TUESDAY, 8/27/13



Dear St. Joseph, head of the most perfect household, foster father of Jesus and guardian of His mother Mary, we ask that through your powerful intercession with God, that you assist us with our decision-making process. Enlighten our minds as faithful disciples of Jesus, to be open to new ideas and to respectfully and patiently work with one another. Teach us to do what is right in the eyes of God, and give us clear vision and firmness of decision to represent all members of our parish community. Amen.


P / A / P / A / P / A
Pastor / Board of Ed President / Joe Krebs (2) / X
Fr. Gerry Reinersman / X / Jill Ritter / X / Tim Taylor (2) / X
Associate Pastor / Council Members / Jim Zilliox (2) / X
Fr. Mathias Wamala / X / Rick Parker – President (3) / X / Don Branch (1) / X
Deacon / Joel Stroup – Vice President (2) / X
Tim Schabell / X / Margaret Braun– Secretary (3) / X
Principal / Greg Calhoun (3) / X
Melissa Holzmacher / X / Kathy Parker (3) / X
Business Manager / Tom Rawe (3) / X
Lee Kessen / X / Tom Benke (2) / X

P=Present and A=Absent




June meeting minutes were amended and approved.

Moved by: Jim Zilliox Seconded by:Tom Rawe



PASTOR’S REPORT - Fr. Reinersman

  • Adult Faith Formation Opportunities

a) September 7 (9:00am – 3:00pm) - Vatican II Conference

b) September 21 - Passion & Purposewith Matthew Kelley – St. Mary, Hyde Park

c) September 28 – 29 - Women’s Christ Renews His Parish

d) EPIC Church History course with Fr. Wamala

  • Sunday Family Mass Attendance card program resumes for this school year
  • Classrooms

The four classrooms in the lower level of church will be converted to a meeting room and three rooms for a pre-school program and Sunday pre-school. Lynn Donnermeyer is in the process of furnishing the rooms she’ll need. Lee Kessen and I have discussed renovations needed for the meeting room.

  • Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal

As of July 31, 2013, 610 households have contributed or pledged $146,528 toward our $116,300 goal; giving us a potential rebate of $30,228 to be used toward our parking lot repairs next year.

  • St Vincent de Paul Pantry Proposal

SVdP has requested space be given for them to keep a pantry. This will help them purchase food in quantities when on sale or in bulk. Then when they need to take food to a family, they can use the pantry they have set up here at the parish. SVdP will stock and manage the pantry. I have two concerns:first, whether the four food drives per year the pantry will require is too many on top of the drives we already have. Second, the other pantries we are now supplying may be adversely affected. What is the council’s thinking about these two concerns?

  • Finance Committee

The Finance Committee wants to include one page of data showing how St. Joseph parishioners contribute their time and talent to the parish mission and to social outreach projects. Stewardship Committee to take on gathering this data for the report.

Tom Munninghoff and Fr. Reinersman are planning sessions to inform parishioners about the good fortune the parish has received in the Charitable Remainder Trust and two Charitable Lead Trusts. We also want to invite parishioners to consider how they might build on the Catholic Education Endowment established with the CLTs in their own estate planning.

  • Parish Council Installation

Fr. Reinersman wants to publicly install members of Parish Council at 11:30am Sunday Mass, September 22.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT- Melissa Holzmacher

  • We’re off to a great start! The first and second graders are getting settled in their new location. The sixth graders are beaming. They love being downstairs and they love having lockers. Every student that I have spoken to has something positive to say. Even though the 6th grade curriculum has not changed, the students are excited to have more teachers and be changing classes. The eighth graders are very protective of the “white shirts.”
  • Picture Day will be Wednesday, August 28th.
  • A representative from the Boy Scouts was here during lunch times to speak to the boys about joining the scouts on Tuesday, August 27th. There will be a sign up for scouts on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30 in the Activity Center.
  • Jimmy Jones is retiring from St. Joe’s. His last day will be August 30th. We have already signed him up to be a volunteer in the cafeteria. John Sena has been hired to fill the custodian position.
  • Wednesday, September 4th is the Parent Meeting for all parents of students in grades K – 8. We will begin in Memorial Hall at 7:00 pm.
  • Sarah Schamblin will be returning to continue our band. We will have a presentation for grades 4, 5, & 6 on Wednesday, September 4th. For those interested in learning more and trying out instruments parents and students are invited to Instrument Try outs on Monday, September 9th at 7:00 pm.
  • Grandfolks Day is Friday, September 13th. More information will be coming home soon about this event.
  • The Scholastic Book Fair will be the week of September 23 – 27. Family Night is Thursday, September 26th.


