Clara Hughes Public School

School Community Council



Mission Statement:

Ignite Life Long Learning, Celebrate Our Community and Dream an Empowered Future

Purpose of this Constitution:

The purpose of this Constitution is threefold:

  • To provide consistency and direction as members of the Council change over the years;
  • To define clearly the roles and responsibilities of the Council and its members; and
  • To facilitate the management of difficult or contentious issues by providing a clearly defined decision-making process.

Specific Objectives of the School Community Council:

  • To follow the Ministry and Board guidelines concerning School Community Councils;
  • To facilitate fundraising programs that will augment the school’s annual operating budget;
  • To act as an advisory body to the school administration;
  • In the case of a new Principal coming into the school, to provide input to the Superintendent of Education regarding preferred general characteristics with regards to the appointment;
  • To advise the Board and the Ministry of Education on issues and policies directly affecting the school when requested; and
  • To advise, when asked by the school administration, regarding school policy.

Code of Ethics:

All School Community Council Members shall:

  • Work within the guidelines as outlined by Board policy and procedure;
  • Respect the rights and opinions of all members of the school community;
  • Encourage, support, and value individual contributions;
  • Support and apply the democratic processes;
  • Be guided by the principles of honesty, integrity, truth, and fairness;
  • Take into consideration the interest of all students andparents as a whole;
  • Avoid a single issue focus;
  • Accept accountability for decisions;
  • Pursue exemplary ethical practices with all members of the school community;
  • Follow meeting discussions on matters of concern to the school community as set forth on the agenda;
  • Honour the privacy of committee members as well as staff and community members;
  • Respect and apply the principles of confidentiality and privacy; and
  • Ensure all communication, including email, remain positive.

Areas for School Councils to Avoid:

School Community Council members should adhere to clearly defined roles in order to avoid unnecessary conflict.

School Community Councils should avoid such practices as:

  • Taking on the role of the teacher, Principal, other staff members, or School Board(each of which has professional and legal responsibilities within the school system);
  • Overstepping the limits of their assignments or of their expertise;
  • Focusing on individual teachers, students, staff, parents, Council members, or trustees.

The role of Council members is to act as a link between Council and the community and to reflect the views of the parents during the decision-making process.

(taken from the S.C.C. ministry handbook)


Participation in the School Community Council (S.C.C.) is open to all parents/guardians and representatives of students attending this public school.

Participation is also open to any public supporter who lives in the area and who demonstrates an interest in and support for the activities of the school.

Although participation is open to all individuals represented by the above criteria, only elected members will have the right to vote on motions presented at the S.C.C. meetings.

School Community Council:

The S.C.C. may be composed of the following:

  • Chairperson: 1 elected member (not an employee of the Board)
  • Co-Chairperson: 1 elected member (not an employee of the Board)
  • Secretary: 1 elected member
  • Treasurer: 1 elected member
  • Committee Chairpersons:Fundraising:1 elected member

Elected Members (minimum of 8 to maximum of 12)

  • Teacher Representative: 1 elected member
  • Non-Teaching Staff Representative: 1 elected member
  • Community Representatives: minimum of 1
  • Principal/Designate: non-voting member
  • Vice-Principal: non-voting member

Each position on the S.C.C. (except for the Principal, Vice-Principal and community representatives) will be filled through a nomination and election process or by acclamation.

Parents sitting on the S.C.C. will elect the positions of Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and any other Officer’s position that the S.C.C. wishes to include.

All elected members (with the exception of the community representative and staff) must be a parent/guardian of a child registered at the school.

Parents/guardians shall form the majority on the Council. A person is not qualified to be a parent/guardian member of a School Community Council is she/he is employed at the school. A parent/guardian who is not employed at the school but is employed by the Durham District School Board may qualify as a parent/guardian member if he/she takes reasonable steps to inform people qualified to vote in the election of parent/guardian members of that employment.

Each member of a School Community Council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by the Council. Each member of a committee of a School Community Council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by a committee of the School Community Council. The Principal and Vice-Principal are not entitled to vote in votes taken by the S.C.C. or by a committee of the S.C.C.

S.C.C. Executive Officers:

The S.C.C. Executive consists of the Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer.

According to Ministry regulations, each elected or acclaimed member of the Council sits for a term of one (1) year, September to September.

Roles and Responsibilities

Council Members

  • Participate in Council meetings in a positive manner;
  • Participate in information and training programs;
  • Act as a positive link between the S.C.C. and the community;
  • Encourage the participation of parents from all groups and of other people within the school community;
  • Sit on other committees that may be established by the Council;
  • Come prepared to meetings;
  • Complete assigned tasks;
  • Develop the agenda in an open and systematic manner;
  • Initiate an agenda item in a way that opens discussion;
  • Seek information in an open and non-threatening manner;
  • Give information that contributes to the knowledge and decision-making process;
  • Offer opinions as opinions, not as facts;
  • Elaborate on another’s contribution in a positive manner;
  • Combine ideas from two or more participants into one stronger idea;
  • Energize the group when needed;
  • Use different decision-making and problem-solving strategies; and
  • Be respectful of others’ ideas.


