Constitution of the Associated Students of Saint Mary’s College1
Associated Students of Saint Mary’s College
The Associated Students of Saint Mary’s College serves as liaisons on behalf of the entire undergraduate student body to create positive campus-wide change by attending to student needs, promoting clubs and organizations, and collaborating with the students and college administration.
Article IThe Association
Section 1.01 Name
The name of the traditional undergraduate government shall be the Associated Students of Saint Mary’s College of California, hereafter referred to as the Associated Students. The undergraduate populationas a whole shall be hereafter referred to as the Association.
Section 1.02 Authority
The authority of this constitution is the basis for the conduct of all business in the Associated Students. The Associated Students’ constitution, bylaws, andelection code, shall form the authoritative base for allgovernment policies. The final authority of the Associated Students shall in perpetuity be vested in the members of the Association and enumerated by this constitution, superseding all other official documentation of the Associated Students.
Section 1.03 Membership & Organization
- All registered undergraduate students of Saint Mary’s College of California shall be members of the Association.
- All undergraduate student organizations may petition to be recognized by the Associated Students.
- There are three branches of the Associated Students government: executive, legislative, and judicial.
Section 1.04 Rights of Membership
- Each member of the Association shall be entitled to all rights guaranteed in the Associated Students’ constitution, bylaws, and election code.
- Each member of the Association shall be entitled to one vote in elections in which he or she is a constituent.
Section 1.05 Representation
The Associated Students shall be the primary representative of the traditional undergraduate student body at Saint Mary’s College of California.
Section 1.06 Freedom of Information
- All records of any Associated Students entity must be available for review by the College community with the exception of proprietary business information of the Associated Students, legal counsel records, and personnel records of employees. Every other Associated Students organization must allow open access to all records.
- All meetings of the Associated Students’ legislative branch, with the exception of committee of the whole meetings,committees, and boards, shall be open for observation to all members of the Association. Committees and boards may be open to observation at the discretion of the body’s chair.
- All openminutes of meetings of Associated Students’legislative branchmust be made available with all due haste.
Article IIThe Executive Branch
Section 2.01 Executive Authority
The executive authority of the Association shall be vested in the executive council of the Associated Students.
Section 2.02 Composition
The executive council shall be composed of the Associated Students president, the vice president for administration, vice president for finance and the vice president for student affairs.
Section 2.03 Executive Council Meetings
The executive council shall meet at the discretion of the Associated Students president.
Section 2.04 Associated Students President
The Associated Students president shall be the chief executive officer of the Saint Mary’s College Association and the head of the Associated Students government.
The president shall be granted all rights enumerated in the bylaws.
A. The president shall perform all duties prescribed in the bylaws.
B. The president shall be elected by the process outlined in the bylaws and election code.
Section 2.05 Associated Students Vice President for Administration
The associated students vice president for administration shall be the chief operating officer of the Saint Mary’s College Association and the chair of the Associated Students Senate.
A. The vice president for administration shall be granted all rights enumerated in the bylaws.
B. The vice president for administration shall perform all duties prescribed in the bylaws.
- The vice president for administration shall be elected by the process outlined in the bylaws and election code.
- The vice president for administration shall assume the office of president in any case of presidential vacancy.
Section 2.06 Associated Students Vice President for Student Affairs
The Associated Students vice president for student affairs shall be a specialized operating officer of the Saint Mary’s College Association and oversees all organizations recognized by Associated Students.
A. The vice president for student affairs shall be granted all rights enumerated in the bylaws.
B.The vice president for student affairs shall perform all duties prescribed in the bylaws.
C. The vice president for student affairs shall be elected by the process outlined in the bylaws and election code.
Section 2.07 Associated Students Vice President for Finance
The Associated Students vice president for finance shall be the chief financial officer of the Saint Mary’s
College Association, and the overseer of all financial processes.
A.The vice president for finance shall be granted all rights enumerated in the bylaws.
B.The vice president for finance shall perform all duties prescribed in the bylaws.
C. The vice president for finance shall be elected by the process outlined in the bylaws and election code.
Section 2.08 Terms of Office
A. The executive council shall assume office at noon on the first day of May.
B. All officers serve one-year terms.
C. Provided the qualifications outlined in the bylaws are met, there are no term limits.
Article IIIThe Legislative Branch
Section 3.01 Representative Authority
The legislative authority of the Association shall be vested in the Associated Students Senate.
