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Windy Ridges GoldensPuppy Contract

430 Sergeantsville Road

Flemington, NJ 08822 (908) 782-2889

Health Guarantee Pet Contract

This agreement is between

Amanda Drummey

Herein after referred to as “Breeder”



Address: ______


Phone Number: HOME:______CELL(S):______


Herein after referred to as “Buyer”

This agreement is made and entered into this ____ day of June 2013 by and between Amanda and David Drummey (Breeder), and

______(Buyer), for the purpose of setting

Forth the terms and conditions of the purchase of a purebred male/female Golden Retriever from the litter whelped on

April 3rd 2013out ofWindy Ridges Sow Muckle Frae Sow Wee CCA “AVEN” and by AM CH Gold Loves Spirit Of The West CCA “WYATT”

Litter Theme: The “EASTER” Litter, April 3rd 2013 Litter Registration #: ______/___

Color: Golden Microchip #:______

AKC Registered Name:______

And is herein after referred to as “Puppy”

For $2000.00 (two-thousand dollars), the Breeder agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to purchase a

___Female ____Male

companion pet puppy from the litter described above subject to the following terms:

1. Breeder warrants that the above described Puppy is a purebred Golden Retriever that can be registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and that the registration papers havebeen provided to the Buyer as of the date of the completed purchase, together with a copy of the Puppies pedigree.

All appropriate vaccines and de-wormings for the Puppy’s age have been given, and a record of vaccines/wormings and a Health Certificate from a licensed veterinarian have been supplied to Buyer at the time of purchase.

You also understand that today you will fill out the AKC Registration papers with the Breeder and write out a check made payable to the AKC for the exact amount of fees, so that the Breeder can send the papers in. The Breeder does this to make sure that all of their puppies are registered.

______Buyeragrees that at NO POINT in the dog’s life, can the AKC Registered Name be changed without written consent from the Breeder.

The Puppy has been registered on a limited registration, which will prohibit breeding of the Puppy and registering of the offspring.

______The Buyer has agreed to have the Puppy spayed or neutered before 18 months of age andVeterinarian[as described below under DEFINITIONS (b)] confirmation of spay or neuter must be supplied to the Breeder before the Puppy turns one year of age.

72 Hour Check-Up

2. Breeder warrants that the above described Puppy is in good health at the time Buyer assumes ownership. Buyer agrees to have thePuppy examined by a licensed Veterinarian within 72 hours (not including holidays and weekends) of receipt of Puppy.

______Buyer agrees to have Puppy examined by ______

If, as a result of the examination, the veterinarian determines that the Puppy is Unfit for Purchase [as described below under DEFINITIONS (a)], then the Buyer shall elect one of the following:

A) Return the Puppy and all paperwork that was supplied the Buyer at the time of purchase, to the Breeder for a full refund of the purchase price within the 72 hours.

B) Return the Puppy and all the paperwork that was supplied the Buyer at the time of purchase, to the Breeder and receive a Puppy of equal value from an upcoming litter when one becomes available to the Breeder.

The replacement puppy MUST be solely owned by the Breeder. A litter that is co-owned with another breeder (Litter Co-owner) does not apply and is not relevant to this contract; UNLESS the said Puppy is from a co-owned litter then a replacement puppy must be from the same Litter Co-owners when such a litter becomes available.

______EMERGENCY VETERINARY VISITS: The BREEDER WILL NOT pay for emergency veterinary visits within the 72 hour period UNLESS the Puppy is in dire need of Emergency Medical Attention [as described below under DEFINITIONS (e)]. PLEASE call the Breeder BEFORE you are thinking of taking the Puppy to an emergency vet. In the case that it is a true emergency, the Breeder is to be notified beforehand. If the Breeder is NOT notified beforehand, the emergency veterinary visit is the sole responsibility of the Buyer and no monies shall be exchanged between the Buyer and Breeder.

If the Buyer elects to return the Puppy, the Buyer shall, within 4 days after the date of signing this contract, send to Breeder by certified mail or in person, a written Veterinarian’s certificate stating that the Puppy was unfit for purchase and their findings. Upon receipt by Breeder of said certificate, Buyer shall be obligated to return the Puppy to the Breeder at Buyers expense. Upon receipt of the Puppy, the Breeder shall be obligated to refund all monies received from Buyer toward the purchase price of the Puppy, and further performance under this contract shall be null and void. All action taken to return the puppy shall be done with the best interest of the Puppy in mind, including temperature, non-stop flights, working arrangements, etc. Puppy MUST Be Returned no later than 5 days after the signing of this contract.


