Division: Technology

Department: Computer Technology

Subject Code: WEB Course #: 135

Course Title: Raster Imaging and Photography


FORM 335

Course Form 335 must be updated at least every five years per AP 765 to include, at a minimum, the following elements. [§335.2]

1. Digital Description (Insert new/revised digital description below):

Credit hours: 3.0

Lecture hours: 3.0

Lab hours: 0.0

BL: []⅓ [X]½ []⅔ [ ] Other (Indicate fraction or percent)

2. Catalog Description (Insert new/revised description below):

Introduces raster-based techniques using Adobe Photoshop to create Web graphics and edit photographs for Web use. This course covers such topics as digital painting and editing tools, layer management, filters, special effects, vector-raster conversions, animation, and optimization for the Web. Basic digital photography techniques such as composition, lighting, and camera control are also introduced.

Minimum Grade Required

3. Prerequisites: None

Corequisites: None

Other: None

4. Learning Outcomes

[These outcomes are necessary to enable students to attain the essential

knowledge and skills embodied in the program’s educational objectives.]

Upon successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

·  Compare and contrast raster graphic, vector graphic techniques, and the benefits of each

·  Create two-dimensional raster graphics and animations using various image editing tools and techniques

·  Create dynamic graphics with Hotspots and Slices

·  Create a gallery of original digital photographs

·  Optimize raster graphic elements and photographs for Web use using Graphics Interchange Format (gif), Joint Photographic Experts Group (jpeg), and Portable Network Graphics (png) formats
5. Planned Sequence of Instruction

[These must be designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes.]

I.  Preparing the Digital Canvas

A.  Proprietary and Industry-Standard File Formats

B.  Image Resolution, Image Size, and Screen Resolution

C.  Sampling, Re-sampling, and Down-sampling

D.  Choosing the Web-Safe Color Palette

E.  Managing Layers, Grids, and Guidelines

II.  The Digital Painting Tools

A.  Brushes

B.  The Pen Tool, Type Tool, Shapes Tool, and Other Vector Intruders

C.  Painting, Erasing, and Selecting Pixels

III.  Digital Photography

A.  Camera Controls including Aperture, Shutter Speeds, Focus, and Flash

B.  Composition

C.  Indoor and Outdoor Lighting

IV.  The Digital Photo-Editing Tools

A.  Scanning or Acquiring Raster Images

B.  Color Manipulation: Color Balance, Color Mode, and Saturation

C.  Light Manipulation: Levels, Brightness, and Contrast

D.  Damage Control such as Clone Tool, Healing Brush, and Patch Tool

E.  Darkroom Techniques: Cropping, Dodging, and Burning

V.  Special Effects

A.  Filters and Effects

B.  Installing and Using Third-Party Plug-Ins

VI.  Web-Specific Techniques

A.  Hotspots

B.  Slices

C.  Raster-Based Animations

VII.  Import and Export

A.  Importing and Rasterizing Vector Graphics

B.  Optimizing Web Graphics

C.  Creating an Online Photo Gallery

6. Assessment of Student Learning

[Methods of assessment should be appropriate for Learning Outcomes listed above.]

Assessment of student learning outcomes for the course, as required by AP 765, is part of regular curriculum maintenance and/or improvement. The specific plan has been determined by the pertinent faculty involved and is kept on file in the division office.

7. List of Texts, References, Selected Library Resources or other Learning Materials (code each item based on instructional use): C-Lecture/Laboratory, A-Lecture, B-Laboratory, LC-Lecture/Clinical, CLN-Clinical, I-Online,

BL-Blended, D-Independent Study, P-Private Lessons, E-Internship,

F-Cooperative Work-Study, FE-Field Experience. [These resources must be easily accessible to students.]

[A,I,BL] Snider, Lesa. Photoshop CS6: The Missing Manual. Pogue Press. Copyright © 2012. ISBN-10: 1449316158, ISBN-13: 978-1449316150

Individual Instructors may choose to supplement textbook with…

[A,I,BL] lyndaClassroom subscription to five courses for one semester, from

Lynda.com Online Training Library®

8. Prepared by Faculty Member: Carl Ryan Petersheim Date: 1/14/13

9. Approved by Department Chairperson: Kelley M. Engle Date: 1/29/13

10. Approved by Academic Division Dean: Margie Mattis Date: 2/7/13

This course meets all reimbursement requirements of Chapter 335, subchapters A / B.

This course was developed, approved, and offered in accordance with the policies, standards, guidelines, and practices established by the College. It is consistent with the college mission.

If the course described here is a transfer course, it is comparable to similar courses generally accepted for transfer to accredited four-year colleges and universities.

11. Director, Curriculum Compliance: Erika Steenland Date: 2/8/13

12. Provost & VP, Academic Affairs: James E. Baxter, P.G. Date: 2/11/13

13. Original Date of course approval by the college: 200820

14. Date(s) of subsequent reviews [Indicate change: Learning Outcomes; textbook(s)]:
4/14/10 – type of instruction

201330 – DACUM Update: Course Title, Course Description, Learning Outcomes, Planned Sequence, Textbook



Form Template Reviewed & Updated: 10/26/07; 1/11/08; 1/16/09; 7/14/09; 7/31/12