Parish School of Religion (as reported via Steven Fischer)

  • No report

Adult Faith Formation (as reported via Vicki Klocke)

  • RCIA: We started our sessions on Tuesday, August 20. First Rite will be on Sunday, September 22 at 9:30 Mass. All rites and dismissals will be at 9:30 Mass this year. Currently 5 people in process, but that is changing quickly with latecomers, so I expect to have more. Still looking for a couple of sponsors and then will have another sponsor training.
  • AFF: We will follow up the very successful "Quick Journey Through the Bible" from last spring with "EPIC: A Journey through Church History" another DVD-based series from Ascension Press which will be facilitated by Fr. Matthias. It is 20 sessions so we will have 10 in the fall and 10 in the winter/spring. Study will be Monday evenings and Tuesday mornings beginning September 23. We will have a sign-up opportunity after all Masses on September 7-8. I am working with Carrie Hamberg to set up an online registration through our parish website and constant contact. This will make it easier for people to register and also easier for us to administer. Other AFF plans will be discussed at an AFF committee meeting on September 9.


  • Parking lot, Memorial Hall roof, and gym door projects all completed.
  • Wireless in the school is almost completed.
  • Expanding security system to install internal/external cameras on parish property.
  • Our new lawnmower and trailer was stolen a couple of weeks ago.


  • No report



The Finance Committee assists the pastor and Parish Council in planning, providing, and supervising the parish financial resources for the current and future needs by utilizing solid and effective financial planning.

Finance Council met 8/21/13

Attendees: Ron Barrow, Lee Kesson, Fr. Reinersman, Tom Munninghoff, Tom Rawe, Kate Beck, Jennifer Hall (Board of Ed.), Joe Butts

  • Fr. Gerry updated the council on the Tuition Assistance program status.
  • Audit of Parish books starts 9/4/13 by an outside firm.
  • Discussed theme of annual update to the Parish and the layout of the brochure. Most of the format will remain the same to give consistent views of parish finances from year to year. The Golden Campaign section will be replaced with a Planned Giving section. An explanation of how Planned Giving assists the parish in our mission of Catholic Education will be included. The status of capital projects will be added. A summary of the many ways in which St. Joseph parishioners practice stewardship will be included. The parish contacts for our involvement in the many ministries will be asked for a summary of our participation over the past year.


The Maintenance, Planning & Development Committee assists the pastor in developing, planning, and communicating the long term strategic plans of the parish to meet the present and future needs of its parishioners while effectively utilizing its resources to enhance and maintain the parish plant and facilities.

  • The three main projects were completed over the summer – Memorial Hall roof, gym doors and parking lot pavement.
  • Begin to plan/prioritize projects for next summer.
  • Begin to convert old classrooms into meeting space.


The Public Relations & Communications Committee promotes and develops the Parish Family Concept through the celebration of special events and activities that offer opportunities for spiritual growth, and keeps the parish informed utilizing available technology (website & emails).

  • The Seniors sponsored Fellowship Sunday on 8/18 and things went very well.
  • Next Fellowship Sunday will be sponsored by the Women’s CRHP on 9/15.


The Social Action and Outreach committee fosters a climate of openness and inclusion among the members of our parish (especially those that do not have children or extended families within the parish), reaches out to those in material and spiritual need, and increases awareness of the available support services.

  • Festival gross was up from last year. Final numbers are yet to be determined.
  • Giving Fields are doing well. Produce has been good considering the wet planting season.

STEWARDSHIP REPORT (Deacon Tim, Tim Taylor)

The Stewardship Committee organizes the Time, Talent, and Treasures of our parish and appropriates them accordingly.

  • The work at The Pointe was a great success. Thanks to those who came out to help with cleaning up the place. We would like to do another clean up in the Fall/Winter.

LITURGY & WORSHIP REPORT (Kathy Parker, Rick Parker, Joel Stroup)

The Liturgy & Worship Committee enhances and encourages full participation in a prayerful liturgical experience for the assembly while fostering the ongoing conversion and spirit of evangelization in the parish.

  • Nothing to report.


The Youth & Family Committee welcomes families (particularly those with young children) to participate in fellowship opportunities they provide.

  • The Parish Picnic will take place after 5:00pm Mass on September 7. Music and food will be provided and the movie “Brave” will be shown.
  • Council members to review current by-laws and bring suggestions to our September meeting.
  • Jason Gerring has accepted our invitation to join Council.


  • Mapping Committee will begin.

Lord Jesus, we, as council members, pray for the grace and strength from your Holy Spirit to help us complete the work needed for our parish. Help us to be patient and helpful to each other as we work together with our parish organizations and school to meet the challenges that face us. Never let us forget that what we have in common far outweighs any differences we might have. Guide our efforts so that we might accomplish much in your name for the good of all. Help us to place love and service to God before all else and to show true Christian love to one another. Amen.

ADJOURNMENT:Moved by: Joel StroupSeconded by: Joe Krebs

NEXT MEETING: Regular meeting: Tuesday, September 24, 2013

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