3. The Breeder does not assume any liability for any injuryto Puppy after the Puppy has left the Breeder’s premises, which includes; but is/are not limited to, injuries caused by over exercise, weight gain, jumping, poor nutrition, dehydration, excessive play or such.

______Buyer understands that the Puppy must be fed a Premium Puppy Dry Dog Food until the age of 4-6 months old, at which time the Puppy will be slowly switched over to a Premium Adult Dry Dog Food.

______Buyer agrees that the Puppy will live in the house with the family and NOT left outside or chained up.

______Buyer agrees to the following:

To provide the Puppy with water at all times.

To keep puppy properly exercised to maintain a healthy weight

To NOT over feed and cause the Puppy to become overweight at anytime in the Puppy’s life.

To keep the Puppy properly socialized and to complete at least one obedience class.

To maintain proper vaccines, heartworm prevention, flea and tick prevention and de-wormings.

To properly groom and bathe Puppy as needed.

To keep Puppy’s exercise and jumping to a minimum until after 12-16 months of age

To notify Breeder of ALL changes of address phone number during the Puppy’s lifetime within 30 days of change.

Health and Temperament

4. ______thereare many factors that can influence growth and development, such as diet, exercise, weight gain, etc... The Buyer assumes the responsibility to carry on with the appropriate vaccinations, exercise and feeding schedule, as supplied by the Breeder. Most particularly, the Buyer agrees to keep the Puppy slim throughout its normal growth period and throughout the Puppies lifetime. Obesity is considered abuse/neglect to the BREEDER.

Breeder warranties that the Buyer has received a Puppy in good health at the time the Puppy leaves the Breeder’s premises.

The Breeder can offer no further guarantee once the care of the Puppy is no longer under the Breeder’s control after the Puppy and Buyer have left the Breeder’s premises. It is the sole responsibility of the Buyer to conform to the limits set forth in this contract, including, but not limited to Item #3 of this contract.

______Breeder has informed Buyer that the OFA clearances, CERF clearances, and SAS clearances only guarantee that the sire and dam are free of hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eye defects and heart problems. Breeder also states that by using parents that are free of these known diseases it reduces the severity and occurrence of these diseases showing up in the offspring; however, Breeder HAS NOT warranted or guaranteed to the Buyer that the Puppy will be free of said diseases or genetic problems which may show up at a later time.

______Buyer acknowledges that they understand that the Breeder has warranted that the parents of the Puppy have received all of their certifications to be free of hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, eye defects, heart defects and thyroid problems and that the Puppy has NOT been cleared of said diseases which may show up at a later date.

Should puppy be diagnosed with any severely crippling/life threatening[as described below under DEFINITIONS (c)]or severe genetically derived medical disorder [as described below under DEFINITIONS (d)]which is attested by two unassociated veterinarians within and up to the age of 6 months (24 weeks/180 days), Breeder will, upon receival and acceptance of the two veterinarian reports (including x-rays and a signed document from the veterinarians) and where applicable, OFA and/or CERF certification’s, provide Buyer with one of the following options:

A) Should Buyer chooses to keep the Puppy, the Breeder shall upon veterinarian’s confirmation as stated above,give the Buyer a choice of accepting a puppy from an upcoming litter (Section 2.B. applies as to replacement puppy) at no charge to Buyer.(NO MONEY shall be exchanged or refunded) This is only applied to the Puppy 6 months (24 weeks/180 days) of age and under.

B) Should Buyer choose to relinquish ownership of Puppy to the breeder, Breeder will replace original Puppy with a pet Puppy from the next available litter (Section 2.B. applies as to replacement puppy) at no cost to the Buyer. The PuppyMUSTbe returned to the BREEDER within 10 days of evaluation by the veterinarians. (Section 4.B. will be voided if the Puppy is not returned to the Breeder within 10 days of evaluation)The Breeder will in turn, find a suitable home for the PUPPY. Buyer is responsible for all costs incurred. (NO MONEY between Buyer and Seller shall be exchanged or refunded) This is only applied to the Puppy 6 months (24 weeks/180 days) of age and under.