  • Calls School Community Council meetings;
  • Prepares the agenda for the S.C.C. meetings in consultation with the Principal;
  • Chairs S.C.C. meetings;
  • Ensures the minutes of the Council meetings are recorded and maintained;
  • Participates in information and training programs;
  • Communicates effectively with the school administration;
  • Ensures there is regular communication with the school community;
  • Must be a parent member of the Council (cannot be a Board employee)
  • Presides at all meetings and has general supervision of the affairs of the Council;
  • Plans and directs and monitors, with the Principal, progress of the Council and committees;
  • Appoints temporary or standing committees (ad hoc) as needed.


  • Exercises all functions in the absence of (or in co-ordination with) the Chairperson;
  • Assists the Chairperson as needed;
  • Maintains a listing of the membership with phone numbers, addresses, and attendance;
  • Assumes other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Council.


  • Keeps full and accurate accounts of the proceedings and transactions of all meetings of the Council;
  • Provides copies of the minutes to the Principal and Council at meetings;
  • Prepares any official correspondence that the Chairperson may request;
  • Maintains a “Council File” containing copies of all minutes, Council plans and progress reports, any Council-related information from the Ministry or Board, and a current copy of the by-laws;
  • Provides an annual report of all Council activities to be distributed to all members of the school community.


  • Ensures that accurate accounts, receipts, disbursements, and monthly bank reconciliations are maintained;
  • Develops any budget proposals necessary for the operation of the School Community Council;
  • Prepares regular statements to be shared at all Council meetings;
  • Provides an annual report of all collections, disbursements and assets to be distributed to members of the school community.

Teacher Representative

  • Serves as a member of the School Community Council only as a representative of the teaching staff;
  • Supports the actions and decisions of the Council;
  • Ensures a teacher voice is expressed in all decisions which affect teaching and learning;
  • Promotes a collaborative, collegial model of decision making for the S.C.C.;
  • Encourages parents and the community to become involved in school activities;
  • Communicates information back to fellow teachers.

Non-Teaching Staff Representative

  • Serves asa member of the Council as a representative of the non-teaching staff;
  • Ensures the support staff’s voice is expressed, heard, and valued;
  • Encourages all support staff to become actively involved in school life;
  • Promotes a supportive, collegial team approach;
  • Communicates information back to colleagues.

Community Member

  • Plays a strong role in bringing the community perspective into the school;
  • Assists the school in building partnerships with community members;
  • Helps build lines of cooperation to enhance student learning;
  • Promotes a collaborative, collegial approach to decision making.

Principal and Vice-Principal

  • Participate in Council meetings;
  • Support and promote the Council’s activities;
  • Report to the Council on matters concerning school curricular and extra-curricular activities, staffing, Board directives and safety procedures;
  • Consult the Council on matters related to the purpose of school councils and on the development and implementation of the school policies such as code of conduct and school action plans;
  • Assist the Council is allocating funds raised through S.C.C. programs;
  • Advise the Council on laws, regulations and Board policies;
  • Communicate with the Chairperson as required;
  • Assist the Council in collaboration with the school community.


An election of parent members shall be held during the first 30 days of each school year, on a date fixed by the S.C.C. Chairperson, in consultation with the Principal. Elected parent members shall assume their positions at the first meeting after the elections. Teacher representatives and non-staff teaching representatives shall be elected by their peers during the first 30 days of a new school year. Elections shall be held in accordance with Durham District School Board Regulations. The elections shall take place over the course of one day and evening and voting shall be by ballot. Positions may be acclaimed as well if there is not a need for the election process.

At the final meeting of the school year, the Chairperson will announce that an election for S.C.C. membership will be held in September. That election information will be communicated to parents through the school newsletter, on the school website and by forms being sent home.

All parents who wish to be considered candidates for election to the Council must be present at the September meeting.


Positions left unfilled after the election, or positions which become vacant during the school year, may be filled through appointment by motion of the current Executive and shall have full and equal membership rights and responsibilities.


A member may resign by submitting notice in writing to the Chairperson of the S.C.C. The resignation shall be effective immediately upon receipt of notice or at such date as specified in the notice.

Non-fulfillment of duties of an elected individual

An elected member may be removed from the Council upon a motion with the support of at least two-thirds of the members if:

  • the member misses two (2) consecutive meetings of the S.C.C. (not withstanding extenuating circumstances); or
  • the member fails to comply with the rules and responsibilities set out in this document.