Section 3.02 Composition
The Associated Students Senate shall be composed of twentymembers. Each undergraduate class shall elect fiverepresentatives. Each elected representative shall be eligible to one vote each inall legislative and procedural matters. The vice president for administration shall vote only in the case of a tie.
Section 3.03 Senate Resolutions
Resolutions are the official documentation of the will of the student body of Saint Mary’s College as approved by the elected Senate. General resolutions require an affirmative majority for passage, and do not take effect until approved by the Associated Students president.
Section 3.04 Speaker of the Senate
The Senate shall elect a Speaker amongst itself to serve as the chief representative of the Senate.
A. The speaker shall be granted all rights enumerated in the bylaws.
B. The speaker shall perform all duties prescribed in the bylaws.
C. The speaker shall be elected by the process outlined in the bylaws.
Section 3.05 Rights and Responsibilities
A. The Senate shall reserve the right to pass resolutions by affirmative majority vote.
B. The Senate shall reserve the right to create, supervise, or dissolve any club, organization, or media of the Association, in accordance with the constitution and bylaws.
C. The Senate shall reserve final review of any and all decisions of the Association boards and committees.
Section 3.06 Senate Quorum
A. Quorum shall be defined as two-thirds of the voting members of the Senate present and voting.
B. No official business or official voting can take place if there is a lack of quorum at any time during the meeting.
Section 3.07Committees
Committees exist and function as stated in the bylaws. Committees can be created by means stated in the bylaws.
Section 3.08 Discipline
A member of the Senate may be dismissed from office only in the following ways:
A. Senators shall be placed on probation or expelled only through means expressed in the bylaws and election code.
B. Any member of the government ineligible because of a violation of the student code of conduct shall be removed in a method consistent with the bylaws.
C. The Association may vote to recall a member of the Senate in accordance with the bylaws andelection code.
D. The Senate may, by a two-thirds affirmative vote, expel a member of the Senate, by a docketed resolution. The member named in the expulsion resolution shall have the right to speak in his or her defense before the vote takes place.
Article IVThe Judicial Branch
Section 4.01 Judicial Authority
The judicial authority of the Association shall be vested in the judicial tribunal of the Associated Students.
Section 4.02 Purpose
The judicial tribunal shall hear and make determinations concerning all petitions and appeals arising from the action or lack of action of any officer, representative, or any group of officers and/or representatives. The judicial tribunal shall uphold the constitution, bylaws, election code,and the Saint Mary’s College of California student code of conduct.
Article VElections
Section 5.01 Election Mandates
The Associated Students shall conduct at least two general elections per year. One general election shall be in fall and one general election shall be in spring. The executive council election shall be held in the spring. Run-off elections may be held in those races that are not satisfactorily determined, in accordance with the constitution, bylaws, and election code.
Section 5.02 Election Commission
The election commission shall be responsible for ensuring the legitimacy of election candidates, procedures, and results, in accordance with the constitution, bylaws, and election code.
Section 5.03 Procedure
Elections shall be conducted in accordance with the constitution, bylaws, election code, and student code of conduct. If a situation arises where the previously stated documents are not applicable, the election commission may decide to grant the executive council full authority in conduction of any election.
Article VIFinance
Section 6.01 Policy
The finance policies of the Associated Students shall adhere to generally acceptedaccounting principles (G.A.A.P.), bylaws, and pertinent College business policies.
Section 6.02 Association Fee
A. All members of the Association, as defined under Article I, shall pay a student body fee, which shall serve as the principle source of revenue for the Associated Students.
B. The student body fee shall be recommended to the college board of trustees and affirmed by a majority of the finance committee, and subsequently, the Senate.
C. Students who are enrolled on a per-credit basis shall be billed yearly according to a formula approved by the majority of the Senate, at the recommendation by the finance committee
Section 6.03 Documentation
The Finance Board shall present the following documents for Senate confirmation:
A. Budget Allocation Framework – estimate of allocation of funds to expenditure categories to be determined by the Finance Committee. To be presented to the Senate at least two weeks prior to the introduction of the Annual Association Budget.
B. Annual Association Budget – formal allocation of funds to Association entities. To be presented and approved by the Senate prior to the first day of May.
Article VIIAdoption
This constitution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the Association. They nullify and
supersede all previous constitutions.