  • Make a prayer list with the missionaries
  • Make a list of LDS scriptures to incorporate in every day conversations
  • Pray with the missionaries to find roads to tract where people are prepared
  • Pray for specific people, for specific things
  • Pray every day for a month for a missionary experience
  • Pray for a date to have someone meet the missionaries
  • Carry a prayer card with you and add names often
  • Prepare a spiritual thought or LDS scripture and share it with a nonmember
  • Memorize a LDS scripture per week to share on demand
  • Pray daily to give away a copy of the Book of Mormon
  • Memorize the Book of Mormon principle in the Standard Discussions
  • Read the Book of Mormon every day, looking for missionary experiences
  • Learn a basic First Discussion
  • Say a LDS prayer with a nonmember (meal time)
  • Study and memorize the Articles of Faith, share one per week with nonmembers
  • Keep a spiritual thought in an envelope everywhere you go
  • Do a Book of Mormon marking activity
  • "A walk through the Book of Mormon" - personalize it so people won't think it's just another good book
  • Practice steps from Elder Jay E. Jensen: There is a God, We are mortal and fallen (we need help), no unclean thing can dwell with Him, we die, we will be resurrected, there will be a judgment, Jesus is our only hope, prophets point the way.

Invite / Activities
  • Invite friends to dinner with the missionaries
  • Invite friends to church activities
  • Invite your friends over when the missionaries are there
  • Offer to have missionaries teach investigators in you home
  • Invite another family to come to family activities and Family Home Evening
  • Call and invite a less active member to a Quorum, Primary, Mutual, or Relief Society Activity
  • Offer to hold a cottage meeting at your home
  • Call and fellowship one of the investigators that the missionaries are working with
  • Offer to help one of your friends to their genealogy at the genealogy center in the chapel
  • Invite a friend to attend a baptismal service
  • Invite a friend to attend a wedding reception held in the chapel
  • Bring a friend to English class
  • Choose your favorite church video and invite your friend to come over and watch it with you
  • Take a friend on a trip to the temple
  • If the phone rings during Family Home Evening, invite them over!
  • Ask a friend if they've ever seen missionaries before
  • Invite a friend to share their talents with you
  • Invite friends to a missionary Sunday
  • Invite a less active member over for dinner at your home
  • Call an old friend
  • Invite an acquaintance to play basketball at the church with the missionaries
  • Highlight your favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon and ask a friend to read them
  • Ask a "Will you" question to invite one of your friends to participate in the church
  • Invite a friend to attend church or a fireside with you
  • Shovel the walks or mow the lawn of neighbors and perform other charitable acts
  • Become sincerely interested in neighbors (i.e. Go to Little League Games, recitals, etc.)
  • Organize a service project and invite friends to participate
  • Have your children (if applicable) make missionary name tags and wear them to school (or to a friend's house) and explain
  • Get to know someone's interests and plan appropriate activities
  • Get to know all of your neighbors
  • Share your talents with the community
  • Do holiday lessons
  • Tailgate/BBQ parties
  • Tract with the missionaries
  • Take the missionaries to visit friends
  • Potluck Dinner with members and investigators
  • Go caroling with church hymns
  • Hold a movie night with proselyting videos
  • Go on splits with the missionaries
  • Meet your neighbor with a gift
  • Joint service with the missionaries
  • Organize a block party
  • Do service with a friend for someone else
  • Organize an activity to unify the ward/branch
  • Decorate a jar of candies, or a box with some scriptures in it
  • Make a snow sculpture of the temple in the front yard
  • Fence building (service projects)
  • Make family T-shirts
  • Hold a potluck dinner with a spiritual thought afterwards
  • Take a picture of your family in front of the temple. Put one up in your home and another in your wallet/purse to show your friends

Be An Example / Items to Give
  • Love others, even the grouchy and mean. Be nice. Be warm. See others as God sees them. Be like Christ.
  • Put a picture of the temple up in your home
  • Share your testimony with your friends
  • Keep a copy of the Book of Mormon where friends can see it
  • Keep a Book of Mormon and a Bible in the car, at work, and everywhere else you go
  • Sit with a nonmember or less active member at church
  • Share your conversion story
  • "I like my church because..." (Tie it into a related topic)
  • Talk about Jesus Christ and ask questions to find out their beliefs and feelings
  • Put a copy of the Book of Mormon on the coffee table (in a strange language to spark attention!)
  • Politely decline alcohol, coffee or tea and then explain why
  • Play a song from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for a friend
  • "What did you do this weekend?" Talk about a subject/feeling you had at church
  • Mention missionaries in conversations with friends and family
  • Ask a friend to write down all of their blessings and compare lists
  • Talk about their heritage and talk about genealogy, help them learn more (
  • Be an example of hard work and excellency in all that you do
  • Don't stop people in your home when they begin looking at church materials
  • Use religious words (i.e. "church", "missionary", "Bible", "Book of Mormon", etc)
  • Talk about eternal friendship with one of your friends
  • Share a child's missionary stories
  • Put yourself in situations to share the gospel (scriptures laying out, etc)
  • Share the history of the church (Legacy)
  • Have a proclamation where people can see it (The Living Christ, Family)
  • Share a scripture you read in the morning like you would a movie line (just relate it to something that happened)
  • Ask a friend about his/her beliefs
  • Carry a picture of your family and the temple close together and show it often
  • Ask to see pictures of a fellow worker's family
  • Make a transition in a conversation from family to church
  • Talk about your own mission (if applicable)
  • Ask someone if they've seen the temple
  • Read from the Book of Mormon during your lunch break. Listen to church music when others are around
  • Talk to someone on the Metro/Bus
  • Share an uplifting scripture to someone who's having a rainy day.
  • Put your picture and your testimony in a Book of Mormon and give it to a friend
  • Write your testimony in a card and have the missionaries deliver it to a friend
  • Give a friend a picture of your family, a temple, and a Proclamation of the Family
  • Give a friend a Lamb of God card
  • Include Lamb of God cards in cards for special occasions
  • Give a copy of the Book of Mormon or a church video to a friend for a special occasion
  • Give those around you articles from church literature that apply to their lives (Church News, Ensign, etc)
  • Give church materials as "Thank You's" for service rendered
  • Buy a friend a church magazine subscription
  • Use creativity in making a note with an image of the church and a spiritual thought for the missionaries to give to one of their investigators
  • Leave church material in waiting rooms/public areas
  • Give away one copy of the Book of Mormon every two months
  • Give away a pamphlet
  • Give an animated video of a Book of Mormon story along with the Book of Mormon and invite to watch and read
  • Send a family newsletter to nonmembers with a spiritual thought on it
  • Bake cookies during family home evening and give to a nonmember
  • Check up on those people to whom you have already given pamphlets
  • Give your friends Mormon Ads to put in their homes
  • Mail a Book of Mormon to a friend
  • Wrap a Book of Mormon in gold wrapping paper and give it to a friend
  • Make a treat and give it to a friend with a spiritual thought
  • Give the Church's Internet addresses to a friend ( and
  • Make a Book of Mormon kit (pamphlets and videos)
  • Give a framed "Proclamation to the Family" at a baby shower or wedding
  • Give a potted flower and relate it to Alma 32
  • Give a friend a balloon with a scripture inside
  • Give away a framed religious picture
  • Give someone a tie and invite them to church
  • When going out to eat, leave a tract or pamphlet with the tip
  • Take advantage of the season (give holiday gifts, etc)
  • Make and give out a package of different pamphlets about families
  • Offer the Book of Mormon as a way to sleep better