Scheduling and Access

A minimum of four (4) meetings will be held during the school year as set out by the Durham Board Policy. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Principal. Postponement and cancellation of meetings will be communicated through the Principal and the Chairperson after consultation.

All meetings will be open to the community and will be announced in the school newsletter and website.

A schedule of meetings will be determined by the Chairperson in consultation with the school administration and announced to the school community.


The Chairperson will present an agenda at each meeting. The Chairperson, in consultation with the Principal, will prepare this agenda. S.C.C. members, parents, and members of the community may make a written request to the Chairperson or the Principal to include an item on the agenda, at least one (1) week before the scheduled meeting. The requested item must fall within the guidelines outlined in the Durham Board Policy and Procedures.


Minutes must be recorded at all meetings and a copy will be kept accessible and made available to all parents/guardians of children in the school prior to the next meeting.

Minutes will include:

  • Members in attendance;
  • Topics discussed;
  • Motions presented and decisions made.


A quorum is required to pass motions made at S.C.C. meetings.

A quorum exists if a majority (50% + 1) of the voting membership of the S.C.C. is present.


All matters requiring formal decisions shall be decided in the first instance by a show of hands of elected/appointed S.C.C. members present at a meeting. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed, namely the item shall be tabled as amotion andseconded, followed by discussion and finally a vote. A motion shall be considered carried if approved by a majority of members present. At any time, either before or immediately after a vote by show of hands, any member entitled to vote may request a ballot and it shall be the Chair’s responsibility to check if any individual wishes to make such a request. The result of the ballot shall be the final decision. All Council members shall be entitled to cast one vote on any matter raised at a meeting of the Council. In the case of an equality of votes, the chair of the meeting shall be entitled to cast a second deciding vote. The Principal is not entitled to vote.

Prior to a formal vote, every attempt shall be made to reach a consensus through discussion by all members of the community present at the meeting. It is the responsibility of the Chair to set aside adequate time for discussion, to ensure that all interested parties have an opportunity to partake in the discussion and to ensure that all opinions are respected. Interested parties who are unable to attend the meeting may submit their comments in writing to the Chair orPrincipal prior to the meeting.

Proxy votes will not be considered.

Accounting and Finance

Financial Records must be kept in order and available for inspection by Council members, community members and school officials. A current financial report will be presented at each regularly scheduled S.C.C. meeting. All monies generated through fundraising activities must be deposited in the school account through the school office bookkeeping process.

A financial summary will be communicated to the school community through an end-of-term school newsletter.

Conflict of Interest

Any time the S.C.C. does business with the potential for monetary gain/loss with any person, agency, or company, and a member of the Council has a vested interest in any way with that particular person, agency, or company, that member shall declare a conflict of interest and shall not discuss or vote on any such resolution relating to the matter.

Conflict Resolution Procedures

  • Every Council member will be given an opportunity to express his or her concern or opinion about the issue on the table and how the dispute has affected him or her.
  • Speakers to an issue will maintain a calm and respectful tone at all times and will be allowed to speak without interruption.
  • The Chair’s responsibility is to clarify the statements made by all speakers, to identify common ground among the points of view raised and to set out the joint interests of all members. If no common ground can be identified, the Chair will seek to clarify preferences among all members before proceeding further.
  • If consensus is not reached, the Chair will call a vote on the issue.
  • Only members of the S.C.C. shall be allowed to vote.
  • The vote shall be decided by a majority of votes cast by the voting members present (50% + 1 of the minimum number outlined under quorum.)

Roles of Committees

  • The S.C.C. can decide on what committees and how many committees are required.
  • Examples of committees are fundraising, curriculum, safety, parent volunteer recruitment, finance, and special events.
  • Every committee must include one parent member of the Council and may also include others who are not members of the S.C.C.
  • Committee meetings are entitled to be held at the school, must be open and accessible to the public, and are to be publicized by the Principal in the same way that regular school council meetings are.


All members of the S.C.C. must act within the mandate for School Community Councils as set out in the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training Regulation. Further, any actions must conform with all Durham District School Board policies and procedures relating to School Community Councils. It is the responsibility of the school administration to ensure that S.C.C. members are aware of relevant legislation or policy when considering an issue. S.C.C. members who choose to operate outside the law or DDSB policy may be held personally liable should their actions be challenged.


The Constitution of the Clara Hughes P.S. S.C.C. may be amended, varied, or repealed by a 2/3 majority vote of elected S.C.C. members at a meeting of the S.C.C. Any proposed amendments must be submitted to the Chairperson prior to the meeting.

Created 03•2015Page 1