MNDAKSPAN Research Grant Application

Please type the responses and provide specifics to

demonstrate details of your research. Please be clear and concise.

●Submissions should be kept to 3 pages or less (excluding references)

Name of person(s) submitting application: ______

Principal Investigator:______

Address: ______

Telephone Number (Principal Investigator): ______

ASPAN Membership Number (for each applicant): ______


Email address (Principal Investigator): ______

Title of Research: ______

Has your research project gone before the IRB and been approved? ______

Describe the objective of the research project; include an abstract, and purpose statement:

Provide a summary of the project including literature review, method of your research and expected outcomes:

Describe the benefits of the project for perianesthesia nursing:

Describe how the grant funding would be used:

Projected date of completion:

MNDAKSPAN Research Grant Policy


1.Eligible applicant(s) shall be an active category member in good standing of MNDAKSPAN andASPAN. Dues must remain current.

2.The applicant(s) must have initiated the process of submitting the research application for approval from applicable/appropriate Institutional Review Board. No monies will be distributed prior to IRB approval.

3Each member or group of members seeking financial assistance shall downloadan application form from the MNDAKSPAN website. The application shall be submitted electronically per instructions on the application.

4The completed application must reach the MNDAKSPAN Board of Director’s by January 10in order to be considered for that year’s grant. Any applications received after the deadline will not be valid.

5The MNDAKSPAN Board of Directors will review the application for completeness and compliance with the application guidelines. All proposals will be evaluated based on the clarity and thoroughness of the objectives, expected outcomes, relevance to perianesthesia nursing, and budget.

6One member or group of members per calendar year will be awarded a $1000 research grant based on MNDAKSPAN’s current financial status and budget for that year.

7All financial assistance requests for the research grant must be submitted yearly. Ongoing research may reapply for additional grant funds.

8Monies will be dispersed after receiving receipts according to the grant agreement and timeline established by the Board of Directors.

9The member or group of members given the grant is/are expected to complete the following:

a.Email research project progress updates to the board of directors prior to the spring, summer and fall board of director meetings.

b.Provide a written synopsis of the research project to be published in “PAR Excellence,” MNDAKSPAN’s newsletter.

c.Display a poster presentation at spring or fall MNDAKSPAN conference closest to the conclusion of research project.

  • Not required but highly encouraged: Apply for a poster and/or oral presentation at ASPAN’s National Conference.

10If a member receiving financial assistance is unable to keep the agreement established between recipient and MNDAKSPAN, recipient must provide written notice to MNDAKSPAN president and all monies given by MNDAKSPAN to the member shall be returned to MNDAKSPAN within two weeks of written notification to MNDAKSPAN Board of Directors. In this event, monies shall be returned to the MNDAKSPAN general fund.


If my project is approved for funding by MNDAKSPAN, I agree to:

a.Email research project progress updates to the board of directors prior to the spring, summer, and fall board of director meetings.

b.Provide a written synopsis of the research project to be published in “PAR Excellence,” MNDAKSPAN’s newsletter.

c.Display a poster presentation at spring or fall MNDAKSPAN conference closest to the conclusion of research project.

  • Not required but highly encouraged: Apply for a poster and/or oral presentation at ASPAN’s National Conference.

I agree to the above stipulations and understand that failure to meet these conditions may cause ineligibility to apply for further research funds from MNDAKSPAN.


Signature of Principal Investigator Date