______In any case mentioned above, BUYER is REQUIRED tosupply BREEDER with x-rays and documents BEFORE a replacement (Section 2.B. applies as to replacement puppy)puppy is given. (The Breeder requires x-rays and documents from two veterinarians because a second opinion is ALWAYS better than one, and it has happened where a vet will say the Puppy/Dog is dysplastic and it turns out that they are not, the positioning of the hips during the first x-ray was not correct.)

JUST A NOTE: A dog that has borderline/mild Hip Dysplasia can still lead a normal and active lifestyle and be a wonderful pet, and is NOT considered severely crippling/life threatening.

The Veterinary Certificate of unfitness must be delivered to the Breeder within five days of the Buyer’s receipt of it.

Copies of the sire and dam’s certifications, pedigrees, and registrations have been provided to the Buyer at the time of purchase.

______A microchip has been implanted and the paperwork will be filled out and the Breeder will mail the enrollment in.The Buyer has agreed to put the Breeder’s name as an Emergency Contact. THIS IS A REQUIREMENT.This cannot be changed at anytime during the said PUPPY’S lifetime.


______The Buyer agrees that neither he/she, nor the Buyer’s estate/executors, may sell or transfer ownership of this Puppy without the Breeder’s knowledge and written consent. The Breeder will take the Puppy back under ANY and ALL circumstances.

The Buyer MUST contact Breeder concerning all of the decisions to be made when a concern arises. All paperwork, such as the AKC Registration, is to be returned to the Breeder, if a circumstance arises that the Buyer can no longer care for the Puppy.

______BUYER understands that Breeder CAN & WILLseek legal justice if it is found out that the puppy has been sold or given away without the BREEDER’S knowledge or consent. The BREEDER’S first priority is the welfare of the PUPPY. The BREEDER DOES NOT want them to end up in a shelter, rescue or the like.

______Buyer agrees that this Puppy was sold with the understanding that the Breeder has carefully selected a home where the Puppy would become a family member. The Buyer agrees that if the Breeder has evidence of neglect and/or abuse, (which includes, but not limited to, starvation, dehydration, OBESITY) the Breeder has the right to repossess/re-claim ownership of the Puppy at no cost to the Breeder and seek legal consultation if necessary to pursue the repossession.

______Should Buyer choose to break any of the conditions in this agreement, the remainder of the agreement will be considered null and void and Breeder will have the right to repossess Puppy and the Buyer will be liable for any costs involved in that repossession.

The Breeder neither makes or implies any warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied, other than those written in the agreement including, without limitations, the warranties of merchantability and fitness. This document constitutes the entire agreement between the Breeder and the Buyer with respect to this sale. The Buyer’s signature below indicates that he/she has read, agrees, and does understand all of the conditions set forth in the above Health Guarantee Contract.


Breeder(s) signature Date


Buyer(s) signature Date


Buyer(s) signature Date


(a) “Unfit for Purchase” means any disease, deformity, injury, physical condition, illness’ or defect which is hereditary and severelyaffects the health of the Puppy, or which was manifest, capable of diagnosis or likely contracted on or before the date of purchase.

(b) “Veterinarian” means a veterinarian licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey (or state in which you live).

Veterinarian is defined as: A doctor who practices veterinary medicine.

Veterinary is defined as: Of or pertaining to the art of healing or treating domestic animals.

(c)“Severely crippling” is defined as: an animal that is lame or otherwise seriously/criticallydisabled in a way that requires intensive/extensive surgery and that prevents normal motion of the limbs or body, Mild hip dysplasia is NOT severe or life threatening and IS NOT included in this definition.

(d)“Severe Genetically Derived Medical Disorder” is defined as: a characteristic transmitted genetically from generation to generationthat is severe and life threatening and leaves the animal with little or no quality of life.

(e)“Emergency Medical Attention” is defined as: A serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.

This contract conforms to the New Jersey Law on the sale of puppies.

Windy Ridges Goldens * 430 Sergeantsville Road, Flemington, NJ 08822 * 908-782-2889 * Amanda Drummey