme / واسع
decipher / déchiffrer / يحل الشفرة
relay / transmettre / نقل
reputation / réputation / سمعة
allow / permettre / سمح
empire / empire / امبراطورية
customs / coutumes / تقاليد
deities / divinités / العبادات
tribute / tribut / اتاوة
The source is: English Bac: The key to Success by Achit Djamel.